author Matthew Wild <>
Tue, 18 Jan 2022 17:01:18 +0000
changeset 4880 0f5f2d4475b9
parent 2248 e0663dcd934d
child 5688 7c264a2cb970
permissions -rw-r--r--
mod_http_xep227: Add support for import via APIs rather than direct store manipulation In particular this transitions PEP nodes and data to be imported via mod_pep's APIs, fixing issues with importing at runtime while PEP data may already be live in RAM. Next obvious candidate for this approach is rosters, so clients get immediate roster pushes and other special handling (such as emitting subscribes to reach the desired subscription state).

-- luacheck: ignore 212/self

local sql = require "util.sql";
local xml_parse = require "util.xml".parse;
local resolve_relative_path = require "util.paths".resolve_relative_path;
local stanza_preserialize = require "util.stanza".preserialize;

local unpack = unpack
local function iterator(result)
	return function(result_)
		local row = result_();
		if row ~= nil then
			return unpack(row);
	end, result, nil;

local default_params = { driver = "SQLite3" };

local engine;

local host =;
local user, store;

local function keyval_store_get()
	if store == "accounts" then
		--for row in engine:select("SELECT `password`,`created_at` FROM `users` WHERE `username`=?", user or "") do
		local result;
		for row in engine:select("SELECT `password` FROM `users` WHERE `username`=? LIMIT 1", user or "") do result = row end
		local password = result[1];
		--local created_at = result[2];
		return { password = password };

	elseif store == "roster" then
		local roster = {};
		local pending = nil;
		--for row in engine:select("SELECT `jid`,`nick`,`subscription`,`ask`,`askmessage`,`server`,`subscribe`,`type`,`created_at` FROM `rosterusers` WHERE `username`=?", user or "") do
		for row in engine:select("SELECT `jid`,`nick`,`subscription`,`ask` FROM `rosterusers` WHERE `username`=?", user or "") do
			local contact = row[1];
			local name = row[2];
			if name == "" then name = nil; end
			local subscription = row[3];
			if subscription == "N" then
				subscription = "none"
			elseif subscription == "B" then
				subscription = "both"
			elseif subscription == "F" then
				subscription = "from"
			elseif subscription == "T" then
				subscription = "to"
			else error("Unknown subscription type: "..subscription) end;
			local ask = row[4];
			if ask == "N" then
				ask = nil;
			elseif ask == "O" then
				ask = "subscribe";
			elseif ask == "I" then
				if pending == nil then pending = {} end;
				pending[contact] = true;
				ask = nil;
			elseif ask == "B" then
				if pending == nil then pending = {} end;
				pending[contact] = true;
				ask = "subscribe";
			else error("Unknown ask type: "..ask); end

			--local askmessage = row[5];
			--local server = row[6];
			--local subscribe = row[7];
			--local type = row[8];
			--local created_at = row[9];

			local groups = {};
			for row in engine:select("SELECT `grp` FROM `rostergroups` WHERE `username`=? AND `jid`=?", user or "", contact) do
				local group = row[1];
				groups[group] = true;

			roster[contact] = { name = name, ask = ask, subscription = subscription, groups = groups };
		return roster;

	elseif store == "vcard" then
		local result = nil;
		for row in engine:select("SELECT `vcard` FROM `vcard` WHERE `username`=? LIMIT 1", user or "") do result = row end
		if not result then
			return nil;
		local data, err = xml_parse(result[1]);
		if data then
			return stanza_preserialize(data);

	elseif store == "private" then
		local private = nil;
		local result;
		for row in engine:select("SELECT `namespace`,`data` FROM `private_storage` WHERE `username`=?", user or "") do
			if private == nil then private = {} end;
			local namespace = row[1];
			local data, err = xml_parse(row[2]);
			if data then
				assert(namespace == data.attr.xmlns, "Wrong namespace in private data!");
				local key =":";
				private[key] = stanza_preserialize(data);
		return private;

--- Key/value store API (default store type)

local keyval_store = {};
keyval_store.__index = keyval_store;
function keyval_store:get(username)
	user, store = username,;
	local ok, result = engine:transaction(keyval_store_get);
	if not ok then
		module:log("error", "Unable to read from database %s store for %s: %s", store, username or "<host>", result);
		return nil, result;
	return result;

function keyval_store:users()
	local ok, result = engine:transaction(function()
		return engine:select("SELECT `username` FROM `users`");
	if not ok then return ok, result end
	return iterator(result);

local stores = {
	keyval = keyval_store;

--- Implement storage driver API

-- FIXME: Some of these operations need to operate on the archive store(s) too

local driver = {};

function driver:open(store, typ)
	local store_mt = stores[typ or "keyval"];
	if store_mt then
		return setmetatable({ store = store }, store_mt);
	return nil, "unsupported-store";

function driver:stores(username)
	local query = "SELECT 'accounts', 'roster', 'vcard', 'private'";
	if username == true or not username then
		username = "";
	local ok, result = engine:transaction(function()
		return engine:select(query, host, username);
	if not ok then return ok, result end
	return iterator(result);

--- Initialization

local function normalize_params(params)
	if params.driver == "SQLite3" then
		if params.database ~= ":memory:" then
			params.database = resolve_relative_path( or ".", params.database or "prosody.sqlite");
	assert(params.driver and params.database, "Configuration error: Both the SQL driver and the database need to be specified");
	return params;

function module.load()
	if prosody.prosodyctl then return; end
	local engines = module:shared("/*/sql/connections");
	local params = normalize_params(module:get_option("sql", default_params));
	engine = engines[sql.db2uri(params)];
	if not engine then
		module:log("debug", "Creating new engine");
		engine = sql:create_engine(params);
		engines[sql.db2uri(params)] = engine;

	module:provides("storage", driver);