author Kim Alvefur <>
Fri, 07 Apr 2023 14:03:24 +0200
changeset 13057 8128c4f1b08b
parent 11198 9d1ce6f28401
child 13146 879a6a33c21b
permissions -rw-r--r--
mod_admin_shell: Allow "*" as substitute for 'nil' for easier CLI usage Since prosodyctl shell with additional arguments assumes the first two are a section:command() and any following arguments are strings, passing a bare 'nil' is not possible. In order to avoid delving into this rabbit hole, instead produce a token that alone is not really a legal JID for use as wildcard.

-- Read an XML dataform and spit out a serialized Lua table of it

local function from_stanza(stanza)
	local layout = {
		title = stanza:get_child_text("title");
		instructions = stanza:get_child_text("instructions");
	for tag in stanza:childtags("field") do
		local field = {
			name = tag.attr.var;
			type = tag.attr.type;
			label = tag.attr.label;
			desc = tag:get_child_text("desc");
			required = tag:get_child("required") and true or nil;
			value = tag:get_child_text("value");
			options = nil;

		if field.type == "list-single" or field.type == "list-multi" then
			local options = {};
			for option in tag:childtags("option") do
				options[#options+1] = { label = option.attr.label, value = option:get_child_text("value") };
			field.options = options;

		if field.type == "jid-multi" or field.type == "list-multi" or field.type == "text-multi" then
			local values = {};
			for value in tag:childtags("value") do
				values[#values+1] = value:get_text();
			if field.type == "text-multi" then
				values = table.concat(values, "\n");
			field.value = values;

		if field.type == "boolean" then
			field.value = field.value == "true" or field.value == "1";

		layout[#layout+1] = field;

	return layout;

print(" " .. require "util.serialization".serialize(from_stanza(require "util.xml".parse("*a"))), { unquoted = true }))