changeset 45204 ce9ee81df9ff
parent 45203 ae5c1a3bc339
child 45300 dc457177dbc1
--- a/mercurial/	Mon Jul 06 23:14:52 2020 +0200
+++ b/mercurial/	Tue Jul 07 00:18:15 2020 +0200
@@ -2771,145 +2771,6 @@
         """Returns the wlock if it's held, or None if it's not."""
         return self._currentlock(self._wlockref)
-    def _filecommit(
-        self, fctx, manifest1, manifest2, linkrev, tr, includecopymeta,
-    ):
-        """
-        commit an individual file as part of a larger transaction
-        input:
-            fctx:       a file context with the content we are trying to commit
-            manifest1:  manifest of changeset first parent
-            manifest2:  manifest of changeset second parent
-            linkrev:    revision number of the changeset being created
-            tr:         current transation
-            individual: boolean, set to False to skip storing the copy data
-                        (only used by the Google specific feature of using
-                        changeset extra as copy source of truth).
-        output: (filenode, touched)
-            filenode: the filenode that should be used by this changeset
-            touched:  one of: None, 'added' or 'modified'
-        """
-        fname = fctx.path()
-        fparent1 = manifest1.get(fname, nullid)
-        fparent2 = manifest2.get(fname, nullid)
-        touched = None
-        if fparent1 == fparent2 == nullid:
-            touched = 'added'
-        if isinstance(fctx, context.filectx):
-            # This block fast path most comparisons which are usually done. It
-            # assumes that bare filectx is used and no merge happened, hence no
-            # need to create a new file revision in this case.
-            node = fctx.filenode()
-            if node in [fparent1, fparent2]:
-                self.ui.debug(b'reusing %s filelog entry\n' % fname)
-                if (
-                    fparent1 != nullid
-                    and manifest1.flags(fname) != fctx.flags()
-                ) or (
-                    fparent2 != nullid
-                    and manifest2.flags(fname) != fctx.flags()
-                ):
-                    touched = 'modified'
-                return node, touched
-        flog = self.file(fname)
-        meta = {}
-        cfname = fctx.copysource()
-        fnode = None
-        if cfname and cfname != fname:
-            # Mark the new revision of this file as a copy of another
-            # file.  This copy data will effectively act as a parent
-            # of this new revision.  If this is a merge, the first
-            # parent will be the nullid (meaning "look up the copy data")
-            # and the second one will be the other parent.  For example:
-            #
-            # 0 --- 1 --- 3   rev1 changes file foo
-            #   \       /     rev2 renames foo to bar and changes it
-            #    \- 2 -/      rev3 should have bar with all changes and
-            #                      should record that bar descends from
-            #                      bar in rev2 and foo in rev1
-            #
-            # this allows this merge to succeed:
-            #
-            # 0 --- 1 --- 3   rev4 reverts the content change from rev2
-            #   \       /     merging rev3 and rev4 should use bar@rev2
-            #    \- 2 --- 4        as the merge base
-            #
-            cnode = manifest1.get(cfname)
-            newfparent = fparent2
-            if manifest2:  # branch merge
-                if fparent2 == nullid or cnode is None:  # copied on remote side
-                    if cfname in manifest2:
-                        cnode = manifest2[cfname]
-                        newfparent = fparent1
-            # Here, we used to search backwards through history to try to find
-            # where the file copy came from if the source of a copy was not in
-            # the parent directory. However, this doesn't actually make sense to
-            # do (what does a copy from something not in your working copy even
-            # mean?) and it causes bugs (eg, issue4476). Instead, we will warn
-            # the user that copy information was dropped, so if they didn't
-            # expect this outcome it can be fixed, but this is the correct
-            # behavior in this circumstance.
-            if cnode:
-                self.ui.debug(
-                    b" %s: copy %s:%s\n" % (fname, cfname, hex(cnode))
-                )
-                if includecopymeta:
-                    meta[b"copy"] = cfname
-                    meta[b"copyrev"] = hex(cnode)
-                fparent1, fparent2 = nullid, newfparent
-            else:
-                self.ui.warn(
-                    _(
-                        b"warning: can't find ancestor for '%s' "
-                        b"copied from '%s'!\n"
-                    )
-                    % (fname, cfname)
-                )
-        elif fparent1 == nullid:
-            fparent1, fparent2 = fparent2, nullid
-        elif fparent2 != nullid:
-            # is one parent an ancestor of the other?
-            fparentancestors = flog.commonancestorsheads(fparent1, fparent2)
-            if fparent1 in fparentancestors:
-                fparent1, fparent2 = fparent2, nullid
-            elif fparent2 in fparentancestors:
-                fparent2 = nullid
-            elif not fparentancestors:
-                # TODO: this whole if-else might be simplified much more
-                ms =
-                if (
-                    fname in ms
-                    and ms[fname] == mergestatemod.MERGE_RECORD_MERGED_OTHER
-                ):
-                    fparent1, fparent2 = fparent2, nullid
-        # is the file changed?
-        text =
-        if fparent2 != nullid or meta or flog.cmp(fparent1, text):
-            if touched is None:  # do not overwrite added
-                touched = 'modified'
-            fnode = flog.add(text, meta, tr, linkrev, fparent1, fparent2)
-        # are just the flags changed during merge?
-        elif fname in manifest1 and manifest1.flags(fname) != fctx.flags():
-            touched = 'modified'
-            fnode = fparent1
-        else:
-            fnode = fparent1
-        return fnode, touched
     def checkcommitpatterns(self, wctx, match, status, fail):
         """check for commit arguments that aren't committable"""
         if match.isexact() or match.prefix():