changeset 11527 5f15ab7c6ae5
parent 10887 d75d805c852f
child 11597 0db763f3f3be
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/util/openmetrics.lua	Sun Apr 18 11:47:41 2021 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+This module implements a subset of the OpenMetrics Internet Draft version 00.
+URL: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-richih-opsawg-openmetrics-00
+The following metric types are supported:
+- Counter
+- Gauge
+- Histogram
+- Summary
+It is used by util.statsd and util.statistics to provite the OpenMetrics API.
+To understand what this module is about, it is useful to familiarize oneself
+with the terms MetricFamily, Metric, LabelSet, Label and MetricPoint as
+defined in the I-D linked above.
+-- metric constructor interface:
+-- metric_ctor(..., family_name, labels, extra)
+local time = require "util.time".now;
+local select = select;
+local array = require "util.array";
+local log = require "util.logger".init("util.openmetrics");
+local new_multitable = require "util.multitable".new;
+local iter_multitable = require "util.multitable".iter;
+-- BEGIN of Utility: "metric proxy"
+-- This allows to wrap a MetricFamily in a proxy which only provides the
+-- `with_labels` and `with_partial_label` methods. This allows to pre-set one
+-- or more labels on a metric family. This is used in particular via
+-- `with_partial_label` by the moduleapi in order to pre-set the `host` label
+-- on metrics created in non-global modules.
+local metric_proxy_mt = {}
+metric_proxy_mt.__index = metric_proxy_mt
+local function new_metric_proxy(metric_family, with_labels_proxy_fun)
+	return {
+		_family = metric_family,
+		with_labels = function(self, ...)
+			return with_labels_proxy_fun(self._family, ...)
+		end;
+		with_partial_label = function(self, label)
+			return new_metric_proxy(self._family, function(family, ...)
+				return family:with_labels(label, ...)
+			end)
+		end
+	}
+-- END of Utility: "metric proxy"
+local function render_histogram_le(v)
+	if v == 1/0 then
+		-- I-D-00:
+		--    Exposers MUST produce output for positive infinity as +Inf.
+		return "+Inf"
+	end
+	return string.format("%g", v)
+-- BEGIN of generic MetricFamily implementation
+local metric_family_mt = {}
+metric_family_mt.__index = metric_family_mt
+local function histogram_metric_ctor(orig_ctor, buckets)
+	return function(family_name, labels, extra)
+		return orig_ctor(buckets, family_name, labels, extra)
+	end
+local function new_metric_family(backend, type_, family_name, unit, description, label_keys, extra)
+	local metric_ctor = assert(backend[type_], "statistics backend does not support "..type_.." metrics families")
+	local labels = label_keys or {}
+	local user_labels = #labels
+	if type_ == "histogram" then
+		local buckets = extra and extra.buckets
+		if not buckets then
+			error("no buckets given for histogram metric")
+		end
+		buckets = array(buckets)
+		buckets:push(1/0)  -- must have +inf bucket
+		metric_ctor = histogram_metric_ctor(metric_ctor, buckets)
+	end
+	local data
+	if #labels == 0 then
+		data = metric_ctor(family_name, nil, extra)
+	else
+		data = new_multitable()
+	end
+	local mf = {
+		family_name = family_name,
+		data = data,
+		type_ = type_,
+		unit = unit,
+		description = description,
+		user_labels = user_labels,
+		label_keys = labels,
+		extra = extra,
+		_metric_ctor = metric_ctor,
+	}
+	setmetatable(mf, metric_family_mt);
+	return mf
+function metric_family_mt:new_metric(labels)
+	return self._metric_ctor(self.family_name, labels, self.extra)
+function metric_family_mt:clear()
+	for _, metric in self:iter_metrics() do
+		metric:reset()
+	end
+function metric_family_mt:with_labels(...)
+	local count = select('#', ...)
+	if count ~= self.user_labels then
+		error("number of labels passed to with_labels does not match number of label keys")
+	end
+	if count == 0 then
+		return self.data
+	end
+	local metric = self.data:get(...)
+	if not metric then
+		local values = table.pack(...)
+		metric = self:new_metric(values)
+		values[values.n+1] = metric
+		self.data:set(table.unpack(values, 1, values.n+1))
+	end
+	return metric
+function metric_family_mt:with_partial_label(label)
+	return new_metric_proxy(self, function (family, ...)
+		return family:with_labels(label, ...)
+	end)
+function metric_family_mt:iter_metrics()
+	if #self.label_keys == 0 then
+		local done = false
+		return function()
+			if done then
+				return nil
+			end
+			done = true
+			return {}, self.data
+		end
+	end
+	local searchkeys = {};
+	local nlabels = #self.label_keys
+	for i=1,nlabels do
+		searchkeys[i] = nil;
+	end
+	local it, state = iter_multitable(self.data, table.unpack(searchkeys, 1, nlabels))
+	return function(_s)
+		local label_values = table.pack(it(_s))
+		if label_values.n == 0 then
+			return nil, nil
+		end
+		local metric = label_values[label_values.n]
+		label_values[label_values.n] = nil
+		label_values.n = label_values.n - 1
+		return label_values, metric
+	end, state
+-- END of generic MetricFamily implementation
+-- BEGIN of MetricRegistry implementation
+-- Helper to test whether two metrics are "equal".
+local function equal_metric_family(mf1, mf2)
+	if mf1.type_ ~= mf2.type_ then
+		return false
+	end
+	if #mf1.label_keys ~= #mf2.label_keys then
+		return false
+	end
+	-- Ignoring unit here because in general it'll be part of the name anyway
+	-- So either the unit was moved into/out of the name (which is a valid)
+	-- thing to do on an upgrade or we would expect not to see any conflicts
+	-- anyway.
+	--[[
+	if mf1.unit ~= mf2.unit then
+		return false
+	end
+	]]
+	for i, key in ipairs(mf1.label_keys) do
+		if key ~= mf2.label_keys[i] then
+			return false
+		end
+	end
+	return true
+-- If the unit is not empty, add it to the full name as per the I-D spec.
+local function compose_name(name, unit)
+	local full_name = name
+	if unit and unit ~= "" then
+		full_name = full_name .. "_" .. unit
+	end
+	-- TODO: prohibit certain suffixes used by metrics if where they may cause
+	-- conflicts
+	return full_name
+local metric_registry_mt = {}
+metric_registry_mt.__index = metric_registry_mt
+local function new_metric_registry(backend)
+	local reg = {
+		families = {},
+		backend = backend,
+	}
+	setmetatable(reg, metric_registry_mt)
+	return reg
+function metric_registry_mt:register_metric_family(name, metric_family)
+	local existing = self.families[name];
+	if existing then
+		if not equal_metric_family(metric_family, existing) then
+			-- We could either be strict about this, or replace the
+			-- existing metric family with the new one.
+			-- Being strict is nice to avoid programming errors /
+			-- conflicts, but causes issues when a new version of a module
+			-- is loaded.
+			--
+			-- We will thus assume that the new metric is the correct one;
+			-- That is probably OK because unless you're reaching down into
+			-- the util.openmetrics or core.statsmanager API, your metric
+			-- name is going to be scoped to `prosody_mod_$modulename`
+			-- anyway and the damage is thus controlled.
+			--
+			-- To make debugging such issues easier, we still log.
+			log("debug", "replacing incompatible existing metric family %s", name)
+			-- Below is the code to be strict.
+			--error("conflicting declarations for metric family "..name)
+		else
+			return existing
+		end
+	end
+	self.families[name] = metric_family
+	return metric_family
+function metric_registry_mt:gauge(name, unit, description, labels, extra)
+	name = compose_name(name, unit)
+	local mf = new_metric_family(self.backend, "gauge", name, unit, description, labels, extra)
+	mf = self:register_metric_family(name, mf)
+	return mf
+function metric_registry_mt:counter(name, unit, description, labels, extra)
+	name = compose_name(name, unit)
+	local mf = new_metric_family(self.backend, "counter", name, unit, description, labels, extra)
+	mf = self:register_metric_family(name, mf)
+	return mf
+function metric_registry_mt:histogram(name, unit, description, labels, extra)
+	name = compose_name(name, unit)
+	local mf = new_metric_family(self.backend, "histogram", name, unit, description, labels, extra)
+	mf = self:register_metric_family(name, mf)
+	return mf
+function metric_registry_mt:summary(name, unit, description, labels, extra)
+	name = compose_name(name, unit)
+	local mf = new_metric_family(self.backend, "summary", name, unit, description, labels, extra)
+	mf = self:register_metric_family(name, mf)
+	return mf
+function metric_registry_mt:get_metric_families()
+	return self.families
+-- END of MetricRegistry implementation
+-- BEGIN of general helpers for implementing high-level APIs on top of OpenMetrics
+local function timed(metric)
+	local t0 = time()
+	local submitter = assert(metric.sample or metric.set, "metric type cannot be used with timed()")
+	return function()
+		local t1 = time()
+		submitter(metric, t1-t0)
+	end
+-- END of general helpers
+return {
+	new_metric_proxy = new_metric_proxy;
+	new_metric_registry = new_metric_registry;
+	render_histogram_le = render_histogram_le;
+	timed = timed;