author Matthew Wild <mwild1@gmail.com>
Fri, 07 Oct 2022 11:35:56 +0100
changeset 12749 2cbf0e9314ff
parent 12584 a9dbf657c894
child 12822 74ed772ff5fb
permissions -rw-r--r--
mod_smacks: Change boolean attribute from '1' to 'true' for compatibility Conversations 2.10.10 and earlier expect this to be literally 'true' and don't recognise '1'. This leads to it not attempting resumption with Prosody at all since this change was introduced in 36ba170c4fd0. Thanks to Zash for noticing, debugging and diagnosing this issue. This issue is fixed in Conversations commit 052c58f3 (unreleased at the time of writing).

local st
local xml
local map

	st = require "util.stanza";
	xml = require "util.xml";
	map = require "util.datamapper";

describe("util.datamapper", function()

	local s, x, d
	local disco, disco_info, disco_schema

		-- a convenience function for simple attributes, there's a few of them
		local function attr() return {["$ref"]="#/$defs/attr"} end
		s = {
			["$defs"] = { attr = { type = "string"; xml = { attribute = true } } };
			type = "object";
			xml = {name = "message"; namespace = "jabber:client"};
			properties = {
				to = attr();
				from = attr();
				type = attr();
				id = attr();
				body = true; -- should be assumed to be a string
				lang = {type = "string"; xml = {attribute = true; prefix = "xml"}};
				delay = {
					type = "object";
					xml = {namespace = "urn:xmpp:delay"; name = "delay"};
					properties = {stamp = attr(); from = attr(); reason = {type = "string"; xml = {text = true}}};
				state = {
					type = "string";
					enum = {
					xml = {x_name_is_value = true; namespace = "http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates"};
				fallback = {
					type = "boolean";
					xml = {x_name_is_value = true; name = "fallback"; namespace = "urn:xmpp:fallback:0"};
				origin_id = {
					type = "string";
					xml = {name = "origin-id"; namespace = "urn:xmpp:sid:0"; x_single_attribute = "id"};
				react = {
					type = "object";
					xml = {namespace = "urn:xmpp:reactions:0"; name = "reactions"};
					properties = {
						to = {type = "string"; xml = {attribute = true; name = "id"}};
						-- should be assumed to be array since it has 'items'
						reactions = { items = { xml = { name = "reaction" } } };
				stanza_ids = {
					type = "array";
					items = {
						xml = {name = "stanza-id"; namespace = "urn:xmpp:sid:0"};
						type = "object";
						properties = {
							id = attr();
							by = attr();

		x = xml.parse [[
				<message xmlns="jabber:client" xml:lang="en" to="a@test" from="b@test" type="chat" id="1">
				<delay xmlns='urn:xmpp:delay' from='test' stamp='2021-03-07T15:59:08+00:00'>Because</delay>
				<UNRELATED xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates'/>
				<active xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates'/>
				<fallback xmlns='urn:xmpp:fallback:0'/>
				<origin-id xmlns='urn:xmpp:sid:0' id='qgkmMdPB'/>
				<stanza-id xmlns='urn:xmpp:sid:0' id='abc1' by='muc'/>
				<stanza-id xmlns='urn:xmpp:sid:0' id='xyz2' by='host'/>
				<reactions id='744f6e18-a57a-11e9-a656-4889e7820c76' xmlns='urn:xmpp:reactions:0'>

		d = {
			to = "a@test";
			from = "b@test";
			type = "chat";
			id = "1";
			lang = "en";
			body = "Hello";
			delay = {from = "test"; stamp = "2021-03-07T15:59:08+00:00"; reason = "Because"};
			state = "active";
			fallback = true;
			origin_id = "qgkmMdPB";
			stanza_ids = {{id = "abc1"; by = "muc"}; {id = "xyz2"; by = "host"}};
			react = {
				to = "744f6e18-a57a-11e9-a656-4889e7820c76";
				reactions = {

		disco_schema = {
			["$defs"] = { attr = { type = "string"; xml = { attribute = true } } };
			type = "object";
			xml = {
				name = "iq";
				namespace = "jabber:client"
			properties = {
				to = attr();
				from = attr();
				type = attr();
				id = attr();
				disco = {
					type = "object";
					xml = {
						name = "query";
						namespace	= "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info"
					properties = {
						features = {
							type = "array";
							items = {
								type = "string";
								xml = {
									name = "feature";
									x_single_attribute = "var";

		disco_info = xml.parse[[
		<iq type="result" id="disco1" from="example.com">
			<query xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info">
				<feature var="urn:example:feature:1">wrong</feature>
				<feature var="urn:example:feature:2"/>
				<feature var="urn:example:feature:3"/>
				<unrelated var="urn:example:feature:not"/>

		disco = {
			disco = {
				features = {

	describe("parse", function()
		it("works", function()
			assert.same(d, map.parse(s, x));

		it("handles arrays", function ()
			assert.same(disco, map.parse(disco_schema, disco_info));

		it("deals with locally built stanzas", function()
			-- FIXME this could also be argued to be a util.stanza problem
			local ver_schema = {
				type = "object";
				xml = {name = "iq"};
				properties = {
					type = {type = "string"; xml = {attribute = true}};
					id = {type = "string"; xml = {attribute = true}};
					version = {
						type = "object";
						xml = {name = "query"; namespace = "jabber:iq:version"};
						-- properties should be assumed to be strings
						properties = {name = true; version = {}; os = {}};
			local ver_st = st.iq({type = "result"; id = "v1"})
					:text_tag("name", "Prosody")
					:text_tag("version", "trunk")
					:text_tag("os", "Lua 5.3")

			local data = {type = "result"; id = "v1"; version = {name = "Prosody"; version = "trunk"; os = "Lua 5.3"}}
			assert.same(data, map.parse(ver_schema, ver_st));


	describe("unparse", function()
		it("works", function()
			local u = map.unparse(s, d);
			assert.equal("message", u.name);
			assert.same(x.attr, u.attr);
			assert.equal(x:get_child_text("body"), u:get_child_text("body"));
			assert.equal(x:get_child_text("delay", "urn:xmpp:delay"), u:get_child_text("delay", "urn:xmpp:delay"));
			assert.same(x:get_child("delay", "urn:xmpp:delay").attr, u:get_child("delay", "urn:xmpp:delay").attr);
			assert.same(x:get_child("origin-id", "urn:xmpp:sid:0").attr, u:get_child("origin-id", "urn:xmpp:sid:0").attr);
			assert.same(x:get_child("reactions", "urn:xmpp:reactions:0").attr, u:get_child("reactions", "urn:xmpp:reactions:0").attr);
			assert.same(2, #u:get_child("reactions", "urn:xmpp:reactions:0").tags);
			for _, tag in ipairs(x.tags) do
				if tag.name ~= "UNRELATED" then
					assert.truthy(u:get_child(tag.name, tag.attr.xmlns) or u:get_child(tag.name), tag:top_tag())
			assert.equal(#x.tags-1, #u.tags)


		it("handles arrays", function ()
			local u = map.unparse(disco_schema, disco);
			assert.equal("urn:example:feature:1", u:find("{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info}query/feature/@var"))
			local n = 0;
			for child in u:get_child("query", "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info"):childtags("feature") do
				n = n + 1;
				assert.equal(string.format("urn:example:feature:%d", n), child.attr.var);
