author Matthew Wild <mwild1@gmail.com>
Mon, 31 Oct 2022 14:32:02 +0000
changeset 12794 24b55f0e2db9
parent 12217 dc9d63166488
child 12979 d10957394a3c
permissions -rw-r--r--
mod_http: Allow disabling CORS in the http_cors_override option and by default Fixes #1779. Due to an oversight in the logic, if the user set 'enabled' to false in an override, it would disable the item's requested CORS settings, but still apply Prosody's default CORS policy. This change ensures that 'enabled = false' will now disable CORS entirely for the requested item. Due to the new structure of the code, it was necessary to have a flag to say whether CORS is to be applied at all. Rather than hard-coding 'true' here, I chose to add a new option: 'http_default_cors_enabled'. This is a boolean that allows the operator to disable Prosody's default CORS policy entirely (the one that is used when a module or config does not override it). This makes it easier to disable CORS and then selectively enable it only on services you want it on.

local s_gsub = string.gsub;
local s_match = string.match;
local s_sub = string.sub;
local t_concat = table.concat;

local st = require("util.stanza");

local function render(template, root, escape, filters)
	escape = escape or st.xml_escape;

	return (s_gsub(template, "%b{}", function(block)
		local inner = s_sub(block, 2, -2);
		local path, pipe, pos = s_match(inner, "^([^|]+)(|?)()");
		if not (type(path) == "string") then return end
		local value
		if path == "." then
			value = root;
		elseif path == "#" then
			value = root:get_text();
			value = root:find(path);
		local is_escaped = false;

		while pipe == "|" do
			local func, args, tmpl, p = s_match(inner, "^(%w+)(%b())(%b{})()", pos);
			if not func then func, args, p = s_match(inner, "^(%w+)(%b())()", pos); end
			if not func then func, tmpl, p = s_match(inner, "^(%w+)(%b{})()", pos); end
			if not func then func, p = s_match(inner, "^(%w+)()", pos); end
			if not func then break end
			if tmpl then tmpl = s_sub(tmpl, 2, -2); end
			if args then args = s_sub(args, 2, -2); end

			if func == "each" and tmpl and st.is_stanza(value) then
				if not args then value, args = root, path; end
				local ns, name = s_match(args, "^(%b{})(.*)$");
				if ns then
					ns = s_sub(ns, 2, -2);
					name, ns = args, nil;
				if ns == "" then ns = nil; end
				if name == "" then name = nil; end
				local out, i = {}, 1;
				for c in (value):childtags(name, ns) do out[i], i = render(tmpl, c, escape, filters), i + 1; end
				value = t_concat(out);
				is_escaped = true;
			elseif func == "and" and tmpl then
				local condition = value;
				if args then condition = root:find(args); end
				if condition then
					value = render(tmpl, root, escape, filters);
					is_escaped = true;
			elseif func == "or" and tmpl then
				local condition = value;
				if args then condition = root:find(args); end
				if not condition then
					value = render(tmpl, root, escape, filters);
					is_escaped = true;
			elseif filters and filters[func] then
				local f = filters[func];
				if args == nil then
					value, is_escaped = f(value, tmpl);
					value, is_escaped = f(args, value, tmpl);
				error("No such filter function: " .. func);
			pipe, pos = s_match(inner, "^(|?)()", p);

		if type(value) == "string" then
			if not is_escaped then value = escape(value); end
			return value
		elseif st.is_stanza(value) then
			value = value:get_text();
			if value then return escape(value) end
		return ""

return { render = render }