mod_storage_sql2: Remove from 0.9
authorMatthew Wild <>
Thu, 11 Jul 2013 15:08:47 +0100
changeset 5736 72a1f769c36f
parent 5730 411e9e7d8035
child 5737 3be189b50394
child 5745 a1b0cfebeeba
mod_storage_sql2: Remove from 0.9
--- a/plugins/mod_storage_sql2.lua	Wed Jul 10 07:45:10 2013 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-local json = require "util.json";
-local resolve_relative_path = require "core.configmanager".resolve_relative_path;
-local mod_sql = module:require("sql");
-local params = module:get_option("sql");
-local engine; -- TODO create engine
-local function create_table()
-	--[[local Table,Column,Index = mod_sql.Table,mod_sql.Column,mod_sql.Index;
-	local ProsodyTable = Table {
-		name="prosody";
-		Column { name="host", type="TEXT", nullable=false };
-		Column { name="user", type="TEXT", nullable=false };
-		Column { name="store", type="TEXT", nullable=false };
-		Column { name="key", type="TEXT", nullable=false };
-		Column { name="type", type="TEXT", nullable=false };
-		Column { name="value", type="TEXT", nullable=false };
-		Index { name="prosody_index", "host", "user", "store", "key" };
-	};
-	engine:transaction(function()
-		ProsodyTable:create(engine);
-	end);]]
-	if not module:get_option("sql_manage_tables", true) then
-		return;
-	end
-	local create_sql = "CREATE TABLE `prosody` (`host` TEXT, `user` TEXT, `store` TEXT, `key` TEXT, `type` TEXT, `value` TEXT);";
-	if params.driver == "PostgreSQL" then
-		create_sql = create_sql:gsub("`", "\"");
-	elseif params.driver == "MySQL" then
-		create_sql = create_sql:gsub("`value` TEXT", "`value` MEDIUMTEXT")
-			:gsub(";$", " CHARACTER SET 'utf8' COLLATE 'utf8_bin';");
-	end
-	local index_sql = "CREATE INDEX `prosody_index` ON `prosody` (`host`, `user`, `store`, `key`)";
-	if params.driver == "PostgreSQL" then
-		index_sql = index_sql:gsub("`", "\"");
-	elseif params.driver == "MySQL" then
-		index_sql = index_sql:gsub("`([,)])", "`(20)%1");
-	end
-	local success,err = engine:transaction(function()
-		engine:execute(create_sql);
-		engine:execute(index_sql);
-	end);
-	if not success then -- so we failed to create
-		if params.driver == "MySQL" then
-			success,err = engine:transaction(function()
-				local result = engine:execute("SHOW COLUMNS FROM prosody WHERE Field='value' and Type='text'");
-				if result:rowcount() > 0 then
-					module:log("info", "Upgrading database schema...");
-					engine:execute("ALTER TABLE prosody MODIFY COLUMN `value` MEDIUMTEXT");
-					module:log("info", "Database table automatically upgraded");
-				end
-				return true;
-			end);
-			if not success then
-				module:log("error", "Failed to check/upgrade database schema (%s), please see "
-					.." for help",
-					err or "unknown error");
-			end
-		end
-	end
-local function set_encoding()
-	if params.driver ~= "SQLite3" then
-		local set_names_query = "SET NAMES 'utf8';";
-		if params.driver == "MySQL" then
-			set_names_query = set_names_query:gsub(";$", " COLLATE 'utf8_bin';");
-		end
-		local success,err = engine:transaction(function() return engine:execute(set_names_query); end);
-		if not success then
-			module:log("error", "Failed to set database connection encoding to UTF8: %s", err);
-			return;
-		end
-		if params.driver == "MySQL" then
-			-- COMPAT w/pre-0.9: Upgrade tables to UTF-8 if not already
-			local check_encoding_query = "SELECT `COLUMN_NAME`,`COLUMN_TYPE` FROM `information_schema`.`columns` WHERE `TABLE_NAME`='prosody' AND ( `CHARACTER_SET_NAME`!='utf8' OR `COLLATION_NAME`!='utf8_bin' );";
-			local success,err = engine:transaction(function()
-				local result = engine:execute(check_encoding_query);
-				local n_bad_columns = result:rowcount();
-				if n_bad_columns > 0 then
-					module:log("warn", "Found %d columns in prosody table requiring encoding change, updating now...", n_bad_columns);
-					local fix_column_query1 = "ALTER TABLE `prosody` CHANGE `%s` `%s` BLOB;";
-					local fix_column_query2 = "ALTER TABLE `prosody` CHANGE `%s` `%s` %s CHARACTER SET 'utf8' COLLATE 'utf8_bin';";
-					for row in result:rows() do
-						local column_name, column_type = unpack(row);
-						engine:execute(fix_column_query1:format(column_name, column_name));
-						engine:execute(fix_column_query2:format(column_name, column_name, column_type));
-					end
-					module:log("info", "Database encoding upgrade complete!");
-				end
-			end);
-			local success,err = engine:transaction(function() return engine:execute(check_encoding_query); end);
-			if not success then
-				module:log("error", "Failed to check/upgrade database encoding: %s", err or "unknown error");
-			end
-		end
-	end
-do -- process options to get a db connection
-	params = params or { driver = "SQLite3" };
-	if params.driver == "SQLite3" then
-		params.database = resolve_relative_path( or ".", params.database or "prosody.sqlite");
-	end
-	assert(params.driver and params.database, "Both the SQL driver and the database need to be specified");
-	--local dburi = db2uri(params);
-	engine = mod_sql:create_engine(params);
-	-- Encoding mess
-	set_encoding();
-	-- Automatically create table, ignore failure (table probably already exists)
-	create_table();
-local function serialize(value)
-	local t = type(value);
-	if t == "string" or t == "boolean" or t == "number" then
-		return t, tostring(value);
-	elseif t == "table" then
-		local value,err = json.encode(value);
-		if value then return "json", value; end
-		return nil, err;
-	end
-	return nil, "Unhandled value type: "..t;
-local function deserialize(t, value)
-	if t == "string" then return value;
-	elseif t == "boolean" then
-		if value == "true" then return true;
-		elseif value == "false" then return false; end
-	elseif t == "number" then return tonumber(value);
-	elseif t == "json" then
-		return json.decode(value);
-	end
-local host =;
-local user, store;
-local function keyval_store_get()
-	local haveany;
-	local result = {};
-	for row in engine:select("SELECT `key`,`type`,`value` FROM `prosody` WHERE `host`=? AND `user`=? AND `store`=?", host, user, store) do
-		haveany = true;
-		local k = row[1];
-		local v = deserialize(row[2], row[3]);
-		if k and v then
-			if k ~= "" then result[k] = v; elseif type(v) == "table" then
-				for a,b in pairs(v) do
-					result[a] = b;
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	if haveany then
-		return result;
-	end
-local function keyval_store_set(data)
-	engine:delete("DELETE FROM `prosody` WHERE `host`=? AND `user`=? AND `store`=?", host, user, store);
-	if data and next(data) ~= nil then
-		local extradata = {};
-		for key, value in pairs(data) do
-			if type(key) == "string" and key ~= "" then
-				local t, value = serialize(value);
-				assert(t, value);
-				engine:insert("INSERT INTO `prosody` (`host`,`user`,`store`,`key`,`type`,`value`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)", host, user, store, key, t, value);
-			else
-				extradata[key] = value;
-			end
-		end
-		if next(extradata) ~= nil then
-			local t, extradata = serialize(extradata);
-			assert(t, extradata);
-			engine:insert("INSERT INTO `prosody` (`host`,`user`,`store`,`key`,`type`,`value`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)", host, user, store, "", t, extradata);
-		end
-	end
-	return true;
-local keyval_store = {};
-keyval_store.__index = keyval_store;
-function keyval_store:get(username)
-	user,store = username,;
-	return select(2, engine:transaction(keyval_store_get));
-function keyval_store:set(username, data)
-	user,store = username,;
-	return engine:transaction(function()
-		return keyval_store_set(data);
-	end);
-function keyval_store:users()
-	return engine:transaction(function()
-		return engine:select("SELECT DISTINCT `user` FROM `prosody` WHERE `host`=? AND `store`=?", host,;
-	end);
-local driver = {};
-function driver:open(store, typ)
-	if not typ then -- default key-value store
-		return setmetatable({ store = store }, keyval_store);
-	end
-	return nil, "unsupported-store";
-function driver:stores(username)
-	local sql = "SELECT DISTINCT `store` FROM `prosody` WHERE `host`=? AND `user`" ..
-		(username == true and "!=?" or "=?");
-	if username == true or not username then
-		username = "";
-	end
-	return engine:transaction(function()
-		return engine:select(sql, host, username);
-	end);
-function driver:purge(username)
-	return engine:transaction(function()
-		local stmt,err = engine:delete("DELETE FROM `prosody` WHERE `host`=? AND `user`=?", host, username);
-		return true,err;
-	end);
-module:provides("storage", driver);