author Matthew Wild <mwild1@gmail.com>
Mon, 20 Feb 2023 18:10:15 +0000
changeset 12898 0598d822614f
parent 11311 f2e276bb4ef8
permissions -rw-r--r--
mod_websocket: Fire pre-session-close event (fixes #1800) This event was added in a7c183bb4e64 and is required to make mod_smacks know that a session was intentionally closed and shouldn't be hibernated (see fcea4d9e7502). Because this was missing from mod_websocket's session.close(), mod_smacks would always attempt to hibernate websocket sessions even if they closed cleanly. That mod_websocket has its own copy of session.close() is something to fix another day (probably not in the stable branch). So for now this commit makes the minimal change to get things working again. Thanks to Damian and the Jitsi team for reporting.

-- Simple template language
-- The new() function takes a pattern and an escape function and returns
-- a render() function.  Both are required.
-- The function render() takes a string template and a table of values.
-- Sequences like {name} in the template string are substituted
-- with values from the table, optionally depending on a modifier
-- symbol.
-- Variants are:
-- {name} is substituted for values["name"] and is escaped using the
-- second argument to new_render().  To disable the escaping, use {name!}.
-- {name.item} can be used to access table items.
-- To renter lists of items: {name# item number {idx} is {item} }
-- Or key-value pairs: {name% t[ {idx} ] = {item} }
-- To show a defaults for missing values {name? sub-template } can be used,
-- which renders a sub-template if values["name"] is false-ish.
-- {name& sub-template } does the opposite, the sub-template is rendered
-- if the selected value is anything but false or nil.

local type, tostring = type, tostring;
local pairs, ipairs = pairs, ipairs;
local s_sub, s_gsub, s_match = string.sub, string.gsub, string.match;
local t_concat = table.concat;

local function new_render(pat, escape, funcs)
	-- assert(type(pat) == "string", "bad argument #1 to 'new_render' (string expected)");
	-- assert(type(escape) == "function", "bad argument #2 to 'new_render' (function expected)");
	local function render(template, values)
		-- assert(type(template) == "string", "bad argument #1 to 'render' (string expected)");
		-- assert(type(values) == "table", "bad argument #2 to 'render' (table expected)");
		return (s_gsub(template, pat, function (block)
			block = s_sub(block, 2, -2);
			local name, raw, opt, e = s_match(block, "^([%a_][%w_.]*)(!?)(%p?)()");
			if not name then return end
			local value = values[name];
			if not value and name:find(".", 2, true) then
				value = values;
				for word in name:gmatch"[^.]+" do
					value = value[word];
					if not value then break; end
			if funcs then
				while opt == '|' do
					local f;
					f, raw, opt, e = s_match(block, "^([%a_][%w_.]*)(!?)(%p?)()", e);
					f = funcs[f];
					if value ~= nil and f then value = f(value); end
			if opt == '#' or opt == '%' then
				if type(value) ~= "table" then return ""; end
				local iter = opt == '#' and ipairs or pairs;
				local out, i, subtpl = {}, 1, s_sub(block, e);
				local subvalues = setmetatable({}, { __index = values });
				for idx, item in iter(value) do
					subvalues.idx = idx;
					subvalues.item = item;
					out[i], i = render(subtpl, subvalues), i+1;
				return t_concat(out);
			elseif opt == '&' then
				if not value then return ""; end
				return render(s_sub(block, e), values);
			elseif opt == '~' then
				if value then return ""; end
				return render(s_sub(block, e), values);
			elseif opt == '?' and not value then
				return render(s_sub(block, e), values);
			elseif value ~= nil then
				if type(value) ~= "string" then
					value = tostring(value);
				if raw ~= '!' then
					return escape(value);
				return value;
	return render;

return {
	new = new_render;