changeset 0 93b25987d3e5
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/modules/xmpp/	Tue May 01 12:26:35 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+##   Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Alexey "Snake" Nezhdanov
+##   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+##   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+##   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+##   any later version.
+##   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+##   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+##   GNU General Public License for more details.
+# $Id:,v 1.55 2006/06/03 13:53:27 normanr Exp $
+Provides PlugIn class functionality to develop extentions for xmpppy.
+Also provides Client and Component classes implementations as the
+examples of xmpppy structures usage.
+These classes can be used for simple applications "AS IS" though.
+import socket
+import debug
+class PlugIn:
+    """ Common xmpppy plugins infrastructure: plugging in/out, debugging. """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._exported_methods=[]
+        self.DBG_LINE=self.__class__.__name__.lower()
+    def PlugIn(self,owner):
+        """ Attach to main instance and register ourself and all our staff in it. """
+        self._owner=owner
+        if self.DBG_LINE not in owner.debug_flags:
+            owner.debug_flags.append(self.DBG_LINE)
+        self.DEBUG('Plugging %s into %s'%(self,self._owner),'start')
+        if owner.__dict__.has_key(self.__class__.__name__):
+            return self.DEBUG('Plugging ignored: another instance already plugged.','error')
+        self._old_owners_methods=[]
+        for method in self._exported_methods:
+            if owner.__dict__.has_key(method.__name__):
+                self._old_owners_methods.append(owner.__dict__[method.__name__])
+            owner.__dict__[method.__name__]=method
+        owner.__dict__[self.__class__.__name__]=self
+        if self.__class__.__dict__.has_key('plugin'): return self.plugin(owner)
+    def PlugOut(self):
+        """ Unregister all our staff from main instance and detach from it. """
+        self.DEBUG('Plugging %s out of %s.'%(self,self._owner),'stop')
+        self._owner.debug_flags.remove(self.DBG_LINE)
+        for method in self._exported_methods: del self._owner.__dict__[method.__name__]
+        for method in self._old_owners_methods: self._owner.__dict__[method.__name__]=method
+        del self._owner.__dict__[self.__class__.__name__]
+        if self.__class__.__dict__.has_key('plugout'): return self.plugout()
+    def DEBUG(self,text,severity='info'):
+        """ Feed a provided debug line to main instance's debug facility along with our ID string. """
+        self._owner.DEBUG(self.DBG_LINE,text,severity)
+import transports,dispatcher,auth,roster
+class CommonClient:
+    """ Base for Client and Component classes."""
+    def __init__(self,server,port=5222,debug=['always', 'nodebuilder']):
+        """ Caches server name and (optionally) port to connect to. "debug" parameter specifies
+            the debug IDs that will go into debug output. You can either specifiy an "include"
+            or "exclude" list. The latter is done via adding "always" pseudo-ID to the list.
+            Full list: ['nodebuilder', 'dispatcher', 'gen_auth', 'SASL_auth', 'bind', 'socket', 
+             'CONNECTproxy', 'TLS', 'roster', 'browser', 'ibb'] . """
+        if self.__class__.__name__=='Client': self.Namespace,self.DBG='jabber:client',DBG_CLIENT
+        elif self.__class__.__name__=='Component': self.Namespace,self.DBG=dispatcher.NS_COMPONENT_ACCEPT,DBG_COMPONENT
+        self.defaultNamespace=self.Namespace
+        self.disconnect_handlers=[]
+        self.Server=server
+        self.Port=port
+        if debug and type(debug)<>list: debug=['always', 'nodebuilder']
+        self._DEBUG=Debug.Debug(debug)
+        self.DEBUG=self._DEBUG.Show
+        self.debug_flags=self._DEBUG.debug_flags
+        self.debug_flags.append(self.DBG)
+        self._owner=self
+        self._registered_name=None
+        self.RegisterDisconnectHandler(self.DisconnectHandler)
+        self.connected=''
+        self._route=0
+    def RegisterDisconnectHandler(self,handler):
+        """ Register handler that will be called on disconnect."""
+        self.disconnect_handlers.append(handler)
+    def UnregisterDisconnectHandler(self,handler):
+        """ Unregister handler that is called on disconnect."""
+        self.disconnect_handlers.remove(handler)
+    def disconnected(self):
+        """ Called on disconnection. Calls disconnect handlers and cleans things up. """
+        self.connected=''
+        self.DEBUG(self.DBG,'Disconnect detected','stop')
+        self.disconnect_handlers.reverse()
+        for i in self.disconnect_handlers: i()
+        self.disconnect_handlers.reverse()
+        if self.__dict__.has_key('TLS'): self.TLS.PlugOut()
+    def DisconnectHandler(self):
+        """ Default disconnect handler. Just raises an IOError.
+            If you choosed to use this class in your production client,
+            override this method or at least unregister it. """
+        raise IOError('Disconnected from server.')
+    def event(self,eventName,args={}):
+        """ Default event handler. To be overriden. """
+        print "Event: ",(eventName,args)
+    def isConnected(self):
+        """ Returns connection state. F.e.: None / 'tls' / 'tcp+non_sasl' . """
+        return self.connected
+    def reconnectAndReauth(self):
+        """ Example of reconnection method. In fact, it can be used to batch connection and auth as well. """
+        handlerssave=self.Dispatcher.dumpHandlers()
+        self.Dispatcher.PlugOut()
+        if self.__dict__.has_key('NonSASL'): self.NonSASL.PlugOut()
+        if self.__dict__.has_key('SASL'): self.SASL.PlugOut()
+        if self.__dict__.has_key('TLS'): self.TLS.PlugOut()
+        if self.__dict__.has_key('HTTPPROXYsocket'): self.HTTPPROXYsocket.PlugOut()
+        if self.__dict__.has_key('TCPsocket'): self.TCPsocket.PlugOut()
+        if not self.connect(server=self._Server,proxy=self._Proxy): return
+        if not self.auth(self._User,self._Password,self._Resource): return
+        self.Dispatcher.restoreHandlers(handlerssave)
+        return self.connected
+    def connect(self,server=None,proxy=None,ssl=None,use_srv=None):
+        """ Make a tcp/ip connection, protect it with tls/ssl if possible and start XMPP stream.
+            Returns None or 'tcp' or 'tls', depending on the result."""
+        if not server: server=(self.Server,self.Port)
+        if proxy: socket=transports.HTTPPROXYsocket(proxy,server,use_srv)
+        else: socket=transports.TCPsocket(server,use_srv)
+        connected=socket.PlugIn(self)
+        if not connected: 
+            socket.PlugOut()
+            return
+        self._Server,self._Proxy=server,proxy
+        self.connected='tcp'
+        if (ssl is None and self.Connection.getPort() in (5223, 443)) or ssl:
+            try:               # FIXME. This should be done in
+                transports.TLS().PlugIn(self,now=1)
+                self.connected='ssl'
+            except socket.sslerror:
+                return
+        dispatcher.Dispatcher().PlugIn(self)
+        while self.Dispatcher.Stream._document_attrs is None:
+            if not self.Process(1): return
+        if self.Dispatcher.Stream._document_attrs.has_key('version') and self.Dispatcher.Stream._document_attrs['version']=='1.0':
+            while not self.Dispatcher.Stream.features and self.Process(1): pass      # If we get version 1.0 stream the features tag MUST BE presented
+        return self.connected
+class Client(CommonClient):
+    """ Example client class, based on CommonClient. """
+    def connect(self,server=None,proxy=None,secure=None,use_srv=True):
+        """ Connect to jabber server. If you want to specify different ip/port to connect to you can
+            pass it as tuple as first parameter. If there is HTTP proxy between you and server 
+            specify it's address and credentials (if needed) in the second argument.
+            If you want ssl/tls support to be discovered and enable automatically - leave third argument as None. (ssl will be autodetected only if port is 5223 or 443)
+            If you want to force SSL start (i.e. if port 5223 or 443 is remapped to some non-standard port) then set it to 1.
+            If you want to disable tls/ssl support completely, set it to 0.
+            Example: connect(('',5222),{'host':'','port':8080,'user':'me','password':'secret'})
+            Returns '' or 'tcp' or 'tls', depending on the result."""
+        if not CommonClient.connect(self,server,proxy,secure,use_srv) or secure<>None and not secure: return self.connected
+        transports.TLS().PlugIn(self)
+        if not self.Dispatcher.Stream._document_attrs.has_key('version') or not self.Dispatcher.Stream._document_attrs['version']=='1.0': return self.connected
+        while not self.Dispatcher.Stream.features and self.Process(1): pass      # If we get version 1.0 stream the features tag MUST BE presented
+        if not self.Dispatcher.Stream.features.getTag('starttls'): return self.connected       # TLS not supported by server
+        while not self.TLS.starttls and self.Process(1): pass
+        if not hasattr(self, 'TLS') or self.TLS.starttls!='success': self.event('tls_failed'); return self.connected
+        self.connected='tls'
+        return self.connected
+    def auth(self,user,password,resource='',sasl=1):
+        """ Authenticate connnection and bind resource. If resource is not provided
+            random one or library name used. """
+        self._User,self._Password,self._Resource=user,password,resource
+        while not self.Dispatcher.Stream._document_attrs and self.Process(1): pass
+        if self.Dispatcher.Stream._document_attrs.has_key('version') and self.Dispatcher.Stream._document_attrs['version']=='1.0':
+            while not self.Dispatcher.Stream.features and self.Process(1): pass      # If we get version 1.0 stream the features tag MUST BE presented
+        if sasl: auth.SASL(user,password).PlugIn(self)
+        if not sasl or self.SASL.startsasl=='not-supported':
+            if not resource: resource='xmpppy'
+            if auth.NonSASL(user,password,resource).PlugIn(self):
+                self.connected+='+old_auth'
+                return 'old_auth'
+            return
+        self.SASL.auth()
+        while self.SASL.startsasl=='in-process' and self.Process(1): pass
+        if self.SASL.startsasl=='success':
+            auth.Bind().PlugIn(self)
+            while self.Bind.bound is None and self.Process(1): pass
+            if self.Bind.Bind(resource):
+                self.connected+='+sasl'
+                return 'sasl'
+    def getRoster(self):
+        """ Return the Roster instance, previously plugging it in and
+            requesting roster from server if needed. """
+        if not self.__dict__.has_key('Roster'): roster.Roster().PlugIn(self)
+        return self.Roster.getRoster()
+    def sendInitPresence(self,requestRoster=1):
+        """ Send roster request and initial <presence/>.
+            You can disable the first by setting requestRoster argument to 0. """
+        self.sendPresence(requestRoster=requestRoster)
+    def sendPresence(self,jid=None,typ=None,requestRoster=0):
+        """ Send some specific presence state.
+            Can also request roster from server if according agrument is set."""
+        if requestRoster: roster.Roster().PlugIn(self)
+        self.send(dispatcher.Presence(to=jid, typ=typ))
+class Component(CommonClient):
+    """ Component class. The only difference from CommonClient is ability to perform component authentication. """
+    def __init__(self,server,port=5347,typ=None,debug=['always', 'nodebuilder'],domains=None,sasl=0,bind=0,route=0):
+        """ Init function for Components.
+            As components use a different auth mechanism which includes the namespace of the component.
+            Jabberd1.4 and Ejabberd use the default namespace then for all client messages.
+            Jabberd2 uses jabber:client.
+            'server' argument is a server name that you are connecting to (f.e. "localhost").
+            'port' can be specified if 'server' resolves to correct IP. If it is not then you'll need to specify IP 
+            and port while calling "connect()"."""
+        CommonClient.__init__(self,server,port=port,debug=debug)
+        self.typ=typ
+        self.sasl=sasl
+        self.bind=bind
+        self.route=route
+        if domains:
+        else:
+  [server]
+    def connect(self,server=None,proxy=None):
+        """ This will connect to the server, and if the features tag is found then set
+            the namespace to be jabber:client as that is required for jabberd2.
+            'server' and 'proxy' arguments have the same meaning as in xmpp.Client.connect() """
+        if self.sasl:
+            self.Namespace=auth.NS_COMPONENT_1
+            self.Server=server[0]
+        CommonClient.connect(self,server=server,proxy=proxy)
+        if self.connected and (self.typ=='jabberd2' or not self.typ and self.Dispatcher.Stream.features != None):
+                self.defaultNamespace=auth.NS_CLIENT
+                self.Dispatcher.RegisterNamespace(self.defaultNamespace)
+                self.Dispatcher.RegisterProtocol('iq',dispatcher.Iq)
+                self.Dispatcher.RegisterProtocol('message',dispatcher.Message)
+                self.Dispatcher.RegisterProtocol('presence',dispatcher.Presence)
+        return self.connected
+    def dobind(self, sasl):
+        # This has to be done before binding, because we can receive a route stanza before binding finishes
+        self._route = self.route
+        if self.bind:
+            for domain in
+                auth.ComponentBind(sasl).PlugIn(self)
+                while self.ComponentBind.bound is None: self.Process(1)
+                if (not self.ComponentBind.Bind(domain)):
+                    self.ComponentBind.PlugOut()
+                    return
+                self.ComponentBind.PlugOut()
+    def auth(self,name,password,dup=None):
+        """ Authenticate component "name" with password "password"."""
+        self._User,self._Password,self._Resource=name,password,''
+        try:
+            if self.sasl: auth.SASL(name,password).PlugIn(self)
+            if not self.sasl or self.SASL.startsasl=='not-supported':
+                if auth.NonSASL(name,password,'').PlugIn(self):
+                    self.dobind(sasl=False)
+                    self.connected+='+old_auth'
+                    return 'old_auth'
+                return
+            self.SASL.auth()
+            while self.SASL.startsasl=='in-process' and self.Process(1): pass
+            if self.SASL.startsasl=='success':
+                self.dobind(sasl=True)
+                self.connected+='+sasl'
+                return 'sasl'
+            else:
+                raise auth.NotAuthorized(self.SASL.startsasl)
+        except:
+            self.DEBUG(self.DBG,"Failed to authenticate %s"%name,'error')