author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Fri, 15 Mar 2024 01:31:57 +0100
changeset 51505 c9ceb4f60256
parent 49826 c84844cd523a
permissions -rw-r--r--
phases: avoid N² behavior in `advanceboundary` We allowed duplicated entries in the deque, which each entry could potentially insert all its ancestors. So advancing boundary for the full repository would mean each revision would walk all its ancestors, resulting in O(N²) iteration. For repository of any decent size, N² is quickly insane. We introduce a simple set to avoid this and get back to reasonable performance.

#testcases obsstore-off obsstore-on

  $ cat << EOF >> $HGRCPATH
  > [extensions]
  > amend =
  > EOF

#if obsstore-on
  $ cat << EOF >> $HGRCPATH
  > [experimental]
  > evolution.createmarkers = True
  > EOF

Prepare parent repo

  $ hg init r
  $ cd r

  $ echo a > a
  $ hg ci -Am0
  adding a

Link first subrepo

  $ echo 's = s' >> .hgsub
  $ hg add .hgsub
  $ hg init s

amend without .hgsub

  $ hg amend s
  abort: can't commit subrepos without .hgsub

amend with subrepo

  $ hg amend
  saved backup bundle to * (glob) (obsstore-off !)
  $ hg status --change .
  A .hgsub
  A .hgsubstate
  A a
  $ cat .hgsubstate
  0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 s

Update subrepo

add new commit to be amended

  $ echo a >> a
  $ hg ci -m1

amend with dirty subrepo

  $ echo a >> s/a
  $ hg add -R s
  adding s/a
  $ hg amend
  abort: uncommitted changes in subrepository "s"
  (use --subrepos for recursive commit)

amend with modified subrepo

  $ hg ci -R s -m0
  $ hg amend
  saved backup bundle to * (glob) (obsstore-off !)
  $ hg status --change .
  M .hgsubstate
  M a
  $ cat .hgsubstate
  f7b1eb17ad24730a1651fccd46c43826d1bbc2ac s

revert subrepo change

  $ hg up -R s -q null
  $ hg amend
  saved backup bundle to * (glob) (obsstore-off !)
  $ hg status --change .
  M a

Link another subrepo

add new commit to be amended

  $ echo b >> b
  $ hg ci -qAm2

also checks if non-subrepo change is included

  $ echo a >> a

amend with another subrepo

  $ hg init t
  $ echo b >> t/b
  $ hg ci -R t -Am0
  adding b
  $ echo 't = t' >> .hgsub
  $ hg amend
  saved backup bundle to * (glob) (obsstore-off !)
  $ hg status --change .
  M .hgsub
  M .hgsubstate
  M a
  A b
  $ cat .hgsubstate
  0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 s
  bfb1a4fb358498a9533dabf4f2043d94162f1fcd t

Unlink one subrepo

add new commit to be amended

  $ echo a >> a
  $ hg ci -m3

  $ echo 't = t' > .hgsub

--interactive won't silently ignore dirty subrepos

  $ echo modified > t/b
  $ hg amend --interactive --config ui.interactive=True
  abort: uncommitted changes in subrepository "t"
  $ hg amend --interactive --config ui.interactive=True --config ui.commitsubrepos=True
  abort: uncommitted changes in subrepository "t"

  $ hg -R t revert -q --all --no-backup

amend with one subrepo dropped

  $ hg amend
  saved backup bundle to * (glob) (obsstore-off !)
  $ hg status --change .
  M .hgsub
  M .hgsubstate
  M a
  $ cat .hgsubstate
  bfb1a4fb358498a9533dabf4f2043d94162f1fcd t

Unlink subrepos completely

add new commit to be amended

  $ echo a >> a
  $ hg ci -m3

amend with .hgsub removed

  $ hg rm .hgsub
  $ hg amend
  saved backup bundle to * (glob) (obsstore-off !)
  $ hg status --change .
  M a
  R .hgsub
  R .hgsubstate

broken repositories will refuse to push

#if obsstore-off
  $ hg up -q -C 2
  $ hg up -q -C 6
  $ echo c >> t/b
  $ hg amend -q -R t

  $ hg init ../dest
  $ hg init ../dest/t
  $ hg init ../dest/s
  $ hg push -q ../dest
  abort: subrepo 't' is hidden in revision 04aa62396ec6 (obsstore-on !)
  abort: subrepo 't' not found in revision 04aa62396ec6 (obsstore-off !)

... unless forced

  $ hg push --force -q ../dest
  $ hg verify -R ../dest
  checking changesets
  checking manifests
  crosschecking files in changesets and manifests
  checking files
  checking dirstate
  checked 5 changesets with 12 changes to 4 files
  checking subrepo links
  subrepo 't' not found in revision 04aa62396ec6
  subrepo 't' not found in revision 6bce99600681

  $ cd ..