changeset 98 a54cc7bca826
parent 95 e704834c5613
--- a/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65.lua	Wed Nov 25 20:13:56 2009 +0100
+++ b/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65.lua	Wed Nov 25 21:36:21 2009 +0100
@@ -246,7 +246,8 @@
 			if reply ~= nil and from ~= nil and to ~= nil and sid ~= nil then
 				local sha = sha1(sid .. from .. to, true);
 				if transfers[sha] == nil then
-					module:log("error", "transfers[sha]: nil");
+					module:log("warn", "Recieved request to activate transfer with no participants");
+					module:log("debug", "The sha1 of the transfer which should be activated was: %s", sha);
 				elseif(transfers[sha] ~= nil and transfers[sha].initiator ~= nil and transfers[sha].target ~= nil) then
 					transfers[sha].activated = true;