httppeer: always add x-hg* headers to Vary header
authorGregory Szorc <>
Tue, 10 Apr 2018 16:53:44 -0700
changeset 37555 930c433eb311
parent 37554 301a1d2e8016
child 37556 b77aa48ba690
httppeer: always add x-hg* headers to Vary header Before, we manually updated the Vary header value for each header contributing to it. All X-Hg* headers are reserved for the Mercurial protocol and could have caching implications. So it makes sense to always add these headers to Vary. A test revealed that X-HgArgs-Post wasn't being added to Vary. This is only sent on POST requests. POST requests generally aren't cacheable. However, it is possible if the server sends the appropriate headers. Mercurial shouldn't be sending those headers. But let's not take any chances. Differential Revision:
--- a/mercurial/	Tue Apr 10 13:41:21 2018 -0700
+++ b/mercurial/	Tue Apr 10 16:53:44 2018 -0700
@@ -158,7 +158,6 @@
     ui.debug("sending %s command\n" % cmd)
     q = [('cmd', cmd)]
     headersize = 0
-    varyheaders = []
     # Important: don't use self.capable() here or else you end up
     # with infinite recursion when trying to look up capabilities
     # for the first time.
@@ -194,7 +193,6 @@
             for header, value in encodevalueinheaders(encargs, 'X-HgArg',
                 headers[header] = value
-                varyheaders.append(header)
         # Send arguments via query string (Mercurial <1.9).
             q += sorted(args.items())
@@ -238,10 +236,14 @@
                                             headersize or 1024)
         for header, value in protoheaders:
             headers[header] = value
+    varyheaders = []
+    for header in headers:
+        if header.lower().startswith(r'x-hg'):
     if varyheaders:
-        headers[r'Vary'] = r','.join(varyheaders)
+        headers[r'Vary'] = r','.join(sorted(varyheaders))
     req = requestbuilder(pycompat.strurl(cu), data, headers)
--- a/tests/test-http-bad-server.t	Tue Apr 10 13:41:21 2018 -0700
+++ b/tests/test-http-bad-server.t	Tue Apr 10 16:53:44 2018 -0700
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
 Now do a variation using POST to send arguments
-  $ hg serve --config experimental.httppostargs=true --config badserver.closeafterrecvbytes=361,330 -p $HGPORT -d -E error.log
+  $ hg serve --config experimental.httppostargs=true --config badserver.closeafterrecvbytes=375,344 -p $HGPORT -d -E error.log
   $ cat > $DAEMON_PIDS
   $ hg clone http://localhost:$HGPORT/ clone
@@ -210,12 +210,12 @@
   $ cat error.log
-  readline(361 from 65537) -> (33) GET /?cmd=capabilities HTTP/1.1\r\n
-  readline(328 from -1) -> (27) Accept-Encoding: identity\r\n
-  readline(301 from -1) -> (19) vary: X-HgProto-1\r\n
-  readline(282 from -1) -> (27) x-hgproto-1: partial-pull\r\n
-  readline(255 from -1) -> (35) accept: application/mercurial-0.1\r\n
-  readline(220 from -1) -> (2?) host: localhost:$HGPORT\r\n (glob)
+  readline(375 from 65537) -> (33) GET /?cmd=capabilities HTTP/1.1\r\n
+  readline(342 from -1) -> (27) Accept-Encoding: identity\r\n
+  readline(315 from -1) -> (19) vary: X-HgProto-1\r\n
+  readline(296 from -1) -> (27) x-hgproto-1: partial-pull\r\n
+  readline(269 from -1) -> (35) accept: application/mercurial-0.1\r\n
+  readline(234 from -1) -> (2?) host: localhost:$HGPORT\r\n (glob)
   readline(* from -1) -> (49) user-agent: mercurial/proto-1.0 (Mercurial 4.2)\r\n (glob)
   readline(* from -1) -> (2) \r\n (glob)
   write(36) -> HTTP/1.1 200 Script output follows\r\n
@@ -225,17 +225,17 @@
   write(21) -> Content-Length: 449\r\n
   write(2) -> \r\n
   write(449) -> batch branchmap bundle2=HG20%0Abookmarks%0Achangegroup%3D01%2C02%0Adigests%3Dmd5%2Csha1%2Csha512%0Aerror%3Dabort%2Cunsupportedcontent%2Cpushraced%2Cpushkey%0Ahgtagsfnodes%0Alistkeys%0Apushkey%0Aremote-changegroup%3Dhttp%2Chttps%0Arev-branch-cache changegroupsubset compression=none getbundle httpheader=1024 httpmediatype=0.1rx,0.1tx,0.2tx httppostargs known lookup pushkey streamreqs=generaldelta,revlogv1 unbundle=HG10GZ,HG10BZ,HG10UN unbundlehash
-  readline\(14[67] from 65537\) -> \(2[67]\) POST /\?cmd=batch HTTP/1.1\\r\\n (re)
-  readline\(1(19|20) from -1\) -> \(27\) Accept-Encoding: identity\\r\\n (re)
-  readline(9? from -1) -> (41) content-type: application/mercurial-0.1\r\n (glob)
-  readline(5? from -1) -> (19) vary: X-HgProto-1\r\n (glob)
+  readline(1?? from 65537) -> (27) POST /?cmd=batch HTTP/1.1\r\n (glob)
+  readline(1?? from -1) -> (27) Accept-Encoding: identity\r\n (glob)
+  readline(1?? from -1) -> (41) content-type: application/mercurial-0.1\r\n (glob)
+  readline(6? from -1) -> (33) vary: X-HgArgs-Post,X-HgProto-1\r\n (glob)
   readline(3? from -1) -> (19) x-hgargs-post: 28\r\n (glob)
   readline(1? from -1) -> (1?) x-hgproto-1: * (glob)
   read limit reached; closing socket
-  readline(330 from 65537) -> (27) POST /?cmd=batch HTTP/1.1\r\n
-  readline(303 from -1) -> (27) Accept-Encoding: identity\r\n
-  readline(276 from -1) -> (41) content-type: application/mercurial-0.1\r\n
-  readline(235 from -1) -> (19) vary: X-HgProto-1\r\n
+  readline(344 from 65537) -> (27) POST /?cmd=batch HTTP/1.1\r\n
+  readline(317 from -1) -> (27) Accept-Encoding: identity\r\n
+  readline(290 from -1) -> (41) content-type: application/mercurial-0.1\r\n
+  readline(249 from -1) -> (33) vary: X-HgArgs-Post,X-HgProto-1\r\n
   readline(216 from -1) -> (19) x-hgargs-post: 28\r\n
   readline(197 from -1) -> (61) x-hgproto-1: 0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$ partial-pull\r\n
   readline(136 from -1) -> (35) accept: application/mercurial-0.1\r\n