author Arseniy Alekseyev <>
Fri, 26 Apr 2024 19:10:35 +0100
changeset 51626 865efc020c33
parent 32570 92bcaef3420b
permissions -rw-r--r--
dirstate: remove the python-side whitelist of allowed matchers This whitelist is too permissive because it allows matchers that contain disallowed ones deep inside, for example through `intersectionmatcher`. It is also too restrictive because it doesn't pass through some of the matchers we support, such as `patternmatcher`. It's also unnecessary because unsupported matchers raise `FallbackError` and we fall back anyway. Making this change makes more of the tests use rust code path, and therefore subtly change behavior. For example, rust status in largefiles repos seems to have strange behavior.

# A simple script for opening merge conflicts in editor
# A loose translation of contrib/editmerge to powershell
# Please make sure that both editmergeps.bat and editmerge.ps1 are available
# via %PATH% and use the following Mercurial settings to enable it
# [ui]
# editmergeps
# editmergeps.args=$output
# editmergeps.check=changed
# editmergeps.premerge=keep


function Get-Lines
  Select-String "^<<<<<<" $file | % {"$($_.LineNumber)"}

$ed = $Env:HGEDITOR;
if ($ed -eq $nil)
  $ed = $Env:VISUAL;
if ($ed -eq $nil)
  $ed = $Env:EDITOR;
if ($ed -eq $nil)
  $ed = $(hg showconfig ui.editor);
if ($ed -eq $nil)
  Write-Error "merge failed - unable to find editor"
  exit 1

if (($ed -eq "vim") -or ($ed -eq "emacs") -or `
    ($ed -eq "nano") -or ($ed -eq "notepad++"))
  $lines = Get-Lines
  $firstline = if ($lines.Length -gt 0) { $lines[0] } else { $nil }
  $previousline = $nil;

  # open the editor to the first conflict until there are no more
  # or the user stops editing the file
  while (($firstline -ne $nil) -and ($firstline -ne $previousline))
    if ($ed -eq "notepad++")
        $linearg = "-n$firstline"
        $linearg = "+$firstline"

    Start-Process -Wait -NoNewWindow $ed $linearg,$file
    $previousline = $firstline
    $lines = Get-Lines
    $firstline = if ($lines.Length -gt 0) { $lines[0] } else { $nil }
  & "$ed" $file

if ($conflicts.Length -ne 0)
  Write-Output "merge failed - resolve the conflicts (line $conflicts) then use 'hg resolve --mark'"
  exit 1

exit 0