changeset 3758 41f174b61b6a
parent 3757 e8be634e217a
child 3759 1f7305784e12
equal deleted inserted replaced
3757:e8be634e217a 3758:41f174b61b6a
     1 -- Prosody IM
     2 -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild
     3 -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain
     4 -- 
     5 -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
     6 -- COPYING file in the source package for more information.
     7 --
     9 = "*";
    11 local _G = _G;
    13 local prosody = _G.prosody;
    14 local hosts = prosody.hosts;
    15 local connlisteners_register = require "net.connlisteners".register;
    17 local console_listener = { default_port = 5582; default_mode = "*l"; default_interface = "" };
    19 require "util.iterators";
    20 local jid_bare = require "util.jid".bare;
    21 local set, array = require "util.set", require "util.array";
    22 local cert_verify_identity = require "util.x509".verify_identity;
    24 local commands = {};
    25 local def_env = {};
    26 local default_env_mt = { __index = def_env };
    28 prosody.console = { commands = commands, env = def_env };
    30 local function redirect_output(_G, session)
    31 	local env = setmetatable({ print = session.print }, { __index = function (t, k) return rawget(_G, k); end });
    32 	env.dofile = function(name)
    33 		local f, err = loadfile(name);
    34 		if not f then return f, err; end
    35 		return setfenv(f, env)();
    36 	end;
    37 	return env;
    38 end
    40 console = {};
    42 function console:new_session(conn)
    43 	local w = function(s) conn:write(s:gsub("\n", "\r\n")); end;
    44 	local session = { conn = conn;
    45 			send = function (t) w(tostring(t)); end;
    46 			print = function (...)
    47 				local t = {};
    48 				for i=1,select("#", ...) do
    49 					t[i] = tostring(select(i, ...));
    50 				end
    51 				w("| "..table.concat(t, "\t").."\n");
    52 			end;
    53 			disconnect = function () conn:close(); end;
    54 			};
    55 	session.env = setmetatable({}, default_env_mt);
    57 	-- Load up environment with helper objects
    58 	for name, t in pairs(def_env) do
    59 		if type(t) == "table" then
    60 			session.env[name] = setmetatable({ session = session }, { __index = t });
    61 		end
    62 	end
    64 	return session;
    65 end
    67 local sessions = {};
    69 function console_listener.onconnect(conn)
    70 	-- Handle new connection
    71 	local session = console:new_session(conn);
    72 	sessions[conn] = session;
    73 	printbanner(session);
    74 	session.send(string.char(0));
    75 end
    77 function console_listener.onincoming(conn, data)
    78 	local session = sessions[conn];
    80 	-- Handle data
    81 	(function(session, data)
    82 		local useglobalenv;
    84 		if data:match("^>") then
    85 			data = data:gsub("^>", "");
    86 			useglobalenv = true;
    87 		elseif data == "\004" then
    88 			commands["bye"](session, data);
    89 			return;
    90 		else
    91 			local command = data:lower();
    92 			command = data:match("^%w+") or data:match("%p");
    93 			if commands[command] then
    94 				commands[command](session, data);
    95 				return;
    96 			end
    97 		end
    99 		session.env._ = data;
   101 		local chunkname = "=console";
   102 		local chunk, err = loadstring("return ", chunkname);
   103 		if not chunk then
   104 			chunk, err = loadstring(data, chunkname);
   105 			if not chunk then
   106 				err = err:gsub("^%[string .-%]:%d+: ", "");
   107 				err = err:gsub("^:%d+: ", "");
   108 				err = err:gsub("'<eof>'", "the end of the line");
   109 				session.print("Sorry, I couldn't understand that... "..err);
   110 				return;
   111 			end
   112 		end
   114 		setfenv(chunk, (useglobalenv and redirect_output(_G, session)) or session.env or nil);
   116 		local ranok, taskok, message = pcall(chunk);
   118 		if not (ranok or message or useglobalenv) and commands[data:lower()] then
   119 			commands[data:lower()](session, data);
   120 			return;
   121 		end
   123 		if not ranok then
   124 			session.print("Fatal error while running command, it did not complete");
   125 			session.print("Error: "..taskok);
   126 			return;
   127 		end
   129 		if not message then
   130 			session.print("Result: "..tostring(taskok));
   131 			return;
   132 		elseif (not taskok) and message then
   133 			session.print("Command completed with a problem");
   134 			session.print("Message: "..tostring(message));
   135 			return;
   136 		end
   138 		session.print("OK: "..tostring(message));
   139 	end)(session, data);
   141 	session.send(string.char(0));
   142 end
   144 function console_listener.ondisconnect(conn, err)
   145 	local session = sessions[conn];
   146 	if session then
   147 		session.disconnect();
   148 		sessions[conn] = nil;
   149 	end
   150 end
   152 connlisteners_register('console', console_listener);
   154 -- Console commands --
   155 -- These are simple commands, not valid standalone in Lua
   157 function commands.bye(session)
   158 	session.print("See you! :)");
   159 	session.disconnect();
   160 end
   161 commands.quit, commands.exit = commands.bye, commands.bye;
   163 commands["!"] = function (session, data)
   164 	if data:match("^!!") and session.env._ then
   165 		session.print("!> "..session.env._);
   166 		return console_listener.onincoming(session.conn, session.env._);
   167 	end
   168 	local old, new = data:match("^!(.-[^\\])!(.-)!$");
   169 	if old and new then
   170 		local ok, res = pcall(string.gsub, session.env._, old, new);
   171 		if not ok then
   172 			session.print(res)
   173 			return;
   174 		end
   175 		session.print("!> "..res);
   176 		return console_listener.onincoming(session.conn, res);
   177 	end
   178 	session.print("Sorry, not sure what you want");
   179 end
   182 function, data)
   183 	local print = session.print;
   184 	local section = data:match("^help (%w+)");
   185 	if not section then
   186 		print [[Commands are divided into multiple sections. For help on a particular section, ]]
   187 		print [[type: help SECTION (for example, 'help c2s'). Sections are: ]]
   188 		print [[]]
   189 		print [[c2s - Commands to manage local client-to-server sessions]]
   190 		print [[s2s - Commands to manage sessions between this server and others]]
   191 		print [[module - Commands to load/reload/unload modules/plugins]]
   192 		print [[host - Commands to activate, deactivate and list virtual hosts]]
   193 		print [[server - Uptime, version, shutting down, etc.]]
   194 		print [[config - Reloading the configuration, etc.]]
   195 		print [[console - Help regarding the console itself]]
   196 	elseif section == "c2s" then
   197 		print [[c2s:show(jid) - Show all client sessions with the specified JID (or all if no JID given)]]
   198 		print [[c2s:show_insecure() - Show all unencrypted client connections]]
   199 		print [[c2s:show_secure() - Show all encrypted client connections]]
   200 		print [[c2s:close(jid) - Close all sessions for the specified JID]]
   201 	elseif section == "s2s" then
   202 		print [[s2s:show(domain) - Show all s2s connections for the given domain (or all if no domain given)]]
   203 		print [[s2s:close(from, to) - Close a connection from one domain to another]]
   204 	elseif section == "module" then
   205 		print [[module:load(module, host) - Load the specified module on the specified host (or all hosts if none given)]]
   206 		print [[module:reload(module, host) - The same, but unloads and loads the module (saving state if the module supports it)]]
   207 		print [[module:unload(module, host) - The same, but just unloads the module from memory]]
   208 		print [[module:list(host) - List the modules loaded on the specified host]]
   209 	elseif section == "host" then
   210 		print [[host:activate(hostname) - Activates the specified host]]
   211 		print [[host:deactivate(hostname) - Disconnects all clients on this host and deactivates]]
   212 		print [[host:list() - List the currently-activated hosts]]
   213 	elseif section == "server" then
   214 		print [[server:version() - Show the server's version number]]
   215 		print [[server:uptime() - Show how long the server has been running]]
   216 		print [[server:shutdown(reason) - Shut down the server, with an optional reason to be broadcast to all connections]]
   217 	elseif section == "config" then
   218 		print [[config:reload() - Reload the server configuration. Modules may need to be reloaded for changes to take effect.]]
   219 	elseif section == "console" then
   220 		print [[Hey! Welcome to Prosody's admin console.]]
   221 		print [[First thing, if you're ever wondering how to get out, simply type 'quit'.]]
   222 		print [[Secondly, note that we don't support the full telnet protocol yet (it's coming)]]
   223 		print [[so you may have trouble using the arrow keys, etc. depending on your system.]]
   224 		print [[]]
   225 		print [[For now we offer a couple of handy shortcuts:]]
   226 		print [[!! - Repeat the last command]]
   227 		print [[!old!new! - repeat the last command, but with 'old' replaced by 'new']]
   228 		print [[]]
   229 		print [[For those well-versed in Prosody's internals, or taking instruction from those who are,]]
   230 		print [[you can prefix a command with > to escape the console sandbox, and access everything in]]
   231 		print [[the running server. Great fun, but be careful not to break anything :)]]
   232 	end
   233 	print [[]]
   234 end
   236 -- Session environment --
   237 -- Anything in def_env will be accessible within the session as a global variable
   239 def_env.server = {};
   241 function def_env.server:insane_reload()
   242 	prosody.unlock_globals();
   243 	dofile "prosody"
   244 	prosody = _G.prosody;
   245 	return true, "Server reloaded";
   246 end
   248 function def_env.server:version()
   249 	return true, tostring(prosody.version or "unknown");
   250 end
   252 function def_env.server:uptime()
   253 	local t = os.time()-prosody.start_time;
   254 	local seconds = t%60;
   255 	t = (t - seconds)/60;
   256 	local minutes = t%60;
   257 	t = (t - minutes)/60;
   258 	local hours = t%24;
   259 	t = (t - hours)/24;
   260 	local days = t;
   261 	return true, string.format("This server has been running for %d day%s, %d hour%s and %d minute%s (since %s)",
   262 		days, (days ~= 1 and "s") or "", hours, (hours ~= 1 and "s") or "",
   263 		minutes, (minutes ~= 1 and "s") or "","%c", prosody.start_time));
   264 end
   266 function def_env.server:shutdown(reason)
   267 	prosody.shutdown(reason);
   268 	return true, "Shutdown initiated";
   269 end
   271 def_env.module = {};
   273 local function get_hosts_set(hosts, module)
   274 	if type(hosts) == "table" then
   275 		if hosts[1] then
   276 			return;
   277 		elseif hosts._items then
   278 			return hosts;
   279 		end
   280 	elseif type(hosts) == "string" then
   281 		return { hosts };
   282 	elseif hosts == nil then
   283 		local mm = require "modulemanager";
   284 		return
   285 			/ function (host) return prosody.hosts[host].type == "local" or module and mm.is_loaded(host, module); end;
   286 	end
   287 end
   289 function def_env.module:load(name, hosts, config)
   290 	local mm = require "modulemanager";
   292 	hosts = get_hosts_set(hosts);
   294 	-- Load the module for each host
   295 	local ok, err, count = true, nil, 0;
   296 	for host in hosts do
   297 		if (not mm.is_loaded(host, name)) then
   298 			ok, err = mm.load(host, name, config);
   299 			if not ok then
   300 				ok = false;
   301 				self.session.print(err or "Unknown error loading module");
   302 			else
   303 				count = count + 1;
   304 				self.session.print("Loaded for ";
   305 			end
   306 		end
   307 	end
   309 	return ok, (ok and "Module loaded onto "..count.." host"..(count ~= 1 and "s" or "")) or ("Last error: "..tostring(err));	
   310 end
   312 function def_env.module:unload(name, hosts)
   313 	local mm = require "modulemanager";
   315 	hosts = get_hosts_set(hosts, name);
   317 	-- Unload the module for each host
   318 	local ok, err, count = true, nil, 0;
   319 	for host in hosts do
   320 		if mm.is_loaded(host, name) then
   321 			ok, err = mm.unload(host, name);
   322 			if not ok then
   323 				ok = false;
   324 				self.session.print(err or "Unknown error unloading module");
   325 			else
   326 				count = count + 1;
   327 				self.session.print("Unloaded from ";
   328 			end
   329 		end
   330 	end
   331 	return ok, (ok and "Module unloaded from "..count.." host"..(count ~= 1 and "s" or "")) or ("Last error: "..tostring(err));
   332 end
   334 function def_env.module:reload(name, hosts)
   335 	local mm = require "modulemanager";
   337 	hosts = get_hosts_set(hosts, name);
   339 	-- Reload the module for each host
   340 	local ok, err, count = true, nil, 0;
   341 	for host in hosts do
   342 		if mm.is_loaded(host, name) then
   343 			ok, err = mm.reload(host, name);
   344 			if not ok then
   345 				ok = false;
   346 				self.session.print(err or "Unknown error reloading module");
   347 			else
   348 				count = count + 1;
   349 				if ok == nil then
   350 					ok = true;
   351 				end
   352 				self.session.print("Reloaded on ";
   353 			end
   354 		end
   355 	end
   356 	return ok, (ok and "Module reloaded on "..count.." host"..(count ~= 1 and "s" or "")) or ("Last error: "..tostring(err));
   357 end
   359 function def_env.module:list(hosts)
   360 	if hosts == nil then
   361 		hosts = array.collect(keys(prosody.hosts));
   362 	end
   363 	if type(hosts) == "string" then
   364 		hosts = { hosts };
   365 	end
   366 	if type(hosts) ~= "table" then
   367 		return false, "Please supply a host or a list of hosts you would like to see";
   368 	end
   370 	local print = self.session.print;
   371 	for _, host in ipairs(hosts) do
   372 		print(host..":");
   373 		local modules = array.collect(keys(prosody.hosts[host] and prosody.hosts[host].modules or {})):sort();
   374 		if #modules == 0 then
   375 			if prosody.hosts[host] then
   376 				print("    No modules loaded");
   377 			else
   378 				print("    Host not found");
   379 			end
   380 		else
   381 			for _, name in ipairs(modules) do
   382 				print("    ";
   383 			end
   384 		end
   385 	end
   386 end
   388 def_env.config = {};
   389 function def_env.config:load(filename, format)
   390 	local config_load = require "core.configmanager".load;
   391 	local ok, err = config_load(filename, format);
   392 	if not ok then
   393 		return false, err or "Unknown error loading config";
   394 	end
   395 	return true, "Config loaded";
   396 end
   398 function def_env.config:get(host, section, key)
   399 	local config_get = require "core.configmanager".get
   400 	return true, tostring(config_get(host, section, key));
   401 end
   403 function def_env.config:reload()
   404 	local ok, err = prosody.reload_config();
   405 	return ok, (ok and "Config reloaded (you may need to reload modules to take effect)") or tostring(err);
   406 end
   408 def_env.hosts = {};
   409 function def_env.hosts:list()
   410 	for host, host_session in pairs(hosts) do
   411 		self.session.print(host);
   412 	end
   413 	return true, "Done";
   414 end
   416 function def_env.hosts:add(name)
   417 end
   419 def_env.c2s = {};
   421 local function show_c2s(callback)
   422 	for hostname, host in pairs(hosts) do
   423 		for username, user in pairs(host.sessions or {}) do
   424 			for resource, session in pairs(user.sessions or {}) do
   425 				local jid = username.."@"..hostname.."/"..resource;
   426 				callback(jid, session);
   427 			end
   428 		end
   429 	end
   430 end
   432 function def_env.c2s:show(match_jid)
   433 	local print, count = self.session.print, 0;
   434 	local curr_host;
   435 	show_c2s(function (jid, session)
   436 		if curr_host ~= then
   437 			curr_host =;
   438 			print(curr_host);
   439 		end
   440 		if (not match_jid) or jid:match(match_jid) then
   441 			count = count + 1;
   442 			local status, priority = "unavailable", tostring(session.priority or "-");
   443 			if session.presence then
   444 				status = session.presence:child_with_name("show");
   445 				if status then
   446 					status = status:get_text() or "[invalid!]";
   447 				else
   448 					status = "available";
   449 				end
   450 			end
   451 			print("   "..jid.." - "..status.."("..priority..")");
   452 		end		
   453 	end);
   454 	return true, "Total: "..count.." clients";
   455 end
   457 function def_env.c2s:show_insecure(match_jid)
   458 	local print, count = self.session.print, 0;
   459 	show_c2s(function (jid, session)
   460 		if ((not match_jid) or jid:match(match_jid)) and not then
   461 			count = count + 1;
   462 			print(jid);
   463 		end		
   464 	end);
   465 	return true, "Total: "..count.." insecure client connections";
   466 end
   468 function def_env.c2s:show_secure(match_jid)
   469 	local print, count = self.session.print, 0;
   470 	show_c2s(function (jid, session)
   471 		if ((not match_jid) or jid:match(match_jid)) and then
   472 			count = count + 1;
   473 			print(jid);
   474 		end		
   475 	end);
   476 	return true, "Total: "..count.." secure client connections";
   477 end
   479 function def_env.c2s:close(match_jid)
   480 	local print, count = self.session.print, 0;
   481 	show_c2s(function (jid, session)
   482 		if jid == match_jid or jid_bare(jid) == match_jid then
   483 			count = count + 1;
   484 			session:close();
   485 		end
   486 	end);
   487 	return true, "Total: "..count.." sessions closed";
   488 end
   490 def_env.s2s = {};
   491 function def_env.s2s:show(match_jid)
   492 	local _print = self.session.print;
   493 	local print = self.session.print;
   495 	local count_in, count_out = 0,0;
   497 	for host, host_session in pairs(hosts) do
   498 		print = function (...) _print(host); _print(...); print = _print; end
   499 		for remotehost, session in pairs(host_session.s2sout) do
   500 			if (not match_jid) or remotehost:match(match_jid) or host:match(match_jid) then
   501 				count_out = count_out + 1;
   502 				print("    "" -> "..remotehost..(session.cert_identity_status == "valid" and " (secure)" or "")..( and " (encrypted)" or "")..(session.compressed and " (compressed)" or ""));
   503 				if session.sendq then
   504 					print("        There are "..#session.sendq.." queued outgoing stanzas for this connection");
   505 				end
   506 				if session.type == "s2sout_unauthed" then
   507 					if session.connecting then
   508 						print("        Connection not yet established");
   509 						if not session.srv_hosts then
   510 							if not session.conn then
   511 								print("        We do not yet have a DNS answer for this host's SRV records");
   512 							else
   513 								print("        This host has no SRV records, using A record instead");
   514 							end
   515 						elseif session.srv_choice then
   516 							print("        We are on SRV record "..session.srv_choice.." of "..#session.srv_hosts);
   517 							local srv_choice = session.srv_hosts[session.srv_choice];
   518 							print("        Using "..( or ".")..":"..(srv_choice.port or 5269));
   519 						end
   520 					elseif session.notopen then
   521 						print("        The <stream> has not yet been opened");
   522 					elseif not session.dialback_key then
   523 						print("        Dialback has not been initiated yet");
   524 					elseif session.dialback_key then
   525 						print("        Dialback has been requested, but no result received");
   526 					end
   527 				end
   528 			end
   529 		end	
   530 		local subhost_filter = function (h)
   531 				return (match_jid and h:match(match_jid));
   532 			end
   533 		for session in pairs(incoming_s2s) do
   534 			if session.to_host == host and ((not match_jid) or host:match(match_jid)
   535 				or (session.from_host and session.from_host:match(match_jid))
   536 				-- Pft! is what I say to list comprehensions
   537 				or (session.hosts and #array.collect(keys(session.hosts)):filter(subhost_filter)>0)) then
   538 				count_in = count_in + 1;
   539 				print("    "" <- "..(session.from_host or "(unknown)")..(session.cert_identity_status == "valid" and " (secure)" or "")..( and " (encrypted)" or "")..(session.compressed and " (compressed)" or ""));
   540 				if session.type == "s2sin_unauthed" then
   541 						print("        Connection not yet authenticated");
   542 				end
   543 				for name in pairs(session.hosts) do
   544 					if name ~= session.from_host then
   545 						print("        also hosts "..tostring(name));
   546 					end
   547 				end
   548 			end
   549 		end
   551 		print = _print;
   552 	end
   554 	for session in pairs(incoming_s2s) do
   555 		if not session.to_host and ((not match_jid) or session.from_host and session.from_host:match(match_jid)) then
   556 			count_in = count_in + 1;
   557 			print("Other incoming s2s connections");
   558 			print("    (unknown) <- "..(session.from_host or "(unknown)"));			
   559 		end
   560 	end
   562 	return true, "Total: "..count_out.." outgoing, "..count_in.." incoming connections";
   563 end
   565 local function print_subject(print, subject)
   566 	for _, entry in ipairs(subject) do
   567 		print(
   568 			("    %s: %q"):format(
   569 or entry.oid,
   570 				entry.value:gsub("[\r\n%z%c]", " ")
   571 			)
   572 		);
   573 	end
   574 end
   576 function def_env.s2s:showcert(domain)
   577 	local ser = require "util.serialization".serialize;
   578 	local print = self.session.print;
   579 	local domain_sessions =
   580 		/function(session) return session.from_host == domain; end;
   581 	for local_host in values(prosody.hosts) do
   582 		local s2sout = local_host.s2sout;
   583 		if s2sout and s2sout[domain] then
   584 			domain_sessions:add(s2sout[domain]);
   585 		end
   586 	end
   587 	local cert_set = {};
   588 	for session in domain_sessions do
   589 		local conn = session.conn;
   590 		conn = conn and conn:socket();
   591 		if not conn.getpeercertificate then
   592 			if conn.dohandshake then
   593 				error("This version of LuaSec does not support certificate viewing");
   594 			end
   595 		else
   596 			local cert = conn:getpeercertificate();
   597 			if cert then
   598 				local digest = cert:digest("sha1");
   599 				if not cert_set[digest] then
   600 					local chain_valid, chain_err = conn:getpeerchainvalid();
   601 					cert_set[digest] = {
   602 						{
   603 						  from = session.from_host,
   604 						  to = session.to_host,
   605 						  direction = session.direction
   606 						};
   607 						chain_valid = chain_valid;
   608 						chain_err = chain_err;
   609 						cert = cert;
   610 					};
   611 				else
   612 					table.insert(cert_set[digest], {
   613 						from = session.from_host,
   614 						to = session.to_host,
   615 						direction = session.direction
   616 					});
   617 				end
   618 			end
   619 		end
   620 	end
   621 	local domain_certs = array.collect(values(cert_set));
   622 	-- Phew. We now have a array of unique certificates presented by domain.
   623 	local print = self.session.print;
   624 	local n_certs = #domain_certs;
   626 	if n_certs == 0 then
   627 		return "No certificates found for "..domain;
   628 	end
   630 	local function _capitalize_and_colon(byte)
   631 		return string.upper(byte)..":";
   632 	end
   633 	local function pretty_fingerprint(hash)
   634 		return hash:gsub("..", _capitalize_and_colon):sub(1, -2);
   635 	end
   637 	for cert_info in values(domain_certs) do
   638 		local cert = cert_info.cert;
   639 		print("---")
   640 		print("Fingerprint (SHA1): "..pretty_fingerprint(cert:digest("sha1")));
   641 		print("");
   642 		local n_streams = #cert_info;
   643 		print("Currently used on "..n_streams.." stream"..(n_streams==1 and "" or "s")..":");
   644 		for _, stream in ipairs(cert_info) do
   645 			if stream.direction == "incoming" then
   646 				print("    "" <- ";
   647 			else
   648 				print("    "" -> ";
   649 			end
   650 		end
   651 		print("");
   652 		local chain_valid, err = cert_info.chain_valid, cert_info.chain_err;
   653 		local valid_identity = cert_verify_identity(domain, "xmpp-server", cert);
   654 		print("Trusted certificate: "..(chain_valid and "Yes" or ("No ("..err..")")));
   655 		print("Issuer: ");
   656 		print_subject(print, cert:issuer());
   657 		print("");
   658 		print("Valid for "..domain..": "..(valid_identity and "Yes" or "No"));
   659 		print("Subject:");
   660 		print_subject(print, cert:subject());
   661 	end
   662 	print("---");
   663 	return ("Showing "..n_certs.." certificate"
   664 		..(n_certs==1 and "" or "s")
   665 		.." presented by "..domain..".");
   666 end
   668 function def_env.s2s:close(from, to)
   669 	local print, count = self.session.print, 0;
   671 	if not (from and to) then
   672 		return false, "Syntax: s2s:close('from', 'to') - Closes all s2s sessions from 'from' to 'to'";
   673 	elseif from == to then
   674 		return false, "Both from and to are the same... you can't do that :)";
   675 	end
   677 	if hosts[from] and not hosts[to] then
   678 		-- Is an outgoing connection
   679 		local session = hosts[from].s2sout[to];
   680 		if not session then
   681 			print("No outgoing connection from "..from.." to "
   682 		else
   683 			(session.close or s2smanager.destroy_session)(session);
   684 			count = count + 1;
   685 			print("Closed outgoing session from "..from.." to ";
   686 		end
   687 	elseif hosts[to] and not hosts[from] then
   688 		-- Is an incoming connection
   689 		for session in pairs(incoming_s2s) do
   690 			if session.to_host == to and session.from_host == from then
   691 				(session.close or s2smanager.destroy_session)(session);
   692 				count = count + 1;
   693 			end
   694 		end
   696 		if count == 0 then
   697 			print("No incoming connections from "..from.." to ";
   698 		else
   699 			print("Closed "..count.." incoming session"..((count == 1 and "") or "s").." from "..from.." to ";
   700 		end
   701 	elseif hosts[to] and hosts[from] then
   702 		return false, "Both of the hostnames you specified are local, there are no s2s sessions to close";
   703 	else
   704 		return false, "Neither of the hostnames you specified are being used on this server";
   705 	end
   707 	return true, "Closed "..count.." s2s session"..((count == 1 and "") or "s");
   708 end
   710 = {}; def_env.hosts =;
   712 function, config)
   713 	return hostmanager.activate(hostname, config);
   714 end
   715 function, reason)
   716 	return hostmanager.deactivate(hostname, reason);
   717 end
   719 function
   720 	local print = self.session.print;
   721 	local i = 0;
   722 	for host in values(array.collect(keys(prosody.hosts)):sort()) do
   723 		i = i + 1;
   724 		print(host);
   725 	end
   726 	return true, i.." hosts";
   727 end
   729 -------------
   731 function printbanner(session)
   732 	local option = config.get("*", "core", "console_banner");
   733 if option == nil or option == "full" or option == "graphic" then
   734 session.print [[
   735                    ____                \   /     _       
   736                     |  _ \ _ __ ___  ___  _-_   __| |_   _ 
   737                     | |_) | '__/ _ \/ __|/ _ \ / _` | | | |
   738                     |  __/| | | (_) \__ \ |_| | (_| | |_| |
   739                     |_|   |_|  \___/|___/\___/ \__,_|\__, |
   740                     A study in simplicity            |___/ 
   742 ]]
   743 end
   744 if option == nil or option == "short" or option == "full" then
   745 session.print("Welcome to the Prosody administration console. For a list of commands, type: help");
   746 session.print("You may find more help on using this console in our online documentation at ");
   747 session.print("\n");
   748 end
   749 if option and option ~= "short" and option ~= "full" and option ~= "graphic" then
   750 	if type(option) == "string" then
   751 		session.print(option)
   752 	elseif type(option) == "function" then
   753 		setfenv(option, redirect_output(_G, session));
   754 		pcall(option, session);
   755 	end
   756 end
   757 end
   759 prosody.net_activate_ports("console", "console", {5582}, "tcp");