changeset 45203 ae5c1a3bc339
parent 45202 31393ec06cef
child 45204 ce9ee81df9ff
--- a/mercurial/	Mon Jul 06 19:13:19 2020 +0200
+++ b/mercurial/	Mon Jul 06 23:14:52 2020 +0200
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
+    commit,
@@ -46,7 +47,6 @@
     match as matchmod,
     mergestate as mergestatemod,
-    metadata,
@@ -3067,201 +3067,7 @@
     def commitctx(self, ctx, error=False, origctx=None):
-        """Add a new revision to current repository.
-        Revision information is passed via the context argument.
-        ctx.files() should list all files involved in this commit, i.e.
-        modified/added/removed files. On merge, it may be wider than the
-        ctx.files() to be committed, since any file nodes derived directly
-        from p1 or p2 are excluded from the committed ctx.files().
-        origctx is for convert to work around the problem that bug
-        fixes to the files list in changesets change hashes. For
-        convert to be the identity, it can pass an origctx and this
-        function will use the same files list when it makes sense to
-        do so.
-        """
-        p1, p2 = ctx.p1(), ctx.p2()
-        user = ctx.user()
-        if self.filecopiesmode == b'changeset-sidedata':
-            writechangesetcopy = True
-            writefilecopymeta = True
-            writecopiesto = None
-        else:
-            writecopiesto = self.ui.config(b'experimental', b'copies.write-to')
-            writefilecopymeta = writecopiesto != b'changeset-only'
-            writechangesetcopy = writecopiesto in (
-                b'changeset-only',
-                b'compatibility',
-            )
-        p1copies, p2copies = None, None
-        if writechangesetcopy:
-            p1copies = ctx.p1copies()
-            p2copies = ctx.p2copies()
-        filesadded, filesremoved = None, None
-        with self.lock(), self.transaction(b"commit") as tr:
-            trp = weakref.proxy(tr)
-            if ctx.manifestnode():
-                # reuse an existing manifest revision
-                self.ui.debug(b'reusing known manifest\n')
-                mn = ctx.manifestnode()
-                files = ctx.files()
-                if writechangesetcopy:
-                    filesadded = ctx.filesadded()
-                    filesremoved = ctx.filesremoved()
-            elif not ctx.files():
-                self.ui.debug(b'reusing manifest from p1 (no file change)\n')
-                mn = p1.manifestnode()
-                files = []
-            else:
-                m1ctx = p1.manifestctx()
-                m2ctx = p2.manifestctx()
-                mctx = m1ctx.copy()
-                m =
-                m1 =
-                m2 =
-                # check in files
-                added = []
-                filesadded = []
-                removed = list(ctx.removed())
-                touched = []
-                linkrev = len(self)
-                self.ui.note(_(b"committing files:\n"))
-                uipathfn = scmutil.getuipathfn(self)
-                for f in sorted(ctx.modified() + ctx.added()):
-                    self.ui.note(uipathfn(f) + b"\n")
-                    try:
-                        fctx = ctx[f]
-                        if fctx is None:
-                            removed.append(f)
-                        else:
-                            added.append(f)
-                            m[f], is_touched = self._filecommit(
-                                fctx, m1, m2, linkrev, trp, writefilecopymeta,
-                            )
-                            if is_touched:
-                                touched.append(f)
-                                if writechangesetcopy and is_touched == 'added':
-                                    filesadded.append(f)
-                            m.setflag(f, fctx.flags())
-                    except OSError:
-                        self.ui.warn(
-                            _(b"trouble committing %s!\n") % uipathfn(f)
-                        )
-                        raise
-                    except IOError as inst:
-                        errcode = getattr(inst, 'errno', errno.ENOENT)
-                        if error or errcode and errcode != errno.ENOENT:
-                            self.ui.warn(
-                                _(b"trouble committing %s!\n") % uipathfn(f)
-                            )
-                        raise
-                # update manifest
-                removed = [f for f in removed if f in m1 or f in m2]
-                drop = sorted([f for f in removed if f in m])
-                for f in drop:
-                    del m[f]
-                if p2.rev() != nullrev:
-                    rf = metadata.get_removal_filter(ctx, (p1, p2, m1, m2))
-                    removed = [f for f in removed if not rf(f)]
-                touched.extend(removed)
-                if writechangesetcopy:
-                    filesremoved = removed
-                files = touched
-                md = None
-                if not files:
-                    # if no "files" actually changed in terms of the changelog,
-                    # try hard to detect unmodified manifest entry so that the
-                    # exact same commit can be reproduced later on convert.
-                    md = m1.diff(m, scmutil.matchfiles(self, ctx.files()))
-                if not files and md:
-                    self.ui.debug(
-                        b'not reusing manifest (no file change in '
-                        b'changelog, but manifest differs)\n'
-                    )
-                if files or md:
-                    self.ui.note(_(b"committing manifest\n"))
-                    # we're using narrowmatch here since it's already applied at
-                    # other stages (such as dirstate.walk), so we're already
-                    # ignoring things outside of narrowspec in most cases. The
-                    # one case where we might have files outside the narrowspec
-                    # at this point is merges, and we already error out in the
-                    # case where the merge has files outside of the narrowspec,
-                    # so this is safe.
-                    mn = mctx.write(
-                        trp,
-                        linkrev,
-                        p1.manifestnode(),
-                        p2.manifestnode(),
-                        added,
-                        drop,
-                        match=self.narrowmatch(),
-                    )
-                else:
-                    self.ui.debug(
-                        b'reusing manifest from p1 (listed files '
-                        b'actually unchanged)\n'
-                    )
-                    mn = p1.manifestnode()
-            if writecopiesto == b'changeset-only':
-                # If writing only to changeset extras, use None to indicate that
-                # no entry should be written. If writing to both, write an empty
-                # entry to prevent the reader from falling back to reading
-                # filelogs.
-                p1copies = p1copies or None
-                p2copies = p2copies or None
-                filesadded = filesadded or None
-                filesremoved = filesremoved or None
-            if origctx and origctx.manifestnode() == mn:
-                files = origctx.files()
-            # update changelog
-            self.ui.note(_(b"committing changelog\n"))
-            self.changelog.delayupdate(tr)
-            n = self.changelog.add(
-                mn,
-                files,
-                ctx.description(),
-                trp,
-                p1.node(),
-                p2.node(),
-                user,
-      ,
-                ctx.extra().copy(),
-                p1copies,
-                p2copies,
-                filesadded,
-                filesremoved,
-            )
-            xp1, xp2 = p1.hex(), p2 and p2.hex() or b''
-            self.hook(
-                b'pretxncommit',
-                throw=True,
-                node=hex(n),
-                parent1=xp1,
-                parent2=xp2,
-            )
-            # set the new commit is proper phase
-            targetphase = subrepoutil.newcommitphase(self.ui, ctx)
-            if targetphase:
-                # retract boundary do not alter parent changeset.
-                # if a parent have higher the resulting phase will
-                # be compliant anyway
-                #
-                # if minimal phase was 0 we don't need to retract anything
-                phases.registernew(self, tr, targetphase, [n])
-            return n
+        return commit.commitctx(self, ctx, error=error, origctx=origctx)
     def destroying(self):