author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Fri, 15 Mar 2024 01:31:57 +0100
changeset 51505 c9ceb4f60256
parent 48875 6000f5b25c9b
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
phases: avoid N² behavior in `advanceboundary` We allowed duplicated entries in the deque, which each entry could potentially insert all its ancestors. So advancing boundary for the full repository would mean each revision would walk all its ancestors, resulting in O(N²) iteration. For repository of any decent size, N² is quickly insane. We introduce a simple set to avoid this and get back to reasonable performance.

#!/usr/bin/env python
Tests the behavior of filelog w.r.t. data starting with '\1\n'

from mercurial.node import hex
from mercurial import (
    ui as uimod,

myui = uimod.ui.load()
repo = hg.repository(myui, path=b'.', create=True)

fl = repo.file(b'foobar')

def addrev(text, renamed=False):
    if renamed:
        # data doesn't matter. Just make sure filelog.renamed() returns True
        meta = {b'copyrev': hex(repo.nullid), b'copy': b'bar'}
        meta = {}

    lock = t = None
        lock = repo.lock()
        t = repo.transaction(b'commit')
        node = fl.add(text, meta, t, 0, repo.nullid, repo.nullid)
        return node
        if t:
        if lock:

def error(text):
    print('ERROR: ' + text)

textwith = b'\1\nfoo'
without = b'foo'

node = addrev(textwith)
if not textwith == fl.read(node):
    error('filelog.read for data starting with \\1\\n')
if fl.cmp(node, textwith) or not fl.cmp(node, without):
    error('filelog.cmp for data starting with \\1\\n')
if fl.size(0) != len(textwith):
        'FIXME: This is a known failure of filelog.size for data starting '
        'with \\1\\n'

node = addrev(textwith, renamed=True)
if not textwith == fl.read(node):
    error('filelog.read for a renaming + data starting with \\1\\n')
if fl.cmp(node, textwith) or not fl.cmp(node, without):
    error('filelog.cmp for a renaming + data starting with \\1\\n')
if fl.size(1) != len(textwith):
    error('filelog.size for a renaming + data starting with \\1\\n')
