changeset 11638 a6c87b4c0cdf
parent 11621 166f8e1d82b0
child 11639 1b17b967838e
--- a/util/prosodyctl/check.lua	Sun Jun 27 21:56:45 2021 +0200
+++ b/util/prosodyctl/check.lua	Thu May 27 13:07:57 2021 +0200
@@ -39,16 +39,42 @@
 	if not what or what == "config" then
 		print("Checking config...");
 		local deprecated = set.new({
-			"bosh_ports", "disallow_s2s", "no_daemonize", "anonymous_login", "require_encryption",
-			"vcard_compatibility", "cross_domain_bosh", "cross_domain_websocket", "daemonize",
-			"legacy_ssl_port", "legacy_ssl_ports", "legacy_ssl_interfaces", "legacy_ssl_ssl",
+			"anonymous_login",
+			"bosh_ports",
+			"cross_domain_bosh",
+			"cross_domain_websocket",
+			"daemonize",
+			"disallow_s2s",
+			"legacy_ssl_interfaces",
+			"legacy_ssl_port",
+			"legacy_ssl_ports",
+			"legacy_ssl_ssl",
+			"no_daemonize",
+			"require_encryption",
+			"vcard_compatibility",
 		local known_global_options = set.new({
-			"pidfile", "log", "plugin_paths", "prosody_user", "prosody_group", "daemonize",
-			"umask", "prosodyctl_timeout", "use_ipv6", "use_ipv4", "use_libevent", "network_settings",
-			"network_backend", "http_default_host",
-			"statistics_interval", "statistics", "statistics_config",
-			"plugin_server", "installer_plugin_path", "gc", "limits",
+			"daemonize",
+			"gc",
+			"http_default_host",
+			"installer_plugin_path",
+			"limits",
+			"log",
+			"network_backend",
+			"network_settings",
+			"pidfile",
+			"plugin_paths",
+			"plugin_server",
+			"prosodyctl_timeout",
+			"prosody_group",
+			"prosody_user",
+			"statistics",
+			"statistics_config",
+			"statistics_interval",
+			"umask",
+			"use_ipv4",
+			"use_ipv6",
+			"use_libevent",
 		local config = configmanager.getconfig();
 		-- Check that we have any global options (caused by putting a host at the top)