author Kim Alvefur <zash@zash.se>
Tue, 14 May 2024 17:07:47 +0200
changeset 13494 6f840763fc73
parent 12979 d10957394a3c
permissions -rw-r--r--
net.server_epoll: Add support for systemd socket activation Allows creating listening sockets and accepting client connections before Prosody starts. This is unlike normal Prosody dynamic resource management, where ports may added and removed at any time, and the ports defined by the config. Weird things happen if these are closed (e.g. due to reload) so here we prevent closing and ensure sockets are reused when opened again.

-- Prosody IM
-- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild
-- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain
-- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
-- COPYING file in the source package for more information.

local select = select;
local match, sub = string.match, string.sub;
local nodeprep = require "prosody.util.encodings".stringprep.nodeprep;
local nameprep = require "prosody.util.encodings".stringprep.nameprep;
local resourceprep = require "prosody.util.encodings".stringprep.resourceprep;

local escapes = {
	[" "] = "\\20"; ['"'] = "\\22";
	["&"] = "\\26"; ["'"] = "\\27";
	["/"] = "\\2f"; [":"] = "\\3a";
	["<"] = "\\3c"; [">"] = "\\3e";
	["@"] = "\\40"; ["\\"] = "\\5c";
local unescapes = {};
local backslash_escapes = {};
for k,v in pairs(escapes) do
	unescapes[v] = k;
	backslash_escapes[v] = v:gsub("\\", escapes)

local _ENV = nil;
-- luacheck: std none

local function split(jid)
	if jid == nil then return; end
	local node, nodepos = match(jid, "^([^@/]+)@()");
	local host, hostpos = match(jid, "^([^@/]+)()", nodepos);
	local resource = host and match(jid, "^/(.+)$", hostpos);
	if (host == nil) or ((resource == nil) and #jid >= hostpos) then return nil, nil, nil; end
	return node, host, resource;

local function bare(jid)
	local node, host = split(jid);
	if node ~= nil and host ~= nil then
		return node.."@"..host;
	return host;

local function prepped_split(jid, strict)
	local node, host, resource = split(jid);
	if host ~= nil and host ~= "." then
		if sub(host, -1, -1) == "." then -- Strip empty root label
			host = sub(host, 1, -2);
		host = nameprep(host, strict);
		if host == nil then return; end
		if node ~= nil then
			node = nodeprep(node, strict);
			if node == nil then return; end
		if resource ~= nil then
			resource = resourceprep(resource, strict);
			if resource == nil then return; end
		return node, host, resource;

local function join(node, host, resource)
	if host == nil then return end
	if node ~= nil and resource ~= nil then
		return node.."@"..host.."/"..resource;
	elseif node ~= nil then
		return node.."@"..host;
	elseif resource ~= nil then
		return host.."/"..resource;
	return host;

local function prep(jid, strict)
	local node, host, resource = prepped_split(jid, strict);
	return join(node, host, resource);

local function compare(jid, acl)
	-- compare jid to single acl rule
	-- TODO compare to table of rules?
	local jid_node, jid_host, jid_resource = split(jid);
	local acl_node, acl_host, acl_resource = split(acl);
	if (acl_node == nil or acl_node == jid_node) and
		(acl_host == nil or acl_host == jid_host) and
		(acl_resource == nil or acl_resource == jid_resource) then
		return true
	return false

local function node(jid)
	return (select(1, split(jid)));

local function host(jid)
	return (select(2, split(jid)));

local function resource(jid)
	return (select(3, split(jid)));

-- TODO Forbid \20 at start and end of escaped output per XEP-0106 v1.1
local function escape(s) return s and (s:gsub("\\%x%x", backslash_escapes):gsub("[\"&'/:<>@ ]", escapes)); end
local function unescape(s) return s and (s:gsub("\\%x%x", unescapes)); end

return {
	split = split;
	bare = bare;
	prepped_split = prepped_split;
	join = join;
	prep = prep;
	compare = compare;
	node = node;
	host = host;
	resource = resource;
	escape = escape;
	unescape = unescape;