author Martin von Zweigbergk <>
Wed, 25 Apr 2018 09:24:07 -0700
changeset 37819 ee3d58b4a47f
parent 32570 92bcaef3420b
permissions -rw-r--r--
revlog: make pure version of _partialmatch() support 40-byte hex nodeids Without this patch, test-histedit-arguments.t would fail when run with --pure. It turned out to be because the pure version of _partialmatch() does not support full 40-byte hex nodeids. When histedit's instructions include things like "pick tip", it resolves the "tip" revision early to a full nodeid (but plain hex nodeid prefixes are not resolved to full nodeids). Then the nodeid (full or not) is looked up using to a full nodeid later. This step is what fails in pure mode. It has been failing since my c4131138eadb (histedit: look up partial nodeid as partial nodeid, 2018-04-06). I haven't verified, but I suspect histedit instructions like "pick <full hex nodeid>" would have been failing before my commit too, though. The fix is trivial: change a "< 40" to "<= 40". Differential Revision:

# A simple script for opening merge conflicts in editor
# A loose translation of contrib/editmerge to powershell
# Please make sure that both editmergeps.bat and editmerge.ps1 are available
# via %PATH% and use the following Mercurial settings to enable it
# [ui]
# editmergeps
# editmergeps.args=$output
# editmergeps.check=changed
# editmergeps.premerge=keep


function Get-Lines
  Select-String "^<<<<<<" $file | % {"$($_.LineNumber)"}

$ed = $Env:HGEDITOR;
if ($ed -eq $nil)
  $ed = $Env:VISUAL;
if ($ed -eq $nil)
  $ed = $Env:EDITOR;
if ($ed -eq $nil)
  $ed = $(hg showconfig ui.editor);
if ($ed -eq $nil)
  Write-Error "merge failed - unable to find editor"
  exit 1

if (($ed -eq "vim") -or ($ed -eq "emacs") -or `
    ($ed -eq "nano") -or ($ed -eq "notepad++"))
  $lines = Get-Lines
  $firstline = if ($lines.Length -gt 0) { $lines[0] } else { $nil }
  $previousline = $nil;

  # open the editor to the first conflict until there are no more
  # or the user stops editing the file
  while (($firstline -ne $nil) -and ($firstline -ne $previousline))
    if ($ed -eq "notepad++")
        $linearg = "-n$firstline"
        $linearg = "+$firstline"

    Start-Process -Wait -NoNewWindow $ed $linearg,$file
    $previousline = $firstline
    $lines = Get-Lines
    $firstline = if ($lines.Length -gt 0) { $lines[0] } else { $nil }
  & "$ed" $file

if ($conflicts.Length -ne 0)
  Write-Output "merge failed - resolve the conflicts (line $conflicts) then use 'hg resolve --mark'"
  exit 1

exit 0