Empty to field
authorMyhailo Danylenko <isbear@ukrpost.net>
Sat, 14 Mar 2009 02:41:26 +0200
changeset 12 63f06a23c235
parent 11 a8c6460d612b
child 13 8f502c1477ac
Empty to field * Message with empty to field can be created * Fixed checklm* functions for complex types * Formatting fixes
--- a/lm.lua	Sun Mar 08 00:48:19 2009 +0200
+++ b/lm.lua	Sat Mar 14 02:41:26 2009 +0200
@@ -210,8 +210,8 @@
 	if type ( a ) ~= "table" then
 		error "table expected as argument"
-	if not a.mtype or not a.to then
-		error "you must specify message type and destination"
+	if not a.mtype then
+		error "you must specify message type"
 	local mtype, subtype = a.mtype:match ( "(.-)%-(.+)" )
 	local m
--- a/lm_connection.c	Sun Mar 08 00:48:19 2009 +0200
+++ b/lm_connection.c	Sat Mar 14 02:41:26 2009 +0200
@@ -527,29 +527,29 @@
 static const luaL_Reg reg_f_lm_connection[] = {
 	{ "new",   new_lm_connection       },
 	{ "bless", bless_lua_lm_connection },
-	{ NULL,    NULL                     },
+	{ NULL,    NULL                    },
 static const luaL_Reg reg_m_lm_connection[] = {
-	{ "open",                open_lm_connection                },
-	{ "close",               close_lm_connection               },
-	{ "authenticate",        authenticate_lm_connection        },
-	{ "port",                port_lm_connection                },
-	{ "server",              server_lm_connection              },
-	{ "jid",                 jid_lm_connection                 },
-	{ "keep_alive_rate",     keep_alive_rate_lm_connection     },
-	{ "state",               status_lm_connection              },
-	{ "proxy",               proxy_lm_connection               },
-	{ "ssl",                 ssl_lm_connection                 },
-	{ "send",                send_lm_connection                },
-	{ "handler",             handler_lm_connection             },
-	{ "ondisconnect",        ondisconnect_lm_connection        },
-	{ "open_wait",           open_wait_lm_connection           },
-	{ "authenticate_wait",   authenticate_wait_lm_connection   },
-	{ "send_wait",           send_wait_lm_connection           },
-	{ "pointer",             pointer_lm_connection             },
-	{ "__gc",                gc_lm_connection                  },
-	{ NULL,                  NULL                               },
+	{ "open",              open_lm_connection              },
+	{ "close",             close_lm_connection             },
+	{ "authenticate",      authenticate_lm_connection      },
+	{ "port",              port_lm_connection              },
+	{ "server",            server_lm_connection            },
+	{ "jid",               jid_lm_connection               },
+	{ "keep_alive_rate",   keep_alive_rate_lm_connection   },
+	{ "state",             status_lm_connection            },
+	{ "proxy",             proxy_lm_connection             },
+	{ "ssl",               ssl_lm_connection               },
+	{ "send",              send_lm_connection              },
+	{ "handler",           handler_lm_connection           },
+	{ "ondisconnect",      ondisconnect_lm_connection      },
+	{ "open_wait",         open_wait_lm_connection         },
+	{ "authenticate_wait", authenticate_wait_lm_connection },
+	{ "send_wait",         send_wait_lm_connection         },
+	{ "pointer",           pointer_lm_connection           },
+	{ "__gc",              gc_lm_connection                },
+	{ NULL,                NULL                            },
 int luaopen_lm_connection (lua_State *L)
--- a/lm_message.c	Sun Mar 08 00:48:19 2009 +0200
+++ b/lm_message.c	Sat Mar 14 02:41:26 2009 +0200
@@ -69,13 +69,17 @@
 /// lm.message.new
 /// Creates new message object.
+/// Note: you can specify nil as to argument to send message to server.
 /// A: string (to), message type, message sub type (optional)
 /// R: lm message object
 static int new_lm_message (lua_State *L)
-	const char *to   = luaL_checkstring (L, 1);
+	const char *to   = NULL;
 	int         type = luaL_checkenum (L, 2, type_lm_message);
 	LmMessage *message;
+	if (lua_type (L, 1) != LUA_TNIL)
+		to = luaL_checkstring (L, 1);
 	if (lua_gettop (L) > 2)
 		message = lm_message_new_with_sub_type (to, type,
 						luaL_checkenum (L, 3, sub_type_lm_message));
@@ -142,12 +146,12 @@
 static const luaL_Reg reg_f_lm_message[] = {
 	{ "new",   new_lm_message       },
 	{ "bless", bless_lua_lm_message },
-	{ NULL,    NULL                  },
+	{ NULL,    NULL                 },
 static const luaL_Reg reg_m_lm_message[] = {
-	{ "node",       node_lm_message            },
-	{ "type",       kind_lm_message            },
+	{ "node",       node_lm_message    },
+	{ "type",       kind_lm_message    },
 	// These methods are common for message and message node
 	{ "next",       next_lm_node       },
 	{ "prev",       prev_lm_node       },
@@ -161,9 +165,9 @@
 	{ "xml",        xml_lm_node        },
 	{ "path",       path_lm_node       },
 	// End common methods
-	{ "pointer",    pointer_lm_message         },
-	{ "__gc",       gc_lm_message              },
-	{ NULL,         NULL                        },
+	{ "pointer",    pointer_lm_message },
+	{ "__gc",       gc_lm_message      },
+	{ NULL,         NULL               },
 int luaopen_lm_message (lua_State *L)
--- a/lm_message_handler.c	Sun Mar 08 00:48:19 2009 +0200
+++ b/lm_message_handler.c	Sat Mar 14 02:41:26 2009 +0200
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
 static const luaL_Reg reg_f_lm_handler[] = {
 	{ "new",   new_lm_handler       },
 	{ "bless", bless_lua_lm_handler },
-	{ NULL,    NULL                          },
+	{ NULL,    NULL                 },
 static const luaL_Reg reg_m_lm_handler[] = {
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
 	{ "valid",      valid_lm_handler      },
 	{ "pointer",    pointer_lm_handler    },
 	{ "__gc",       gc_lm_handler         },
-	{ NULL,         NULL                           },
+	{ NULL,         NULL                  },
 int luaopen_lm_message_handler (lua_State *L)
--- a/lm_message_node.c	Sun Mar 08 00:48:19 2009 +0200
+++ b/lm_message_node.c	Sat Mar 14 02:41:26 2009 +0200
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
 static const luaL_Reg reg_f_lm_node[] = {
 	{ "bless", bless_lua_lm_node },
-	{ NULL,    NULL                       },
+	{ NULL,    NULL              },
 static const luaL_Reg reg_m_lm_node[] = {
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
 	{ "path",       path_lm_node       },
 	{ "pointer",    pointer_lm_node    },
 	{ "__gc",       gc_lm_node         },
-	{ NULL,         NULL                        },
+	{ NULL,         NULL               },
 int luaopen_lm_message_node (lua_State *L)
--- a/lm_proxy.c	Sun Mar 08 00:48:19 2009 +0200
+++ b/lm_proxy.c	Sat Mar 14 02:41:26 2009 +0200
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
 static const luaL_Reg reg_f_lm_proxy[] = {
 	{ "new",   new_lm_proxy       },
 	{ "bless", bless_lua_lm_proxy },
-	{ NULL,    NULL                },
+	{ NULL,    NULL               },
 static const luaL_Reg reg_m_lm_proxy[] = {
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
 	{ "password", password_lm_proxy },
 	{ "pointer",  pointer_lm_proxy  },
 	{ "__gc",     gc_lm_proxy       },
-	{ NULL,       NULL               },
+	{ NULL,       NULL              },
 int luaopen_lm_proxy (lua_State *L)
--- a/lm_ssl.c	Sun Mar 08 00:48:19 2009 +0200
+++ b/lm_ssl.c	Sat Mar 14 02:41:26 2009 +0200
@@ -173,14 +173,14 @@
 	{ "new",       new_lm_ssl       },
 	{ "bless",     bless_lua_lm_ssl },
 	{ "supported", supported_lm_ssl },
-	{ NULL,        NULL              },
+	{ NULL,        NULL             },
 const static luaL_Reg reg_m_lm_ssl[] = {
 	{ "fingerprint", fingerprint_lm_ssl },
 	{ "pointer",     pointer_lm_ssl     },
 	{ "__gc",        gc_lm_ssl          },
-	{ NULL,          NULL                },
+	{ NULL,          NULL               },
 int luaopen_lm_ssl (lua_State *L)
--- a/lm_types.c	Sun Mar 08 00:48:19 2009 +0200
+++ b/lm_types.c	Sat Mar 14 02:41:26 2009 +0200
@@ -14,15 +14,15 @@
 	luaL_free (cb->L, cb);
-#define LLM_CHECK(WHAT, TYPE)                                                     \
+#define LLM_CHECK(WHAT, LWHAT, TYPE)                                              \
 llm_##WHAT##_t *luaL_checklm_##WHAT (lua_State *L, int index)                     \
 {                                                                                 \
-	llm_##WHAT##_t *object = luaL_checkudata (L, index, "loudmouth." #WHAT);  \
+	llm_##WHAT##_t *object = luaL_checkudata (L, index, "loudmouth." #LWHAT); \
 	luaL_argcheck (L, object != NULL, index, "loudmouth " #WHAT " expected"); \
 	return object;                                                            \
-#define LLM_BLESS(WHAT, LWHAT, TYPE)                                                   \
+#define LLM_BLESS(WHAT, LWHAT, TYPE)                                            \
 llm_##WHAT##_t *bless_lm_##WHAT (lua_State *L, TYPE *WHAT)                      \
 {                                                                               \
 	llm_##WHAT##_t *object;                              /* top of stack */ \
@@ -33,26 +33,26 @@
 	if (!lua_isnil (L, -1)) {                                /* 2 object */ \
 		lua_remove (L, -2);                              /* 1 object */ \
 		object = lua_touserdata (L, -1);                                \
-		D ("Existing " #LWHAT " object %X requested", (int) object);     \
+		D ("Existing " #LWHAT " object %X requested", (int) object);    \
 		return object;                                                  \
 	}                                                                       \
 	                                                            /* 2 nil */ \
 	lua_remove (L, -1);                              /* 1 registry table */ \
 	object = lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof (llm_##WHAT##_t)); /* 2 userdata */ \
-	luaL_getmetatable (L, "loudmouth." #LWHAT);            /* 3 metatable */ \
+	luaL_getmetatable (L, "loudmouth." #LWHAT);           /* 3 metatable */ \
 	lua_setmetatable (L, -2);                                /* 2 object */ \
 	lua_pushlightuserdata (L, WHAT);                 /* 3 light userdata */ \
 	lua_pushvalue (L, -2);                                   /* 4 object */ \
 	lua_rawset (L, -4);                                      /* 2 object */ \
 	lua_remove (L, -2);                                      /* 1 object */ \
 	object->WHAT = WHAT;                                                    \
-	lm_##LWHAT##_ref (WHAT);                                                 \
-	D ("New " #LWHAT " object %X blessed", (int) object);                    \
+	lm_##LWHAT##_ref (WHAT);                                                \
+	D ("New " #LWHAT " object %X blessed", (int) object);                   \
 	return object;                                                          \
-LLM_CHECK (WHAT, TYPE)         \
 LLM_DEFINE (connection, connection, LmConnection)