changeset 2610 538c54d2dab3
child 2739 b5fae17e4403
equal deleted inserted replaced
2609:8908d001faf3 2610:538c54d2dab3
     1 -- Copyright (C) 2016 Kim Alvefur
     2 -- Copyright (C) 2017 Thilo Molitor
     3 --
     5 module:depends"csi"
     6 module:depends"track_muc_joins"
     7 local s_match = string.match;
     8 local s_sub = string.sub;
     9 local jid = require "util.jid";
    10 local new_queue = require "util.queue".new;
    11 local datetime = require "util.datetime";
    13 local xmlns_delay = "urn:xmpp:delay";
    15 -- a log id for this module instance
    16 local id = s_sub(require "util.hashes".sha256(datetime.datetime(), true), 1, 4);
    18 -- Patched version of util.stanza:find() that supports giving stanza names
    19 -- without their namespace, allowing for every namespace.
    20 local function find(self, path)
    21 	local pos = 1;
    22 	local len = #path + 1;
    24 	repeat
    25 		local xmlns, name, text;
    26 		local char = s_sub(path, pos, pos);
    27 		if char == "@" then
    28 			return self.attr[s_sub(path, pos + 1)];
    29 		elseif char == "{" then
    30 			xmlns, pos = s_match(path, "^([^}]+)}()", pos + 1);
    31 		end
    32 		name, text, pos = s_match(path, "^([^@/#]*)([/#]?)()", pos);
    33 		name = name ~= "" and name or nil;
    34 		if pos == len then
    35 			if text == "#" then
    36 				local child = xmlns ~= nil and self:get_child(name, xmlns) or self:child_with_name(name);
    37 				return child and child:get_text() or nil;
    38 			end
    39 			return xmlns ~= nil and self:get_child(name, xmlns) or self:child_with_name(name);
    40 		end
    41 		self = xmlns ~= nil and self:get_child(name, xmlns) or self:child_with_name(name);
    42 	until not self
    43 	return nil;
    44 end
    46 local function new_pump(output, ...)
    47 	-- luacheck: ignore 212/self
    48 	local q = new_queue(...);
    49 	local flush = true;
    50 	function q:pause()
    51 		flush = false;
    52 	end
    53 	function q:resume()
    54 		flush = true;
    55 		return q:flush();
    56 	end
    57 	local push = q.push;
    58 	function q:push(item)
    59 		local ok = push(self, item);
    60 		if not ok then
    61 			q:flush();
    62 			output(item, self);
    63 		elseif flush then
    64 			return q:flush();
    65 		end
    66 		return true;
    67 	end
    68 	function q:flush()
    69 		local item = self:pop();
    70 		while item do
    71 			output(item, self);
    72 			item = self:pop();
    73 		end
    74 		return true;
    75 	end
    76 	return q;
    77 end
    79 local function is_stamp_needed(stanza, session)
    80 	local st_name = stanza and or nil;
    81 	if st_name == "presence" then
    82 		return true;
    83 	elseif st_name == "message" then
    84 		if stanza:get_child("delay", xmlns_delay) then return false; end
    85 		if stanza.attr.type == "chat" or stanza.attr.type == "groupchat" then return true; end
    86 	end
    87 	return false;
    88 end
    90 local function add_stamp(stanza, session)
    91 	stanza = stanza:tag("delay", { xmlns = xmlns_delay, from =, stamp = datetime.datetime()});
    92 	return stanza;
    93 end
    95 local function is_important(stanza, session)
    96 	local st_name = stanza and or nil;
    97 	if not st_name then return false; end
    98 	if st_name == "presence" then
    99 		-- TODO check for MUC status codes?
   100 		return false;
   101 	elseif st_name == "message" then
   102 		-- unpack carbon copies
   103 		local stanza_direction = "in";
   104 		local carbon;
   105 		-- support carbon copied message stanzas having an arbitrary message-namespace or no message-namespace at all
   106 		if not carbon then carbon = find(stanza, "{urn:xmpp:carbons:2}/forwarded/message"); end
   107 		if not carbon then carbon = find(stanza, "{urn:xmpp:carbons:1}/forwarded/message"); end
   108 		stanza_direction = carbon and stanza:child_with_name("sent") and "out" or "in";
   109 		--session.log("debug", "mod_csi_battery_saver(%s): stanza_direction = %s, carbon = %s, stanza = %s", id, stanza_direction, carbon and "true" or "false", tostring(stanza));
   110 		if carbon then stanza = carbon; end
   111 		-- carbon copied outgoing messages aren't important (but incoming carbon copies are!)
   112 		if carbon and stanza_direction == "out" then return false; end
   114 		local st_type = stanza.attr.type;
   115 		if st_type == "headline" then
   116 			return false;
   117 		end
   118 		local body = stanza:get_child_text("body");
   119 		if st_type == "groupchat" then
   120 			if stanza:get_child_text("subject") then return true; end
   121 			if not body then return false; end
   122 			if body:find(session.username, 1, true) then return true; end
   123 			local rooms = session.rooms_joined;
   124 			if not rooms then return false; end
   125 			local room_nick = rooms[jid.bare(stanza_direction == "in" and stanza.attr.from or];
   126 			if room_nick and body:find(room_nick, 1, true) then return true; end
   127 			return false;
   128 		end
   129 		return body ~= nil and body ~= "";
   130 	end
   131 	return true;
   132 end
   134 module:hook("csi-client-inactive", function (event)
   135 	local session = event.origin;
   136 	if session.pump then
   137 		session.pump:pause();
   138 	else
   139 		session.log("debug", "mod_csi_battery_saver(%s): Client is inactive the first time, initializing module for this session", id);
   140 		local pump = new_pump(session.send, 100);
   141 		pump:pause();
   142 		session.pump = pump;
   143 		session._pump_orig_send = session.send;
   144 		function session.send(stanza)
   145 			session.log("debug", "mod_csi_battery_saver(%s): Got stanza: <%s>", id, tostring(;
   146 			local important = is_important(stanza, session);
   147 			-- add delay stamp to unimported (buffered) stanzas that can/need be stamped
   148 			if not important and is_stamp_needed(stanza, session) then stanza = add_stamp(stanza, session); end
   149 			pump:push(stanza);
   150 			if important then
   151 				session.log("debug", "mod_csi_battery_saver(%s): Encountered important stanza, flushing buffer: <%s>", id, tostring(;
   152 				pump:flush();
   153 			end
   154 			return true;
   155 		end
   156 	end
   157 	session.log("debug", "mod_csi_battery_saver(%s): Client is inactive, buffering unimportant stanzas", id);
   158 end);
   160 module:hook("csi-client-active", function (event)
   161 	local session = event.origin;
   162 	if session.pump then
   163 		session.log("debug", "mod_csi_battery_saver(%s): Client is active, resuming direct delivery", id);
   164 		session.pump:resume();
   165 	end
   166 end);
   168 function module.unload()
   169 	module:log("info", "%s: Unloading module, flushing all buffers", id);
   170 	local host_sessions = prosody.hosts[].sessions;
   171 	for _, user in pairs(host_sessions) do
   172 		for _, session in pairs(user.sessions) do
   173 			if session.pump then
   174 				session.pump:flush();
   175 				session.send = session._pump_orig_send;
   176 				session.pump = nil;
   177 				session._pump_orig_send = nil;
   178 			end
   179 		end
   180 	end
   181 end
   183 module:log("info", "%s: Successfully loaded module", id);