Mon, 30 Aug 2021 15:22:01 +0200 Merge 0.11->trunk
Kim Alvefur <> [Mon, 30 Aug 2021 15:22:01 +0200] rev 11754
Merge 0.11->trunk
Sun, 29 Aug 2021 15:04:47 +0200 net.http: fail open if surrounding code does not configure TLS
Jonas Schäfer <> [Sun, 29 Aug 2021 15:04:47 +0200] rev 11753
net.http: fail open if surrounding code does not configure TLS Previously, if surrounding code was not configuring the TLS context used default in net.http, it would not validate certificates at all. This is not a security issue with prosody, because prosody updates the context with `verify = "peer"` as well as paths to CA certificates in util.startup.init_http_client. Nevertheless... Let's not leave this pitfall out there in the open.
Sun, 15 Aug 2021 04:10:36 +0000 makefile: fix prosody.version target 0.11
Lucas <> [Sun, 15 Aug 2021 04:10:36 +0000] rev 11752
makefile: fix prosody.version target POSIX is quite explicit regarding the precedence of AND-OR lists [0]: > The operators "&&" and "||" shall have equal precedence and shall be > evaluated with left associativity. For example, both of the following > commands write solely `bar` to standard output: > false && echo foo || echo bar > true || echo foo && echo bar Given that, `prosody.version` target behaves as ((((((test -f prosody.release && cp ...) || test -f ...) && sed ...) || test -f ...) && hexdump ...) || echo unknown > $@) In the case of release tarballs, `prosody.release` does exist, so the first AND pair is executed. Given that it's successful, then the first `test -f` in the OR pair is ignored, and instead the `sed` in the AND pair is executed. `sed` success, as `.hg_archival.txt` exists, making the second `test -f` in the OR pair ignored, and `hexdump` in the AND pair is executed. Now, given that `.hg` doesn't exist, it fails, so the last `echo` is run, overwriting `prosody.version` with `unknown`. This can be worked around placing `()` around the AND pairs. Decided to use conditionals instead, as I think they better communicate the intention of the block. [0]:
Thu, 26 Aug 2021 16:42:42 +0100 Merge 0.11->trunk
Matthew Wild <> [Thu, 26 Aug 2021 16:42:42 +0100] rev 11751
Merge 0.11->trunk
Tue, 06 Jul 2021 08:18:28 +0100 mod_c2s: Indicate stream secure state in error text when no stream features to offer 0.11
Matthew Wild <> [Tue, 06 Jul 2021 08:18:28 +0100] rev 11750
mod_c2s: Indicate stream secure state in error text when no stream features to offer
Thu, 26 Aug 2021 16:35:43 +0100 usermanager, mod_authz_internal: Add methods to fetch users/JIDs of given role
Matthew Wild <> [Thu, 26 Aug 2021 16:35:43 +0100] rev 11749
usermanager, mod_authz_internal: Add methods to fetch users/JIDs of given role
Fri, 06 Aug 2021 19:25:43 +0200 mod_muc_mam: Omit queryid attribute from <fin/>
Holger Weiss <> [Fri, 06 Aug 2021 19:25:43 +0200] rev 11748
mod_muc_mam: Omit queryid attribute from <fin/> Since version 0.4 of XEP-0313, the <fin/> element is sent with the IQ result and no longer has a queryid attribute.
Mon, 16 Aug 2021 20:15:38 +0200 net.server_epoll: Split, attempt to clarify dirty noise message
Kim Alvefur <> [Mon, 16 Aug 2021 20:15:38 +0200] rev 11747
net.server_epoll: Split, attempt to clarify dirty noise message Only relevant because a "dirty" connection (with incoming data in LuaSocket's buffer) does not count as "readable" according to epoll, so special care needs to be taken to keep on processing it.
Mon, 16 Aug 2021 12:45:14 +0200 mod_c2s,mod_s2s: Fire event just before writes
Kim Alvefur <> [Mon, 16 Aug 2021 12:45:14 +0200] rev 11746
mod_c2s,mod_s2s: Fire event just before writes Could allow e.g. a XEP-0198 implementation to efficiently send ack requests at optimal times without using timers or nextTick.
Mon, 16 Aug 2021 12:34:52 +0200 net.server: Add a predrain callaback just before writes
Kim Alvefur <> [Mon, 16 Aug 2021 12:34:52 +0200] rev 11745
net.server: Add a predrain callaback just before writes Allows sneaking in things in the write buffer just before it's sent to the network stack. For example ack requests, compression flushes or other things that make sense to send after stanzas or other things. This ensures any additional trailing data sent is included in the same write, and possibly the same TCP packet. Other methods used such as timers or nextTick might not have the same effect as it depends on scheduling.
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