author Kim Alvefur <zash@zash.se>
Wed, 27 Mar 2024 19:33:11 +0100
changeset 13471 c2a476f4712a
parent 12721 898e99f49d80
permissions -rw-r--r--
util.startup: Fix exiting on pidfile trouble prosody.shutdown() relies on prosody.main_thread, which has not been set yet at this point. Doing a clean shutdown might actually be harmful in case it tears down things set up by the conflicting Prosody, such as the very pidfile we were looking at. Thanks again SigmaTel71 for noticing

- id: log-variable-fmtstring
    - pattern: log("...", $A)
    - pattern-not: log("...", "...")
  message: Variable passed as format string to logging
  languages: [lua]
  severity: ERROR
- id: module-log-variable-fmtstring
    - pattern: module:log("...", $A)
    - pattern-not: module:log("...", "...")
  message: Variable passed as format string to logging
  languages: [lua]
  severity: ERROR
- id: module-getopt-string-default
    - pattern: module:get_option_string("...", $A)
    - pattern-not: module:get_option_string("...", "...")
    - pattern-not: module:get_option_string("...", host)
    - pattern-not: module:get_option_string("...", module.host)
  message: Non-string default from :get_option_string
  severity: ERROR
  languages: [lua]
- id: stanza-empty-text-constructor
    - pattern: $A:text()
  message: Use :get_text() to read text, or pass a value here to add text
  severity: WARNING
  languages: [lua]