changeset 23 e441162b1386
child 24 25552b21d3fb
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/xep0163.lua	Sun Mar 15 15:03:51 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+dopath 'mpd'
+tune_enabled = false
+mpd_pub_song = { }
+function mpd_getstatus ()
+	local status   = mpd.call_command { 'status' }
+	if not tune_enabled or ( status.state ~= 'play' and status.state ~= 'pause' ) then
+		if mpd_pub_song.artist or mpd_pub_song.length or mpd_pub_song.source or mpd_pub_song.title or mpd_pub_song.track then
+			mpd_pub_song.artist = nil
+			mpd_pub_song.length = nil
+			mpd_pub_song.source = nil
+			mpd_pub_song.title  = nil
+			mpd_pub_song.track  = nil
+			return mpd_pub_song
+		else
+			return nil
+		end
+	end
+	local modified  = false
+	local song      = mpd.call_command { 'currentsong' }
+	local dir, file = song.file:match ( '(.+)/(.-)' )
+	-- populate according to currentsong fields: artist - artist, length - time, source - album, title - title, track - id, rating - ?, uri - ?
+	local artist, length, source, title, track = song.artist, song.time, song.album, song.title, song.id
+	if not artist or artist == '' then
+		artist = 'Unknown'
+	end
+	if not mpd_pub_song.artist or artist ~= mpd_pub_song.artist[1] then
+		mpd_pub_song.artist = { artist }
+		modified = true
+	end
+	if length and length ~= 0 then
+		if not mpd_pub_song.length or length ~= mpd_pub_song.length[1] then
+			mpd_pub_song.length = { length }
+			modified = true
+		end
+	elseif mpd_pub_song.length then -- no length
+		mpd_pub_song.length = nil
+		modified = true
+	end
+	if not source or source == '' then
+		source = dir
+	end
+	if not mpd_pub_song.source or source ~= mpd_pub_song.source[1] then
+		mpd_pub_song.source = { source }
+		modified = true
+	end
+	if not title or title == '' then
+		title = file
+	end
+	if not mpd_pub_song.title or title ~= mpd_pub_song.title[1] then
+		mpd_pub_song.title = { title }
+		modified = true
+	end
+	if not mpd_pub_song.track or track ~= mpd_pub_song.track[1] then
+		mpd_pub_song.track = { track }
+		modified = true
+	end
+	if modified then
+		return mpd_pub_song
+	else
+		return nil
+	end
+function pep_publish ( node, data )
+	local conn = lm.connection.bless ( main.connection () )
+	data.xmlns = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/' .. node -- this may modify original data? imo it does not matter.
+	if conn:status () == 'authenticated' then
+--		local bjid = conn:jid():gsub ( '/.*', '' )
+		conn:send (
+			lm.message.create { mtype = 'iq-set', -- from = conn:jid (), to = bjid,
+				pubsub = { xmlns = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub',
+					publish = { node = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/' .. node,
+						item = { -- id = "current",
+							[node] = data,
+						},
+					},
+				},
+				configure = {
+					x = {
+						field = {{ type = "hidden", var = 'FORM_TYPE',
+							value = { 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config' },
+						},{ var = "pubsub#access_model",
+							value = { 'presence' },
+						}},
+					},
+				},
+			},
+			function ( conn, mess )
+				local mtype, smtype = mess:type ()
+				if smtype == 'result' then
+					return true
+				elseif smtype == 'error' then
+					print ( 'Error publishing to ' .. node .. ': ' .. mess:xml () ) -- FIXME
+					return true
+				else
+					print ( 'Weird ansver to publishing request: ' .. mess:xml () )
+					return false
+				end
+			end )
+	end
+pep_incoming_message_handler = lm.message_handler.new (
+	function ( conn, mess )
+		local e = mess:child ( 'event' )
+		if e and e:attribute ( 'xmlns' ) == 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event' then
+			local enable = yesno ( main.option ( 'pep_notification' ) )
+			if enable == false then
+				return true
+			end
+			local is = e:child ( 'items' )
+			if is then
+				local from = mess:attribute ( 'from' )
+				local node = is:attribute ( 'node' )
+				if node == 'http://jabber.org/protocol/tune' then
+					local tune = is:path ( 'item', 'tune' )
+					if tune then
+						local item = tune:children ()
+						local text = ''
+						while item do
+							text = ("%s\n- %s: %s"):format ( text, item:name (), item:value () or '' )
+							item = item:next ()
+						end
+						if text ~= '' then
+							text = 'Now listening to:' .. text
+						else
+							text = 'Now not listening to anything'
+						end
+						main.print_info ( from, text )
+						return true
+					else
+						main.print_info ( from, 'Strange: no tune item in pep notification' )
+					end
+				elseif node == 'http://jabber.org/protocol/mood' then
+					local mood = is:path ( 'item', 'mood' )
+					if mood then
+						local item = mood:children ()
+						local mood, desc
+						while item do
+							if item:name () == 'text' then
+								desc = item:value ()
+							else
+								mood = item:name ()
+								-- here we can add child elements handling (by namespace)
+							end
+							item = item:next ()
+						end
+						if mood then
+							main.print_info ( from, ("Buddy's mood now %s %s"):format ( mood, desc or '' ) )
+						else
+							main.print_info ( from, "Buddy hides his mood" )
+						end
+						return true
+					else
+						main.print_info ( from, 'Strange: no mood item in pep notification' )
+					end
+				elseif node == 'http://jabber.org/protocol/activity' then
+					local activity = is:path ( 'item', 'activity' )
+					if activity then
+						local item = activity:children ()
+						local activity, desc
+						while item do
+							if item:name () == 'text' then
+								desc = item:value ()
+							else
+								activity = item:name ()
+								local subitem = item:children ()
+								if subitem then
+									-- here we can check for non-standard subactivity elements,
+									-- add subactivity child elements handling
+									activity = ("%s: %s"):format ( activity, subitem:name () )
+								end
+							end
+							item = item:next ()
+						end
+						if activity then
+							main.print_info ( from, ("Now %s %s"):format ( activity, desc or '' ) )
+						else
+							main.print_info ( from, "Buddy hides his activity" )
+						end
+						return true
+					else
+						main.print_info ( from, 'Strange: no activity item in pep notification' )
+					end
+				elseif node == 'http://jabber.org/protocol/geoloc' then
+					local loc = is:path ( 'item', 'geoloc' )
+					if loc then
+						local item = loc:children ()
+						local text = ''
+						while item do
+							text = ("%s\n- %s: %s"):format ( text, item:name (), item:value () or '' )
+							item = item:next ()
+						end
+						if text ~= '' then
+							text = 'Now at:' .. text
+						else
+							text = 'Now in unknown location'
+						end
+						main.print_info ( from, text )
+						return true
+					else
+						main.print_info ( from, 'Strange: no geoloc item in pep notification' )
+					end
+				else
+					main.print_info ( from, 'Unknown node in pep notification: ' .. is:xml () )
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		return false
+	end )
+function mpd_callback ()
+	local sdata = mpd_getstatus ()
+	if sdata then
+		pep_publish ( 'tune', sdata )
+	end
+	if tune_enabled then
+		return true
+	else
+		return false
+	end
+-- do not call it too fast, or you end up with many daemons at once
+function enable_tune ( yn )
+	if yn == nil then
+		yn = true
+	end
+	if yn then
+		if not tune_enabled then
+			main.timer ( 15, mpd_callback )
+			tune_enabled = true
+			-- update status
+		end
+	else
+		if tune_enabled then
+			tune_enabled = false
+			-- update status
+		end
+	end
+main.command ( 'tune',
+	function ( args )
+		local enable = yesno ( args )
+		if enable == nil then
+			if tune_enabled then
+				print ( "Tune notifications enabled" )
+			else
+				print ( "Tune notifications disabled" )
+			end
+		else
+			enable_tune ( enable )
+		end
+	end, boolean_cid )
+main.command ( 'mood',
+	function ( args )
+		local data = { }
+		local mood, text = args:match ( "(%S-)%s+(.+)" )
+		if mood then
+			data.text  = { text }
+		else
+			mood = args
+		end
+		if mood ~= '' then
+			data[mood] = { }
+		end
+		pep_publish ( 'mood', data )
+	end )
+main.command ( 'activity',
+	function ( args )
+		local data = { }
+		local activity, text = args:match ( "(%S-)%s+(.+)" )
+		if activity then
+			data.text = { text }
+		else
+			activity = args
+		end
+		local act, subact = activity:match ( ".-%-.+" )
+		if not act then
+			act = activity
+		end
+		if act ~= '' then
+			data[act] = { }
+			if subact then
+				data[act][subact] = { }
+			end
+		end
+		pep_publish ( 'activity', data )
+	end )
+main.command ( 'location',
+	function ( args )
+		local data = { }
+		local key, val, remains = args:match ( '%s*(%S+)%s+(%S+)(.*)' )
+		while key do
+			data[key] = { val }
+			key, val, remains = args:match ( '%s*(%S+)%s+(%S+)(.*)' )
+		end
+		pep_publish ( 'geoloc', data )
+	end )
+commands_help['tune']     = "[enable|disable|on|off|yes|no|true|false]\n\nEnables or disables publishing of notifications about playing music in your player (currently only mpd is supported)."
+commands_help['mood']     = "[mood [message]]\n\nPublishes your mood.\nNote, that for now it does not checks for mood validity, so, see xep0107 for valid moods."
+commands_help['activity'] = "[activity[-specific_activity] [text]]\n\nPublishes your activity.\nNote, that for now it does not checks for activity validity, so, see xep0108 for valid activity values."
+commands_help['location'] = "[key value [key value ...]]\n\nPublishes your current geolocation.\nValid keys are accuracy, alt, area, bearing, building, country, datum, description, error, floor, lat, locality, lon, postalcode, region, room, speed, street, text, timestamp and uri, according to xep0080."
+pep_handler_registered = false
+hooks_d['hook-post-connect'].xep0163 =
+	function ( args )
+		lm.connection.bless( main.connection () ):handler ( pep_incoming_message_handler, 'message', 'normal' )
+		pep_handler_registered = true
+		if tune_enabled then
+			mpd_callback ()
+		end
+		-- XXX: may it confuse pairs()?
+		hooks_d['hook-post-connect'].xep0163 =
+			function ( args )
+				if tune_enabled then
+					mpd_callback ()
+				end
+			end
+		hooks_d['hook-quit'].xep0163 =
+			function ( args )
+				if mpd_handler_registered then
+					lm.connection.bless( main.connection () ):handler ( pep_incoming_message_handler, 'message' )
+					pep_handler_registered = false
+				end
+			end
+	end
+-- XXX: this really should be initialized after connection establishment?
+-- but as this thing is implemented by now, it will be cached by server,
+-- and, thus, we will be unable to get notifications.
+main.add_feature ( 'http://jabber.org/protocol/tune+notify' )
+main.add_feature ( 'http://jabber.org/protocol/tune' )
+main.add_feature ( 'http://jabber.org/protocol/mood+notify' )
+main.add_feature ( 'http://jabber.org/protocol/mood' )
+main.add_feature ( 'http://jabber.org/protocol/activity+notify' )
+main.add_feature ( 'http://jabber.org/protocol/activity' )
+main.add_feature ( 'http://jabber.org/protocol/geoloc+notify' )
+main.add_feature ( 'http://jabber.org/protocol/geoloc' )
+-- vim: se ts=4: --