author Kim Alvefur <zash@zash.se>
Tue, 14 May 2024 17:07:47 +0200
changeset 13494 6f840763fc73
parent 13408 034c7af177f0
permissions -rw-r--r--
net.server_epoll: Add support for systemd socket activation Allows creating listening sockets and accepting client connections before Prosody starts. This is unlike normal Prosody dynamic resource management, where ports may added and removed at any time, and the ports defined by the config. Weird things happen if these are closed (e.g. due to reload) so here we prevent closing and ensure sockets are reused when opened again.

local st = require "prosody.util.stanza";
local xtemplate = require "prosody.util.xtemplate";

describe("util.xtemplate", function ()
	describe("render()", function ()
		it("works", function ()
			assert.same("Hello", xtemplate.render("{greeting}", st.stanza("root"):text_tag("greeting", "Hello")), "regular text content")
			assert.same("Hello", xtemplate.render("{#}", st.stanza("root"):text("Hello")), "top tag text content")
			assert.same("Hello", xtemplate.render("{greeting/@en}", st.stanza("root"):tag("greeting", { en = "Hello" })), "attribute")
		it("supports conditionals", function ()
			local atom_tmpl = "{@pubsub:title|and{*{@pubsub:title}*\n\n}}{summary|or{{author/name|and{{author/name} posted }}{title}}}";
			local atom_data = st.stanza("entry", { xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" });
			assert.same("", xtemplate.render(atom_tmpl, atom_data));

			atom_data:text_tag("title", "an Entry")
			assert.same("an Entry", xtemplate.render(atom_tmpl, atom_data));

			assert.same("Juliet posted an Entry", xtemplate.render(atom_tmpl, atom_data));

			atom_data:text_tag("summary", "Juliet just posted a new entry");
			assert.same("Juliet just posted a new entry", xtemplate.render(atom_tmpl, atom_data));

			atom_data.attr["xmlns:pubsub"] = "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub";
			atom_data.attr["pubsub:title"] = "Juliets musings";
			assert.same("*Juliets musings*\n\nJuliet just posted a new entry", xtemplate.render(atom_tmpl, atom_data));
		it("can strip surrounding whitespace", function ()
			assert.same("Hello ", xtemplate.render(" {-greeting} ", st.stanza("root"):text_tag("greeting", "Hello")))
			assert.same(" Hello", xtemplate.render(" {greeting-} ", st.stanza("root"):text_tag("greeting", "Hello")))
			assert.same("Hello", xtemplate.render(" {-greeting-} ", st.stanza("root"):text_tag("greeting", "Hello")))
		describe("each", function ()
			it("makes sense", function ()
				local x = st.stanza("root"):tag("foo"):tag("bar")
				for i = 1, 5 do x:text_tag("i", tostring(i)); end
				assert.same("12345", xtemplate.render("{foo/bar|each(i){{#}}}", x));