author Arseniy Alekseyev <aalekseyev@janestreet.com>
Fri, 26 Apr 2024 19:10:35 +0100
changeset 51626 865efc020c33
parent 50728 80c8dcfb73c6
permissions -rw-r--r--
dirstate: remove the python-side whitelist of allowed matchers This whitelist is too permissive because it allows matchers that contain disallowed ones deep inside, for example through `intersectionmatcher`. It is also too restrictive because it doesn't pass through some of the matchers we support, such as `patternmatcher`. It's also unnecessary because unsupported matchers raise `FallbackError` and we fall back anyway. Making this change makes more of the tests use rust code path, and therefore subtly change behavior. For example, rust status in largefiles repos seems to have strange behavior.

# hgdemandimport - global demand-loading of modules for Mercurial
# Copyright 2017 Facebook Inc.
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

'''demandimport - automatic demand-loading of modules'''

# This is in a separate package from mercurial because in Python 3,
# demand loading is per-package. Keeping demandimport in the mercurial package
# would disable demand loading for any modules in mercurial.

import os
import sys

from . import demandimportpy3 as demandimport

# Full module names which can't be lazy imported.
# Extensions can add to this set.
    # ImportError during pkg_resources/__init__.py:fixup_namespace_package
    'nt',  # pathlib2 tests the existence of built-in 'nt' module
    'win32com.shell',  # 'appdirs' tries to import win32com.shell
    '_winreg',  # 2.7 mimetypes needs immediate ImportError
    # imported by tarfile, not available under Windows
    # imported by profile, itself imported by hotshot.stats,
    # not available under Windows
    # this trips up many extension authors
    # setuptools' pkg_resources.py expects "from __main__ import x" to
    # raise ImportError if x not defined
    '_ast',  # https://bugs.python.org/issue41631
    '_ssl',  # conditional imports in the stdlib, issue1964
    '_sre',  # issue4920
    'sqlalchemy.events',  # has import-time side effects (issue5085)
    'sqlalchemy.dialects',  # similar problems as above
    # setuptools 8 expects this module to explode early when not on windows
    'urwid.command_map',  # for pudb
    # setuptools uses this hack to inject it's own distutils at import time

_pypy = '__pypy__' in sys.builtin_module_names

if _pypy:
    # _ctypes.pointer is shadowed by "from ... import pointer" (PyPy 5)
    # pure Python module on PyPy, must be loaded to raise ModuleNotFoundError
    # on non-Windows platforms


# Re-export.
isenabled = demandimport.isenabled
disable = demandimport.disable
deactivated = demandimport.deactivated

def enable():
    # chg pre-imports modules so do not enable demandimport for it
    if (
        'CHGINTERNALMARK' not in os.environ
        and os.environ.get('HGDEMANDIMPORT') != 'disable'