author Kim Alvefur <>
Thu, 04 Nov 2021 01:00:06 +0100
changeset 12093 76b4e3f12b53
parent 9575 867e40b82409
child 10569 421b2f8369fd
permissions -rw-r--r--
mod_pep: Wipe pubsub service on user deletion Data is already wiped from storage, but this ensures everything is properly unsubscribed, possibly with notifications etc. Clears recipient cache as well, since it is no longer relevant.

-- Prosody IM
-- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild
-- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain
-- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
-- COPYING file in the source package for more information.

local st = require "util.stanza";

local start_time = prosody.start_time;
module:hook_global("server-started", function() start_time = prosody.start_time end);

-- XEP-0012: Last activity

module:hook("iq-get/host/jabber:iq:last:query", function(event)
	local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza;
	origin.send(st.reply(stanza):tag("query", {xmlns = "jabber:iq:last", seconds = tostring(os.difftime(os.time(), start_time))}));
	return true;

-- Ad-hoc command
module:depends "adhoc";
local adhoc_new = module:require "adhoc".new;

function uptime_text()
	local t = os.time()-prosody.start_time;
	local seconds = t%60;
	t = (t - seconds)/60;
	local minutes = t%60;
	t = (t - minutes)/60;
	local hours = t%24;
	t = (t - hours)/24;
	local days = t;
	return string.format("This server has been running for %d day%s, %d hour%s and %d minute%s (since %s)",
		days, (days ~= 1 and "s") or "", hours, (hours ~= 1 and "s") or "",
		minutes, (minutes ~= 1 and "s") or "","%c", prosody.start_time));

function uptime_command_handler ()
	return { info = uptime_text(), status = "completed" };

local descriptor = adhoc_new("Get uptime", "uptime", uptime_command_handler);

module:provides("adhoc", descriptor);