changeset 24 e88b15cbf2de
child 28 0cd8025eebee
equal deleted inserted replaced
23:d7107507424b 24:e88b15cbf2de
     1 #include <stdio.h>
     2 #include <stdlib.h>
     3 #include <string.h>
     4 #include <ncurses.h>
     5 #include <panel.h>
     6 #include <time.h>
     7 #include <ctype.h>
     8 #include <locale.h>
    10 #include "screen.h"
    11 #include "utils.h"
    12 #include "buddies.h"
    13 #include "parsecfg.h"
    14 #include "lang.h"
    15 #include "server.h"
    16 #include "list.h"
    18 /* Definicion de tipos */
    19 #define window_entry(n) list_entry(n, window_entry_t, list)
    21 LIST_HEAD(window_list);
    23 typedef struct _window_entry_t {
    24   WINDOW *win;
    25   PANEL *panel;
    26   char *name;
    27   int nlines;
    28   char **texto;
    29   int hidden_msg;
    30   struct list_head list;
    31 } window_entry_t;
    34 /* Variables globales a SCREEN.C */
    35 static WINDOW *rosterWnd, *chatWnd, *inputWnd;
    36 static WINDOW *logWnd, *logWnd_border;
    37 static PANEL *rosterPanel, *chatPanel, *inputPanel;
    38 static PANEL *logPanel, *logPanel_border;
    39 static int maxY, maxX;
    40 static window_entry_t *currentWindow;
    42 static int chatmode;
    43 int update_roaster;
    45 static char inputLine[INPUTLINE_LENGTH+1];
    46 static char *ptr_inputline;
    47 static short int inputline_offset;
    50 /* Funciones */
    52 int scr_WindowHeight(WINDOW * win)
    53 {
    54   int x, y;
    55   getmaxyx(win, y, x);
    56   return x;
    57 }
    59 void scr_draw_box(WINDOW * win, int y, int x, int height, int width,
    60                   int Color, chtype box, chtype border)
    61 {
    62   int i, j;
    64   wattrset(win, COLOR_PAIR(Color));
    65   for (i = 0; i < height; i++) {
    66     wmove(win, y + i, x);
    67     for (j = 0; j < width; j++)
    68       if (!i && !j)
    69 	waddch(win, border | ACS_ULCORNER);
    70       else if (i == height - 1 && !j)
    71 	waddch(win, border | ACS_LLCORNER);
    72       else if (!i && j == width - 1)
    73 	waddch(win, box | ACS_URCORNER);
    74       else if (i == height - 1 && j == width - 1)
    75 	waddch(win, box | ACS_LRCORNER);
    76       else if (!i)
    77 	waddch(win, border | ACS_HLINE);
    78       else if (i == height - 1)
    79 	waddch(win, box | ACS_HLINE);
    80       else if (!j)
    81 	waddch(win, border | ACS_VLINE);
    82       else if (j == width - 1)
    83 	waddch(win, box | ACS_VLINE);
    84       else
    85 	waddch(win, box | ' ');
    86   }
    87 }
    89 int FindColor(char *name)
    90 {
    91   if (!strcmp(name, "default"))
    92     return -1;
    93   if (!strcmp(name, "black"))
    94     return COLOR_BLACK;
    95   if (!strcmp(name, "red"))
    96     return COLOR_RED;
    97   if (!strcmp(name, "green"))
    98     return COLOR_GREEN;
    99   if (!strcmp(name, "yellow"))
   100     return COLOR_YELLOW;
   101   if (!strcmp(name, "blue"))
   102     return COLOR_BLUE;
   103   if (!strcmp(name, "magenta"))
   104     return COLOR_MAGENTA;
   105   if (!strcmp(name, "cyan"))
   106     return COLOR_CYAN;
   107   if (!strcmp(name, "white"))
   108     return COLOR_WHITE;
   110   return -1;
   111 }
   113 void ParseColors(void)
   114 {
   115   char *colors[11] = {
   116     "", "",
   117     "borderlines",
   118     "jidonlineselected",
   119     "jidonline",
   120     "jidofflineselected",
   121     "jidoffline",
   122     "text",
   123     NULL
   124   };
   126   char *tmp = malloc(1024);
   127   char *color1;
   128   char *background = cfg_read("color_background");
   129   char *backselected = cfg_read("color_backselected");
   130   int i = 0;
   132   while (colors[i]) {
   133     sprintf(tmp, "color_%s", colors[i]);
   134     color1 = cfg_read(tmp);
   136     switch (i + 1) {
   137     case 1:
   138       init_pair(1, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE);
   139       break;
   140     case 2:
   141       init_pair(2, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK);
   142       break;
   143     case 3:
   144       init_pair(3, FindColor(color1), FindColor(background));
   145       break;
   146     case 4:
   147       init_pair(4, FindColor(color1), FindColor(backselected));
   148       break;
   149     case 5:
   150       init_pair(5, FindColor(color1), FindColor(background));
   151       break;
   152     case 6:
   153       init_pair(6, FindColor(color1), FindColor(backselected));
   154       break;
   155     case 7:
   156       init_pair(7, FindColor(color1), FindColor(background));
   157       break;
   158     case 8:
   159       init_pair(8, FindColor(color1), FindColor(background));
   160       break;
   161     }
   162     i++;
   163   }
   164 }
   167 window_entry_t *scr_CreatePanel(char *title, int x, int y, int lines,
   168 				int cols, int dont_show)
   169 {
   170   window_entry_t *tmp = calloc(1, sizeof(window_entry_t));
   172   tmp->win = newwin(lines, cols, y, x);
   173   tmp->panel = new_panel(tmp->win);
   174   tmp->name = (char *) calloc(1, 1024);
   175   strncpy(tmp->name, title, 1024);
   177   scr_draw_box(tmp->win, 0, 0, lines, cols, COLOR_GENERAL, 0, 0);
   178   //mvwprintw(tmp->win, 0, (cols - (2 + strlen(title))) / 2, " %s ", title);
   179   if ((!dont_show)) {
   180     currentWindow = tmp;
   181   } else {
   182     if (currentWindow)
   183       top_panel(currentWindow->panel);
   184     else
   185       top_panel(chatPanel);
   186   }
   188   list_add_tail(&tmp->list, &window_list);
   189   update_panels();
   191   return tmp;
   192 }
   195 void scr_CreatePopup(char *title, char *texto, int corte, int type,
   196                      char *returnstring)
   197 {
   198   WINDOW *popupWin;
   199   PANEL *popupPanel;
   201   int lineas = 0;
   202   int cols = 0;
   204   char **submsgs;
   205   int n = 0;
   206   int i;
   208   char *instr = (char *) calloc(1, 1024);
   210   /* fprintf(stderr, "\r\n%d", lineas); */
   212   submsgs = ut_SplitMessage(texto, &n, corte);
   214   switch (type) {
   215   case 1:
   216   case 0:
   217     lineas = n + 4;
   218     break;
   219   }
   221   cols = corte + 3;
   222   popupWin = newwin(lineas, cols, (maxY - lineas) / 2, (maxX - cols) / 2);
   223   popupPanel = new_panel(popupWin);
   225   /*ATENCION!!! Colorear el popup ??
   226      / box (popupWin, 0, 0); */
   227   scr_draw_box(popupWin, 0, 0, lineas, cols, COLOR_POPUP, 0, 0);
   228   mvwprintw(popupWin, 0, (cols - (2 + strlen(title))) / 2, " %s ", title);
   230   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
   231     mvwprintw(popupWin, i + 1, 2, "%s", submsgs[i]);
   234   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
   235     free(submsgs[i]);
   236   free(submsgs);
   238   switch (type) {
   239   case 0:
   240     mvwprintw(popupWin, n + 2,
   241 	      (cols - (2 + strlen(i18n("Press any key")))) / 2,
   242 	      i18n("Press any key"));
   243     update_panels();
   244     doupdate();
   245     getch();
   246     break;
   247   case 1:
   248     {
   249       char ch;
   250       int scroll = 0;
   251       int input_x = 0;
   253       wmove(popupWin, 3, 1);
   254       wrefresh(popupWin);
   255       keypad(popupWin, TRUE);
   256       while ((ch = getch()) != '\n') {
   257 	switch (ch) {
   258 	case 0x09:
   259 	case KEY_UP:
   260 	case KEY_DOWN:
   261 	  break;
   262 	case KEY_RIGHT:
   263 	case KEY_LEFT:
   264 	  break;
   265 	case KEY_BACKSPACE:
   266 	case 127:
   267 	  if (input_x || scroll) {
   268 	    /* wattrset (popupWin, 0); */
   269 	    if (!input_x) {
   270 	      scroll = scroll < cols - 3 ? 0 : scroll - (cols - 3);
   271 	      wmove(popupWin, 3, 1);
   272 	      for (i = 0; i < cols; i++)
   273 		waddch
   274 		    (popupWin,
   275 		     instr
   276 		     [scroll
   277 		      + input_x + i] ? instr[scroll + input_x + i] : ' ');
   278 	      input_x = strlen(instr) - scroll;
   279 	    } else
   280 	      input_x--;
   281 	    instr[scroll + input_x] = '\0';
   282 	    mvwaddch(popupWin, 3, input_x + 1, ' ');
   283 	    wmove(popupWin, 3, input_x + 1);
   284 	    wrefresh(popupWin);
   285 	  }
   286 	default:
   287 	  if ( /*ch<0x100 && */ isprint(ch) || ch == 'ñ'
   288 	      || ch == 'Ñ') {
   289 	    if (scroll + input_x < 1024) {
   290 	      instr[scroll + input_x] = ch;
   291 	      instr[scroll + input_x + 1] = '\0';
   292 	      if (input_x == cols - 3) {
   293 		scroll++;
   294 		wmove(popupWin, 3, 1);
   295 		for (i = 0; i < cols - 3; i++)
   296 		  waddch(popupWin, instr[scroll + i]);
   297 	      } else {
   298 		wmove(popupWin, 3, 1 + input_x++);
   299 		waddch(popupWin, ch);
   300 	      }
   301 	      wrefresh(popupWin);
   302 	    } else {
   303 	      flash();
   304 	    }
   305 	  }
   306 	}
   307       }
   308     }
   309     if (returnstring != NULL)
   310       strcpy(returnstring, instr);
   311     break;
   312   }
   314   del_panel(popupPanel);
   315   delwin(popupWin);
   316   update_panels();
   317   doupdate();
   318   free(instr);
   319   keypad(inputWnd, TRUE);
   320 }
   322 void scr_RoolWindow(void)
   323 {
   324 }
   326 window_entry_t *scr_SearchWindow(char *winId)
   327 {
   328   struct list_head *pos, *n;
   329   window_entry_t *search_entry = NULL;
   331   list_for_each_safe(pos, n, &window_list) {
   332     search_entry = window_entry(pos);
   333     if (search_entry->name) {
   334       if (!strcasecmp(search_entry->name, winId)) {
   335 	return search_entry;
   336       }
   337     }
   338   }
   339   return NULL;
   340 }
   342 void scr_ShowWindow(char *winId)
   343 {
   344   int n, width, i;
   345   window_entry_t *tmp = scr_SearchWindow(winId);
   346   if (tmp != NULL) {
   347     top_panel(tmp->panel);
   348     currentWindow = tmp;
   349     chatmode = TRUE;
   350     tmp->hidden_msg = FALSE;
   351     update_roaster = TRUE;
   352     width = scr_WindowHeight(tmp->win);
   353     for (n = 0; n < tmp->nlines; n++) {
   354       mvwprintw(tmp->win, n + 1, 1, "");
   355       for (i = 0; i < width - 2; i++)
   356 	waddch(tmp->win, ' ');
   357       mvwprintw(tmp->win, n + 1, 1, "%s", tmp->texto[n]);
   358     }
   359     //move(CHAT_WIN_HEIGHT - 1, maxX - 1);
   360     update_panels();
   361     doupdate();
   362   } else {
   363     top_panel(chatPanel);
   364     currentWindow = tmp;
   365   }
   366 }
   368 void scr_ShowBuddyWindow(void)
   369 {
   370   buddy_entry_t *tmp = bud_SelectedInfo();
   371   if (tmp->jid != NULL)
   372     scr_ShowWindow(tmp->jid);
   373   top_panel(inputPanel);
   374 }
   377 void scr_WriteInWindow(char *winId, char *texto, int TimeStamp, int force_show)
   378 {
   379   time_t ahora;
   380   int n;
   381   int i;
   382   int width;
   383   window_entry_t *tmp;
   384   int dont_show = FALSE;
   387   tmp = scr_SearchWindow(winId);
   389   if (!chatmode)
   390     dont_show = TRUE;
   391   else if ((!force_show) && ((!currentWindow || (currentWindow != tmp))))
   392     dont_show = TRUE;
   393   // scr_LogPrint("dont_show=%d", dont_show);
   395   if (tmp == NULL) {
   396     tmp = scr_CreatePanel(winId, 20, 0, CHAT_WIN_HEIGHT, maxX - 20, dont_show);
   397     tmp->texto = (char **) calloc((CHAT_WIN_HEIGHT+1) * 3, sizeof(char *));
   398     for (n = 0; n < CHAT_WIN_HEIGHT * 3; n++)
   399       tmp->texto[n] = (char *) calloc(1, 1024);
   401     if (TimeStamp) {
   402       ahora = time(NULL);
   403       strftime(tmp->texto[tmp->nlines], 1024, "[%H:%M] ",
   404 	       localtime(&ahora));
   405       strcat(tmp->texto[tmp->nlines], texto);
   406     } else {
   407       sprintf(tmp->texto[tmp->nlines], "            %s", texto);
   408     }
   409     tmp->nlines++;
   410   } else {
   411     if (tmp->nlines < CHAT_WIN_HEIGHT - 2) {
   412       if (TimeStamp) {
   413 	ahora = time(NULL);
   414 	strftime(tmp->texto[tmp->nlines], 1024,
   415 		 "[%H:%M] ", localtime(&ahora));
   416 	strcat(tmp->texto[tmp->nlines], texto);
   417       } else {
   418 	sprintf(tmp->texto[tmp->nlines], "            %s", texto);
   419       }
   420       tmp->nlines++;
   421     } else {
   422       for (n = 0; n < tmp->nlines; n++) {
   423 	memset(tmp->texto[n], 0, 1024);
   424 	strncpy(tmp->texto[n], tmp->texto[n + 1], 1024);
   425       }
   426       if (TimeStamp) {
   427 	ahora = time(NULL);
   428 	strftime(tmp->texto[tmp->nlines - 1], 1024,
   429 		 "[%H:%M] ", localtime(&ahora));
   430 	strcat(tmp->texto[tmp->nlines - 1], texto);
   431       } else {
   432 	sprintf(tmp->texto[tmp->nlines - 1], "            %s", texto);
   433       }
   434     }
   435   }
   437   if (!dont_show) {
   438     top_panel(tmp->panel);
   439     width = scr_WindowHeight(tmp->win);
   440     for (n = 0; n < tmp->nlines; n++) {
   441       mvwprintw(tmp->win, n + 1, 1, "");
   442       for (i = 0; i < width - 2; i++)
   443         waddch(tmp->win, ' ');
   444       mvwprintw(tmp->win, n + 1, 1, "%s", tmp->texto[n]);
   445     }
   447     update_panels();
   448     doupdate();
   449   } else {
   450     tmp->hidden_msg = TRUE;
   451     update_roaster = TRUE;
   452   }
   453 }
   455 void scr_InitCurses(void)
   456 {
   457   initscr();
   458   noecho();
   459   raw();
   460   //cbreak();
   461   start_color();
   462   use_default_colors();
   464   ParseColors();
   466   getmaxyx(stdscr, maxY, maxX);
   467   inputLine[0] = 0;
   468   ptr_inputline = inputLine;
   470   //setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "");
   472   return;
   473 }
   475 void scr_DrawMainWindow(void)
   476 {
   477   /* Draw main panels */
   478   rosterWnd = newwin(CHAT_WIN_HEIGHT, 20, 0, 0);
   479   rosterPanel = new_panel(rosterWnd);
   480   scr_draw_box(rosterWnd, 0, 0, CHAT_WIN_HEIGHT, 20, COLOR_GENERAL, 0, 0);
   481   mvwprintw(rosterWnd, 0, (20 - strlen(i18n("Roster"))) / 2,
   482 	    i18n("Roster"));
   484   chatWnd = newwin(CHAT_WIN_HEIGHT, maxX - 20, 0, 20);
   485   chatPanel = new_panel(chatWnd);
   486   scr_draw_box(chatWnd, 0, 0, CHAT_WIN_HEIGHT, maxX - 20, COLOR_GENERAL, 0, 0);
   487   //mvwprintw(chatWnd, 0,
   488 	//    ((maxX - 20) - strlen(i18n("Status Window"))) / 2,
   489 	//    i18n("Status Window"));
   490   //wbkgd(chatWnd, COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_GENERAL));
   491   mvwprintw(chatWnd, 1, 1, "This is the status window");
   493   logWnd_border = newwin(LOG_WIN_HEIGHT, maxX, CHAT_WIN_HEIGHT, 0);
   494   logPanel_border = new_panel(logWnd_border);
   495   scr_draw_box(logWnd_border, 0, 0, LOG_WIN_HEIGHT, maxX, COLOR_GENERAL, 0, 0);
   496 //  mvwprintw(logWnd_border, 0,
   497 //	    ((maxX - 20) - strlen(i18n("Log Window"))) / 2,
   498 //	    i18n("Log Window"));
   499   //logWnd = newwin(LOG_WIN_HEIGHT - 2, maxX-20 - 2, CHAT_WIN_HEIGHT+1, 20+1);
   500   logWnd = derwin(logWnd_border, LOG_WIN_HEIGHT-2, maxX-2, 1, 1);
   501   logPanel = new_panel(logWnd);
   502   wbkgd(logWnd, COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_GENERAL));
   503   //wattrset(logWnd, COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_GENERAL));
   504   scr_LogPrint("Start up.");
   506   scrollok(logWnd,TRUE);
   507   //idlok(logWnd,TRUE);  // XXX Necessary?
   509   inputWnd = newwin(1, maxX, maxY-1, 0);
   510   inputPanel = new_panel(inputWnd);
   511   //wbkgd(inputWnd, COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_GENERAL));
   513   bud_DrawRoster(rosterWnd);
   514   update_panels();
   515   doupdate();
   516   return;
   517 }
   519 void scr_TerminateCurses(void)
   520 {
   521   clear();
   522   refresh();
   523   endwin();
   524   return;
   525 }
   527 void scr_WriteIncomingMessage(char *jidfrom, char *text)
   528 {
   529   char **submsgs;
   530   int n, i;
   531   char *buffer = (char *) malloc(5 + strlen(text));
   533   sprintf(buffer, "<== %s", text);
   535   submsgs =
   536       ut_SplitMessage(buffer, &n, maxX - scr_WindowHeight(rosterWnd) - 20);
   538   for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
   539     if (i == 0)
   540       scr_WriteInWindow(jidfrom, submsgs[i], TRUE, FALSE);
   541     else
   542       scr_WriteInWindow(jidfrom, submsgs[i], FALSE, FALSE);
   543   }
   545   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
   546     free(submsgs[i]);
   548   free(submsgs);
   549   free(buffer);
   551   top_panel(inputPanel);
   552   //wmove(inputWnd, 0, ptr_inputline - (char*)&inputLine);
   553   update_panels();
   554   doupdate();
   555 }
   557 int scr_Getch(void)
   558 {
   559   int ch;
   560   // keypad(inputWnd, TRUE);
   561   ch = wgetch(inputWnd);
   562   return ch;
   563 }
   565 WINDOW *scr_GetRosterWindow(void)
   566 {
   567   return rosterWnd;
   568 }
   570 WINDOW *scr_GetStatusWindow(void)
   571 {
   572   return chatWnd;
   573 }
   575 WINDOW *scr_GetInputWindow(void)
   576 {
   577   return inputWnd;
   578 }
   580 void scr_LogPrint(const char *fmt, ...)
   581 {
   582   time_t timestamp;
   583   char *buffer;
   584   va_list ap;
   586   buffer = (char *) calloc(1, 4096);
   588   timestamp = time(NULL);
   589   strftime(buffer, 64, "[%H:%M:%S] ", localtime(&timestamp));
   590   wprintw(logWnd, "\n%s", buffer);
   592   va_start(ap, fmt);
   593   vsnprintf(buffer, 4096, fmt, ap);
   594   va_end(ap);
   596   wprintw(logWnd, "%s", buffer);
   597   free(buffer);
   599   update_panels();
   600   doupdate();
   601 }
   603 //  scr_IsHiddenMessage(jid)
   604 // Returns TRUE if there is a hidden message in the window
   605 // for the jid contact.
   606 int scr_IsHiddenMessage(char *jid) {
   607   window_entry_t *wintmp;
   609   wintmp = scr_SearchWindow(jid);
   610   if ((wintmp) && (wintmp->hidden_msg))
   611     return TRUE;
   613   return FALSE;
   614 }
   616 void send_message(int sock, char *msg)
   617 {
   618   char **submsgs;
   619   char *buffer = (char *) calloc(1, 24+strlen(msg));
   620   char *buffer2 = (char *) calloc(1, 1024);
   621   int n, i;
   622   buddy_entry_t *tmp = bud_SelectedInfo();
   624   scr_ShowWindow(tmp->jid);
   626   sprintf(buffer, "--> %s", msg);
   628   submsgs =
   629 	ut_SplitMessage(buffer, &n,
   630 			maxX - scr_WindowHeight(rosterWnd) - 20);
   631   for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
   632     if (i == 0)
   633       scr_WriteInWindow(tmp->jid, submsgs[i], TRUE, TRUE);
   634     else
   635       scr_WriteInWindow(tmp->jid, submsgs[i], FALSE, TRUE);
   636   }
   638   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
   639     free(submsgs[i]);
   640   free(submsgs);
   642   //move(CHAT_WIN_HEIGHT - 1, maxX - 1);
   643   refresh();
   644   sprintf(buffer2, "%s@%s/%s", cfg_read("username"),
   645           cfg_read("server"), cfg_read("resource"));
   646   srv_sendtext(sock, tmp->jid, msg, buffer2);
   647   free(buffer);
   648   free(buffer2);
   650   top_panel(inputPanel);
   651 }
   653 int process_line(char *line, int sock)
   654 {
   655   if (*line != '/') {
   656     send_message(sock, line);
   657     return 0;
   658   }
   659   if (!strcasecmp(line, "/quit")) {
   660     return 255;
   661   }
   662   // Commands handling
   663   // TODO
   664   // say...
   666   scr_LogPrint("Unrecognised command, sorry.");
   667   return 0;
   668 }
   670 //  check_offset(int direction)
   671 // Check inputline_offset value, and make sure the cursor is inside the
   672 // screen.
   673 inline void check_offset(int direction)
   674 {
   675   // Left side
   676   if (inputline_offset && direction <= 0) {
   677     while (ptr_inputline <= (char*)&inputLine + inputline_offset) {
   678       if (inputline_offset) {
   679         inputline_offset -= 5;
   680         if (inputline_offset < 0)
   681           inputline_offset = 0;
   682       }
   683     }
   684   }
   685   // Right side
   686   if (direction >= 0) {
   687     while (ptr_inputline >= inputline_offset + (char*)&inputLine + maxX)
   688       inputline_offset += 5;
   689   }
   690 }
   692 int process_key(int key, int sock)
   693 {
   694   if (isprint(key)) {
   695     char tmpLine[INPUTLINE_LENGTH+1];
   697     // Check the line isn't too long
   698     if (strlen(inputLine) >= INPUTLINE_LENGTH)
   699       return 0;
   701     // Insert char
   702     strcpy(tmpLine, ptr_inputline);
   703     *ptr_inputline++ = key;
   704     strcpy(ptr_inputline, tmpLine);
   705     check_offset(1);
   706   } else {
   707     switch(key) {
   708       case KEY_BACKSPACE:
   709           if (ptr_inputline != (char*)&inputLine) {
   710             *--ptr_inputline = 0;
   711             check_offset(-1);
   712           }
   713           break;
   714       case KEY_DC:
   715           if (*ptr_inputline)
   716             strcpy(ptr_inputline, ptr_inputline+1);
   717           break;
   718       case KEY_LEFT:
   719           if (ptr_inputline != (char*)&inputLine) {
   720             ptr_inputline--;
   721             check_offset(-1);
   722           }
   723           break;
   724       case KEY_RIGHT:
   725           if (*ptr_inputline)
   726             ptr_inputline++;
   727             check_offset(1);
   728           break;
   729       case 9:     // Tab
   730           scr_LogPrint("I'm unable to complete yet");
   731           break;
   732       case '\n':  // Enter
   733           // XXX Test:
   734           chatmode = TRUE;
   735           if (inputLine[0] == 0) {
   736             scr_ShowBuddyWindow();
   737             break;
   738           }
   739           if (process_line(inputLine, sock))
   740             return 255;
   741           ptr_inputline = inputLine;
   742           *ptr_inputline = 0;
   743           inputline_offset = 0;
   744           break;
   745       case KEY_UP:
   746           bud_RosterUp();
   747           if (chatmode)
   748             scr_ShowBuddyWindow();
   749           break;
   750       case KEY_DOWN:
   751           bud_RosterDown();
   752           if (chatmode)
   753             scr_ShowBuddyWindow();
   754           break;
   755       case KEY_PPAGE:
   756           scr_LogPrint("PageUp??");
   757           break;
   758       case KEY_NPAGE:
   759           scr_LogPrint("PageDown??");
   760           break;
   761       case KEY_HOME:
   762       case 1:
   763           ptr_inputline = inputLine;
   764           inputline_offset = 0;
   765           break;
   766       case KEY_END:
   767       case 5:
   768           for (; *ptr_inputline; ptr_inputline++) ;
   769           check_offset(1);
   770           break;
   771       case 21:  // Ctrl-u
   772           strcpy(inputLine, ptr_inputline);
   773           ptr_inputline = inputLine;
   774           inputline_offset = 0;
   775           break;
   776       case KEY_EOL:
   777       case 11:  // Ctrl-k
   778           *ptr_inputline = 0;
   779           break;
   780       case 16:  // Ctrl-p
   781           scr_LogPrint("Ctrl-p not yet implemented");
   782           break;
   783       case 14:  // Ctrl-n
   784           scr_LogPrint("Ctrl-n not yet implemented");
   785           break;
   786       case 27:  // ESC
   787           currentWindow = NULL;
   788           chatmode = FALSE;
   789           top_panel(chatPanel);
   790           top_panel(inputPanel);
   791           break;
   792       default:
   793           scr_LogPrint("Unkown key=%d", key);
   794     }
   795     //scr_LogPrint("[%02x]", key);
   796   }
   797   mvwprintw(inputWnd, 0,0, "%s", inputLine + inputline_offset);
   798   wclrtoeol(inputWnd);
   799   if (*ptr_inputline) {
   800     wmove(inputWnd, 0, ptr_inputline - (char*)&inputLine - inputline_offset);
   801   }
   802   update_panels();
   803   doupdate();
   804   return 0;
   805 }