author Matthew Wild <mwild1@gmail.com>
Mon, 31 Oct 2022 14:32:02 +0000
changeset 12794 24b55f0e2db9
parent 12359 a0ff5c438e9d
child 12979 d10957394a3c
permissions -rw-r--r--
mod_http: Allow disabling CORS in the http_cors_override option and by default Fixes #1779. Due to an oversight in the logic, if the user set 'enabled' to false in an override, it would disable the item's requested CORS settings, but still apply Prosody's default CORS policy. This change ensures that 'enabled = false' will now disable CORS entirely for the requested item. Due to the new structure of the code, it was necessary to have a flag to say whether CORS is to be applied at all. Rather than hard-coding 'true' here, I chose to add a new option: 'http_default_cors_enabled'. This is a boolean that allows the operator to disable Prosody's default CORS policy entirely (the one that is used when a module or config does not override it). This makes it easier to disable CORS and then selectively enable it only on services you want it on.

-- libunbound based net.adns replacement for Prosody IM
-- Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Kim Alvefur
-- Copyright (C) 2012 Waqas Hussain
-- This file is MIT licensed.

local setmetatable = setmetatable;
local table = table;
local t_concat = table.concat;
local t_insert = table.insert;
local s_byte = string.byte;
local s_format = string.format;
local s_sub = string.sub;

local iana_data = require "util.dnsregistry";
local tohex = require "util.hex".encode;
local inet_ntop = require "util.net".ntop;

-- Simplified versions of Waqas DNS parsers
-- Only the per RR parsers are needed and only feed a single RR

local parsers = {};

-- No support for pointers, but libunbound appears to take care of that.
local function readDnsName(packet, pos)
	if s_byte(packet, pos) == 0 then return ".", pos+1; end
	local pack_len, r, len = #packet, {};
	pos = pos or 1;
		len = s_byte(packet, pos) or 0;
		t_insert(r, s_sub(packet, pos + 1, pos + len));
		pos = pos + len + 1;
	until len == 0 or pos >= pack_len;
	return t_concat(r, "."), pos;

-- These are just simple names.
parsers.CNAME = readDnsName;
parsers.NS = readDnsName
parsers.PTR = readDnsName;

local soa_mt = {
	__tostring = function(rr)
		return s_format("%s %s %d %d %d %d %d", rr.mname, rr.rname, rr.serial, rr.refresh, rr.retry, rr.expire, rr.minimum);
function parsers.SOA(packet)
	local mname, rname, offset;

	mname, offset = readDnsName(packet, 1);
	rname, offset = readDnsName(packet, offset);

	-- Extract all the bytes of these fields in one call
		s1, s2, s3, s4, -- serial
		r1, r2, r3, r4, -- refresh
		t1, t2, t3, t4, -- retry
		e1, e2, e3, e4, -- expire
		m1, m2, m3, m4  -- minimum
			= s_byte(packet, offset, offset + 19);

	return setmetatable({
		mname = mname;
		rname = rname;
		serial  = s1*0x1000000 + s2*0x10000 + s3*0x100 + s4;
		refresh = r1*0x1000000 + r2*0x10000 + r3*0x100 + r4;
		retry   = t1*0x1000000 + t2*0x10000 + t3*0x100 + t4;
		expire  = e1*0x1000000 + e2*0x10000 + e3*0x100 + e4;
		minimum = m1*0x1000000 + m2*0x10000 + m3*0x100 + m4;
	}, soa_mt);

parsers.A = inet_ntop;
parsers.AAAA = inet_ntop;

local mx_mt = {
	__tostring = function(rr)
		return s_format("%d %s", rr.pref, rr.mx)
function parsers.MX(packet)
	local name = readDnsName(packet, 3);
	local b1,b2 = s_byte(packet, 1, 2);
	return setmetatable({
		pref = b1*256+b2;
		mx = name;
	}, mx_mt);

local srv_mt = {
	__tostring = function(rr)
		return s_format("%d %d %d %s", rr.priority, rr.weight, rr.port, rr.target);
function parsers.SRV(packet)
	local name = readDnsName(packet, 7);
	local b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6 = s_byte(packet, 1, 6);
	return setmetatable({
		priority = b1*256+b2;
		weight   = b3*256+b4;
		port     = b5*256+b6;
		target   = name;
	}, srv_mt);

local txt_mt = { __tostring = t_concat };
function parsers.TXT(packet)
	local pack_len = #packet;
	local r, pos, len = {}, 1;
		len = s_byte(packet, pos) or 0;
		t_insert(r, s_sub(packet, pos + 1, pos + len));
		pos = pos + len + 1;
	until pos >= pack_len;
	return setmetatable(r, txt_mt);

parsers.SPF = parsers.TXT;

-- Acronyms from RFC 7218
local tlsa_usages = {
	[0] = "PKIX-CA";
	[1] = "PKIX-EE";
	[2] = "DANE-TA";
	[3] = "DANE-EE";
	[255] = "PrivCert";
local tlsa_selectors = {
	[0] = "Cert",
	[1] = "SPKI",
	[255] = "PrivSel",
local tlsa_match_types = {
	[0] = "Full",
	[1] = "SHA2-256",
	[2] = "SHA2-512",
	[255] = "PrivMatch",
local tlsa_mt = {
	__tostring = function(rr)
		return s_format("%s %s %s %s",
			tlsa_usages[rr.use] or rr.use,
			tlsa_selectors[rr.select] or rr.select,
			tlsa_match_types[rr.match] or rr.match,
	__index = {
		getUsage = function(rr) return tlsa_usages[rr.use] end;
		getSelector = function(rr) return tlsa_selectors[rr.select] end;
		getMatchType = function(rr) return tlsa_match_types[rr.match] end;
function parsers.TLSA(packet)
	local use, select, match = s_byte(packet, 1,3);
	return setmetatable({
		use = use;
		select = select;
		match = match;
		data = s_sub(packet, 4);
	}, tlsa_mt);

local svcb_params = {"alpn"; "no-default-alpn"; "port"; "ipv4hint"; "ech"; "ipv6hint"};
setmetatable(svcb_params, {__index = function(_, n) return "key" .. tostring(n); end});

local svcb_mt = {
	__tostring = function (rr)
		local kv = {};
		for i = 1, #rr.fields do
			t_insert(kv, s_format("%s=%q", svcb_params[rr.fields[i].key], tostring(rr.fields[i].value)));
			-- FIXME the =value part may be omitted when the value is "empty"
		return s_format("%d %s %s", rr.prio, rr.name, t_concat(kv, " "));
local svbc_ip_mt = {__tostring = function(ip) return t_concat(ip, ", "); end}

function parsers.SVCB(packet)
	local prio_h, prio_l = packet:byte(1,2);
	local prio = prio_h*256+prio_l;
	local name, pos = readDnsName(packet, 3);
	local fields = {};
	while #packet > pos do
		local key_h, key_l = packet:byte(pos+0,pos+1);
		local len_h, len_l = packet:byte(pos+2,pos+3);
		local key = key_h*256+key_l;
		local len = len_h*256+len_l;
		local value = packet:sub(pos+4,pos+4-1+len)
		if key == 1 then
			value = setmetatable(parsers.TXT(value), svbc_ip_mt);
		elseif key == 3 then
			local port_h, port_l = value:byte(1,2);
			local port = port_h*256+port_l;
			value = port;
		elseif key == 4 then
			local ip = {};
			for i = 1, #value, 4 do
				t_insert(ip, parsers.A(value:sub(i, i+3)));
			value = setmetatable(ip, svbc_ip_mt);
		elseif key == 6 then
			local ip = {};
			for i = 1, #value, 16 do
				t_insert(ip, parsers.AAAA(value:sub(i, i+15)));
			value = setmetatable(ip, svbc_ip_mt);
		t_insert(fields, { key = key, value = value, len = len });
		pos = pos+len+4;
	return setmetatable({
			prio = prio, name = name, fields = fields,
		}, svcb_mt);

parsers.HTTPS = parsers.SVCB;

local params = {
	TLSA = {
		use = tlsa_usages;
		select = tlsa_selectors;
		match = tlsa_match_types;

local fallback_mt = {
	__tostring = function(rr)
		return s_format([[\# %d %s]], #rr.raw, tohex(rr.raw));
local function fallback_parser(packet)
	return setmetatable({ raw = packet },fallback_mt);
setmetatable(parsers, { __index = function() return fallback_parser end });

return {
	parsers = parsers;
	classes = iana_data.classes;
	types = iana_data.types;
	errors = iana_data.errors;
	params = params;