author Kim Alvefur <zash@zash.se>
Thu, 04 Nov 2021 01:00:06 +0100
changeset 12093 76b4e3f12b53
parent 6925 e0672860d208
child 12608 bd9e006a7a74
permissions -rw-r--r--
mod_pep: Wipe pubsub service on user deletion Data is already wiped from storage, but this ensures everything is properly unsubscribed, possibly with notifications etc. Clears recipient cache as well, since it is no longer relevant.

oid_section = new_oids

[ new_oids ]

# RFC 6120 section defines this OID
xmppAddr =

# RFC 4985 defines this OID
SRVName  =

[ req ]

default_bits       = 4096
default_keyfile    = example.com.key
distinguished_name = distinguished_name
req_extensions     = certrequest
x509_extensions    = selfsigned

# ask about the DN?
prompt = no

[ distinguished_name ]

commonName             = example.com
countryName            = GB
localityName           = The Internet
organizationName       = Your Organisation
organizationalUnitName = XMPP Department
emailAddress           = xmpp@example.com

[ certrequest ]

# for certificate requests (req_extensions)

basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
keyUsage         = digitalSignature,keyEncipherment
extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth,clientAuth
subjectAltName   = @subject_alternative_name

[ selfsigned ]

# and self-signed certificates (x509_extensions)

basicConstraints = CA:TRUE
subjectAltName = @subject_alternative_name

[ subject_alternative_name ]

# See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6120#section- for more info.

DNS.0       =                                           example.com
otherName.0 =                 xmppAddr;FORMAT:UTF8,UTF8:example.com
otherName.1 =            SRVName;IA5STRING:_xmpp-client.example.com
otherName.2 =            SRVName;IA5STRING:_xmpp-server.example.com

DNS.1       =                                conference.example.com
otherName.3 =      xmppAddr;FORMAT:UTF8,UTF8:conference.example.com
otherName.4 = SRVName;IA5STRING:_xmpp-server.conference.example.com