author Mikael Berthe <>
Sun, 20 May 2007 12:33:55 +0200
changeset 41 ca6e989ca850
parent 19 f2d744db28b9
permissions -rw-r--r--
rss_plugin: Don't send title if it's part of the headline description

AF: afghanistan
AL: albania
AQ: antarctica
DZ: algeria
AS: american samoa
AD: andorra
AO: angola
AG: antigua and barbuda
AZ: azerbaijan
AR: argentina
AU: australia
AT: austria
BS: bahamas
BH: bahrain
AM: armenia
HU: hungary
IS: iceland
IN: india
ID: indonesia
IR: iran
IQ: iraq
IE: ireland
IL: israel
IT: italy
JM: jamaica
JP: japan
JO: jordan
KZ: kazakhstan
KE: kenya
KI: kiribati
KP: north korea
KR: south korea
KW: kuwait
KG: kyrgyzstan
LA: lao
LA: laos
LV: latvia
LB: lebanon
LS: lesotho
LR: liberia
LY: libyan arab jamahiriya
LY: lybia
LI: liechtenstein
LT: lithuania
LU: luxembourg
MO: macau
MK: macedonia
MG: madagascar
MW: malawi
MY: malaysia
MV: maldives
ML: mali
MT: malta
MH: marshall islands
MQ: martinique
MR: mauritania
MU: mauritius
MX: mexico
FM: micronesia
MD: moldova
MC: monaco
MN: mongolia
MS: montserrat
MA: morocco
MZ: mozambique
MM: myanmar
NA: namibia
NR: nauru
NP: nepal
NL: netherlands
AN: netherlands antilles
NT: neutral zone
NC: new caledonia
NZ: new zealand
NI: nicaragua
NE: niger
NG: nigeria
NU: niue
NF: norfolk island
MP: northern mariana islands
NO: norway
OM: oman
PK: pakistan
PW: palau
PA: panama
PG: papua new guinea
PG: papua
PG: new guinea
PY: paraguay
PE: peru
PH: philippines
PN: pitcairn
PL: poland
PT: portugal
PR: puerto rico
BD: bangladesh
QA: qatar
RE: reunion
RO: romania
RU: russian federation
RW: rwanda
KN: saint kitts and nevis
LC: saint lucia
VC: saint vincent and the grenadines
WS: samoa
SM: san marino
BB: barbados
ST: sao tome and principe
SA: saudi arabia
SN: senegal
SC: seychelles
SL: sierra leone
SG: singapore
SI: slovenia
SB: solomon islands
SO: somalia
ZA: south africa
BY: belarus
ES: spain
LK: sri lanka
SH: st helena
PM: st pierre and miquelon
SD: sudan
SR: suriname
SJ: svalbard and jan mayen islands
SZ: swaziland
SE: sweden
CH: switzerland
BE: belgium
CH: cantons of helvetia
CH: confederation helvetique
SY: syrian arab republic
SY: syria
TW: taiwan
TJ: tajikistan
TZ: tanzania
TH: thailand
TG: togo
TK: tokelau
BZ: belize
TO: tonga
TT: trinidad and tobago
TN: tunisia
TR: turkey
TM: turkmenistan
TC: turks and caicos islands
TV: tuvalu
UG: uganda
UA: ukrainian ssr
AE: united arab emirates
BJ: benin
UK: united kingdom
GB: great britain
US: united states of america
US: united states
UM: united states minor outlying islands
UY: uruguay
SU: ussr
SU: soviet union
UZ: uzbekistan
VU: vanuatu
BM: bermuda
VA: vatican
VA: vatican city state
VE: venezuela
VN: viet nam
VI: virgin islands (us)
VG: virgin islands (uk)
WF: wallis and futuna islands
EH: western sahara
YE: yemen
YU: yugoslavia
BT: bhutan
ZR: zaire
ZM: zambia
ZW: zimbabwe
COM: commercial organization (us)
EDU: educational institution (us)
NET: networking organization (us)
MIL: military (us)
ORG: non-profit organization (us)
GOV: government (us)
KP: korea - democratic people's republic of
BO: bolivia
KR: korea - republic of
LA: lao peoples' democratic republic
SU: russia
SK: slovakia
CZ: czech
ARPA: arpanet (us military)
BA: bosnia
BW: botswana
BV: bouvet island
BR: brazil
IO: british indian ocean territory
BN: brunei darussalam
BN: brunei
BG: bulgaria
BF: burkina faso
BI: burundi
BY: byelorussian ssr
KH: cambodia
CM: cameroon
CA: canada
CV: cap verde
KY: cayman islands
CF: central african republic
TD: chad
CL: chile
CN: china
CX: christmas island
CC: cocos (keeling) islands
CO: colombia
KM: comoros
CG: congo
CK: cook islands
CR: costa rica
AW: aruba
CI: cote d'ivoire
HR: croatia
HR: hrvatska
CU: cuba
CY: cyprus
CS: czechoslovakia
DK: denmark
DJ: djibouti
DM: dominica
DO: dominican republic
TP: east timor
EC: ecuador
EG: egypt
AI: anguilla
SV: el salvador
GQ: equatorial guinea
EE: estonia
ET: ethiopia
FK: falkland islands
FK: malvinas
FO: faroe islands
FJ: fiji
FI: finland
FR: france
GF: french guiana
PF: french polynesia
TF: french southern territories
GA: gabon
GM: gambia
GE: georgia
DE: germany
DE: deutschland
GH: ghana
GI: gibraltar
GR: greece
GL: greenland
GD: grenada
GP: guadeloupe
GU: guam
GT: guatemala
GN: guinea
GW: guinea bissau
GY: gyana
HT: haiti
HM: heard and mc donald islands
HN: honduras
HK: hong kong
afghanistan: AF
albania: AL
antarctica: AQ
algeria: DZ
american samoa: AS
andorra: AD
angola: AO
antigua and barbuda: AG
azerbaijan: AZ
argentina: AR
australia: AU
austria: AT
bahamas: BS
bahrain: BH
armenia: AM
hungary: HU
iceland: IS
india: IN
indonesia: ID
iran: IR
iraq: IQ
ireland: IE
israel: IL
italy: IT
jamaica: JM
japan: JP
jordan: JO
kazakhstan: KZ
kenya: KE
kiribati: KI
north korea: KP
south korea: KR
kuwait: KW
kyrgyzstan: KG
lao: LA
laos: LA
latvia: LV
lebanon: LB
lesotho: LS
liberia: LR
libyan arab jamahiriya: LY
lybia: LY
liechtenstein: LI
lithuania: LT
luxembourg: LU
macau: MO
macedonia: MK
madagascar: MG
malawi: MW
malaysia: MY
maldives: MV
mali: ML
malta: MT
marshall islands: MH
martinique: MQ
mauritania: MR
mauritius: MU
mexico: MX
micronesia: FM
moldova: MD
monaco: MC
mongolia: MN
montserrat: MS
morocco: MA
mozambique: MZ
myanmar: MM
namibia: NA
nauru: NR
nepal: NP
netherlands: NL
netherlands antilles: AN
neutral zone: NT
new caledonia: NC
new zealand: NZ
nicaragua: NI
niger: NE
nigeria: NG
niue: NU
norfolk island: NF
northern mariana islands: MP
norway: NO
oman: OM
pakistan: PK
palau: PW
panama: PA
papua new guinea: PG
papua: PG
new guinea: PG
paraguay: PY
peru: PE
philippines: PH
pitcairn: PN
poland: PL
portugal: PT
puerto rico: PR
bangladesh: BD
qatar: QA
reunion: RE
romania: RO
russian federation: RU
rwanda: RW
saint kitts and nevis: KN
saint lucia: LC
saint vincent and the grenadines: VC
samoa: WS
san marino: SM
barbados: BB
sao tome and principe: ST
saudi arabia: SA
senegal: SN
seychelles: SC
sierra leone: SL
singapore: SG
slovenia: SI
solomon islands: SB
somalia: SO
south africa: ZA
belarus: BY
spain: ES
sri lanka: LK
st helena: SH
st pierre and miquelon: PM
sudan: SD
suriname: SR
svalbard and jan mayen islands: SJ
swaziland: SZ
sweden: SE
switzerland: CH
belgium: BE
cantons of helvetia: CH
confederation helvetique: CH
syrian arab republic: SY
syria: SY
taiwan: TW
tajikistan: TJ
tanzania: TZ
thailand: TH
togo: TG
tokelau: TK
belize: BZ
tonga: TO
trinidad and tobago: TT
tunisia: TN
turkey: TR
turkmenistan: TM
turks and caicos islands: TC
tuvalu: TV
uganda: UG
ukrainian ssr: UA
united arab emirates: AE
benin: BJ
united kingdom: UK
great britain: GB
united states of america: US
united states: US
united states minor outlying islands: UM
uruguay: UY
ussr: SU
soviet union: SU
uzbekistan: UZ
vanuatu: VU
bermuda: BM
vatican: VA
vatican city state: VA
venezuela: VE
viet nam: VN
virgin islands (us): VI
virgin islands (uk): VG
wallis and futuna islands: WF
western sahara: EH
yemen: YE
yugoslavia: YU
bhutan: BT
zaire: ZR
zambia: ZM
zimbabwe: ZW
commercial organization (us): COM
educational institution (us): EDU
networking organization (us): NET
military (us): MIL
non-profit organization (us): ORG
government (us): GOV
korea - democratic people's republic of: KP
bolivia: BO
korea - republic of: KR
lao peoples' democratic republic: LA
russia: SU
slovakia: SK
czech: CZ
arpanet (us military): ARPA
bosnia: BA
botswana: BW
bouvet island: BV
brazil: BR
british indian ocean territory: IO
brunei darussalam: BN
brunei: BN
bulgaria: BG
burkina faso: BF
burundi: BI
byelorussian ssr: BY
cambodia: KH
cameroon: CM
canada: CA
cap verde: CV
cayman islands: KY
central african republic: CF
chad: TD
chile: CL
china: CN
christmas island: CX
cocos (keeling) islands: CC
colombia: CO
comoros: KM
congo: CG
cook islands: CK
costa rica: CR
aruba: AW
cote d'ivoire: CI
croatia: HR
hrvatska: HR
cuba: CU
cyprus: CY
czechoslovakia: CS
denmark: DK
djibouti: DJ
dominica: DM
dominican republic: DO
east timor: TP
ecuador: EC
egypt: EG
anguilla: AI
el salvador: SV
equatorial guinea: GQ
estonia: EE
ethiopia: ET
falkland islands: FK
malvinas: FK
faroe islands: FO
fiji: FJ
finland: FI
france: FR
french guiana: GF
french polynesia: PF
french southern territories: TF
gabon: GA
gambia: GM
georgia: GE
germany: DE
deutschland: DE
ghana: GH
gibraltar: GI
greece: GR
greenland: GL
grenada: GD
guadeloupe: GP
guam: GU
guatemala: GT
guinea: GN
guinea bissau: GW
gyana: GY
haiti: HT
heard and mc donald islands: HM
honduras: HN
hong kong: HK