author Mikael Hallendal <>
Sun, 08 Jun 2008 11:06:24 +0200
changeset 401 92fa0cbc2199
parent 140 103227122f45
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixed up the lm-utils documentation. Fixes LM-52. Include the lm-utils documentation and write a description for the outputted API documents.

<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
A handler for incoming messages.

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
 A handler can be registered to listen to incoming messages with lm_connection_register_message_handler(). When a message is recieved the handlers of the correct type will be called.

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->


<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->

<!-- ##### USER_FUNCTION LmHandleMessageFunction ##### -->
The actual callback function in an #LmMessageHandler. This function is called when an incoming message arrives that haven't been handled by an handler with higher priority.

@handler: an #LmMessageHandler
@connection: an #LmConnection
@message: an #LmMessage
@user_data: user data set when creating the handler
@Returns: #LM_HANDLER_RESULT_REMOVE_MESSAGE to indicate that message has been handled, otherwise #LM_HANDLER_RESULT_ALLOW_MORE_HANDLERS.

<!-- ##### FUNCTION lm_message_handler_new ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION lm_message_handler_invalidate ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION lm_message_handler_is_valid ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION lm_message_handler_ref ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION lm_message_handler_unref ##### -->

