author Arseniy Alekseyev <aalekseyev@janestreet.com>
Fri, 26 Apr 2024 19:10:35 +0100
changeset 51626 865efc020c33
parent 41496 e095a9688a31
permissions -rw-r--r--
dirstate: remove the python-side whitelist of allowed matchers This whitelist is too permissive because it allows matchers that contain disallowed ones deep inside, for example through `intersectionmatcher`. It is also too restrictive because it doesn't pass through some of the matchers we support, such as `patternmatcher`. It's also unnecessary because unsupported matchers raise `FallbackError` and we fall back anyway. Making this change makes more of the tests use rust code path, and therefore subtly change behavior. For example, rust status in largefiles repos seems to have strange behavior.

#require svn svn-bindings

  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
  > [extensions]
  > convert =
  > EOF

  $ svnadmin create svn-repo
  $ svnadmin load -q svn-repo < "$TESTDIR/svn/move.svndump"
  $ SVNREPOPATH=`pwd`/svn-repo

Convert trunk and branches

  $ hg convert --datesort "$SVNREPOURL"/subproject A-hg
  initializing destination A-hg repository
  scanning source...
  13 createtrunk
  12 moved1
  11 moved1
  10 moved2
  9 changeb and rm d2
  8 changeb and rm d2
  7 moved1again
  6 moved1again
  5 copyfilefrompast
  4 copydirfrompast
  3 add d3
  2 copy dir and remove subdir
  1 add d4old
  0 rename d4old into d4new

  $ cd A-hg
  $ hg log -G --template '{rev} {desc|firstline} files: {files}\n'
  o  13 rename d4old into d4new files: d4new/g d4old/g
  o  12 add d4old files: d4old/g
  o  11 copy dir and remove subdir files: d3/d31/e d4/d31/e d4/f
  o  10 add d3 files: d3/d31/e d3/f
  o  9 copydirfrompast files: d2/d
  o  8 copyfilefrompast files: d
  o  7 moved1again files: d1/b d1/c
  | o  6 moved1again files:
  | |
  o |  5 changeb and rm d2 files: d1/b d2/d
  | |
  | o  4 changeb and rm d2 files: b
  | |
  o |  3 moved2 files: d2/d
  | |
  o |  2 moved1 files: d1/b d1/c
  | |
  | o  1 moved1 files: b c
  o  0 createtrunk files:

Check move copy records

  $ hg st --rev 12:13 --copies
  A d4new/g
  R d4old/g

Check branches

  $ hg branches
  default                       13:* (glob)
  d1                             6:* (glob)
  $ cd ..

  $ mkdir test-replace
  $ cd test-replace
  $ svnadmin create svn-repo
  $ svnadmin load -q svn-repo < "$TESTDIR/svn/replace.svndump"

Convert files being replaced by directories

  $ hg convert svn-repo hg-repo
  initializing destination hg-repo repository
  scanning source...
  6 initial
  5 clobber symlink
  4 clobber1
  3 clobber2
  2 adddb
  1 clobberdir
  0 branch

  $ cd hg-repo

Manifest before

  $ hg -v manifest -r 1
  644   a
  644   d/b
  644   d2/a
  644 @ dlink
  644 @ dlink2
  644   dlink3

Manifest after clobber1

  $ hg -v manifest -r 2
  644   a/b
  644   d/b
  644   d2/a
  644   dlink/b
  644 @ dlink2
  644   dlink3

Manifest after clobber2

  $ hg -v manifest -r 3
  644   a/b
  644   d/b
  644   d2/a
  644   dlink/b
  644 @ dlink2
  644 @ dlink3

Manifest after clobberdir

  $ hg -v manifest -r 6
  644   a/b
  644   d/b
  644   d2/a
  644   d2/c
  644   dlink/b
  644 @ dlink2
  644 @ dlink3

Try updating

  $ hg up -qC default
  $ cd ..

Test convert progress bar

  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
  > [progress]
  > assume-tty = 1
  > delay = 0
  > changedelay = 0
  > format = topic bar number
  > refresh = 0
  > width = 60
  > EOF

  $ hg convert svn-repo hg-progress
  \r (no-eol) (esc)
  scanning [=====>                                      ] 1/7\r (no-eol) (esc)
  scanning [===========>                                ] 2/7\r (no-eol) (esc)
  scanning [=================>                          ] 3/7\r (no-eol) (esc)
  scanning [========================>                   ] 4/7\r (no-eol) (esc)
  scanning [==============================>             ] 5/7\r (no-eol) (esc)
  scanning [====================================>       ] 6/7\r (no-eol) (esc)
  scanning [===========================================>] 7/7\r (no-eol) (esc)
                                                              \r (no-eol) (esc)
  \r (no-eol) (esc)
  converting [                                          ] 0/7\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [=====>                                 ] 1/6\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [============>                          ] 2/6\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [==================>                    ] 3/6\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [=========================>             ] 4/6\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [===============================>       ] 5/6\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [======================================>] 6/6\r (no-eol) (esc)
                                                              \r (no-eol) (esc)
  \r (no-eol) (esc)
  converting [=====>                                    ] 1/7\r (no-eol) (esc)
  scanning paths [                                      ] 0/1\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [======================================>] 1/1\r (no-eol) (esc)
                                                              \r (no-eol) (esc)
  \r (no-eol) (esc)
  converting [===========>                              ] 2/7\r (no-eol) (esc)
  scanning paths [                                      ] 0/2\r (no-eol) (esc)
  scanning paths [==================>                   ] 1/2\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [========>                              ] 1/4\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [==================>                    ] 2/4\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [============================>          ] 3/4\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [======================================>] 4/4\r (no-eol) (esc)
                                                              \r (no-eol) (esc)
  \r (no-eol) (esc)
  converting [=================>                        ] 3/7\r (no-eol) (esc)
  scanning paths [                                      ] 0/1\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [======================================>] 1/1\r (no-eol) (esc)
                                                              \r (no-eol) (esc)
  \r (no-eol) (esc)
  converting [=======================>                  ] 4/7\r (no-eol) (esc)
  scanning paths [                                      ] 0/1\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [======================================>] 1/1\r (no-eol) (esc)
                                                              \r (no-eol) (esc)
  \r (no-eol) (esc)
  converting [=============================>            ] 5/7\r (no-eol) (esc)
  scanning paths [                                      ] 0/1\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [===>                                   ] 1/8\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [========>                              ] 2/8\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [=============>                         ] 3/8\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [==================>                    ] 4/8\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [=======================>               ] 5/8\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [============================>          ] 6/8\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [=================================>     ] 7/8\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [======================================>] 8/8\r (no-eol) (esc)
                                                              \r (no-eol) (esc)
  \r (no-eol) (esc)
  converting [===================================>      ] 6/7\r (no-eol) (esc)
  scanning paths [                                      ] 0/3\r (no-eol) (esc)
  scanning paths [===========>                          ] 1/3\r (no-eol) (esc)
  scanning paths [========================>             ] 2/3\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [===>                                   ] 1/8\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [========>                              ] 2/8\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [=============>                         ] 3/8\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [==================>                    ] 4/8\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [=======================>               ] 5/8\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [============================>          ] 6/8\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [=================================>     ] 7/8\r (no-eol) (esc)
  getting files [======================================>] 8/8\r (no-eol) (esc)
                                                              \r (no-eol) (esc)
  initializing destination hg-progress repository
  scanning source...
  6 initial
  5 clobber symlink
  4 clobber1
  3 clobber2
  2 adddb
  1 clobberdir
  0 branch

  $ cd ..