author isbear <isbear@web>
Sun, 14 May 2017 20:19:39 +0200
changeset 3 fc0f1dd31117
parent 1 1e57279b82b1
permissions -rw-r--r--
Reword homepage name

[[!meta title="Frequently Asked Questions"]]

MCabber won't connect. It says `jab_start: SSL negotiation failed: self signed certificate`.
:   Use `ssl_verify = 0` in the configuration file, or set the certificates
    options correctly.
    With mcabber >=0.10 the option name is `ssl_ignore_checks`.

How do I connect to my Google Talk account?
:   With mcabber >=0.10, setting the `jid` variable should work.
    With mcabber 0.9, it should work with the following options:

    set username = your.email@gmail.com
    set server = talk.google.com
    set ssl = 1
    set ssl_verify = 0

I want to bind a key, how do I know the code number?
:   If the key is available, the key code will be displayed in the log window when
    you hit that key.

How do I create a group?
:   Use `/move`, if the target group doesn't exist it will be created.

How can I set a transparent background?
:   Seti `color_background = default`.

How do I use PGP encryption?
:   Please see the [[OpenPGP]] page.

How do I use OTR encryption?
:   Someone wrote a small [HowTo][otr_howto].

How to retrieve mcabber source using Mercurial?
:   See [[Building_mcabber_from_Mercurial]].

How comes the cursor is not at the end of line (EOL) when I use the Up and Down arrows?
:   By default these keys are bound to `iline
    hist_beginning_search_bwd/hist_beginning_search_fwd`, which is very useful once
    you get used to it. Of course you can rebind the keys (259, 258) to
    `iline hist_prev/hist_next` if you don't like this behaviour...

Can I get rid of this timeout after hitting Escape?
:   You can decrease the timeout value by setting the (Ncurses) environment
    variable `ESCDELAY` (for example `export ESCDELAY=25; mcabber`). With mcabber >
    0.9.5 there is an `escdelay` option.

How can I prevent mcabber from scrolling when I receive a message?
:   See `/buffer scroll_lock` and `scroll_unlock`. You can bind a key to `buffer
    scroll_toggle` too.

Can I use a transport with mcabber?
:   You cannot register with mcabber. However, once you're registered, you can log
    into and out of transports by sending presence to them (see `/status_to`).

MCabber says `WARNING: Bad permissions`! What are "good" permissions for mcabber?
:   MCabber expects its directory to be 700 (`rwx------`) and your configuration
    file should be 600 (`rw-------`) to ensure that nobody else can read it.

Fifo does not work in version >= 0.10.2! (also url regex)
:   In 0.10.2 fifo and url regex were put into a separate from mcabber modules.
    Module can be loaded with command `/module load fifo` (or `url_regex`
    respectively). This command can also be put into your `mcabberrc` to load them
    automatically at startup. Note, however, that you must set parameters for the
    module before loading it.

I have a feature request!
:   Come and tell us in the mcabber MUC room.

I want to make a donation...
:   Really? Get my email/jid from the sources and contact me! ;-)
    There's also a PayPal button on [MCabber's homepage][mcabber].

[mcabber]:   http://mcabber.com/
[otr_howto]: http://www.fsfe.org/es/fellows/smc/weblog/mcabber_and_otr