author Mikael Berthe <mikael@lilotux.net>
Sat, 07 Apr 2018 22:49:51 +0200
changeset 15 eac7d78ff641
parent 10 8dc05ff5dbe2
permissions -rw-r--r--
Update gotak import path to fix Travis build Update import path in the gotak subdir so that Travis tests can be played against the Github repository. Also, add missing dependencies to the Travis YAML file.

// Copyright (C) 2016 Mikael Berthe <mikael@lilotux.net>. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license,
// which can be found in the LICENSE file.

// Package takuzu provides functions to solve, build or validate takuzu
// puzzles.
package takuzu

import (


// Cell is a single cell of a Takuzu game board
type Cell struct {
	Defined bool
	Value   int

// Takuzu is a Takuzu game board (Size x Size)
type Takuzu struct {
	Size  int
	Board [][]Cell

// New creates a new Takuzu board
func New(size int) Takuzu {
	t := Takuzu{Size: size}
	t.Board = make([][]Cell, size)
	for l := range t.Board {
		t.Board[l] = make([]Cell, size)
	return t

// NewFromString creates a new Takuzu board from a string definition
func NewFromString(s string) (*Takuzu, error) {
	l := len(s)
	if l < 4 {
		return nil, errors.New("bad string length")

	size := int(math.Sqrt(float64(l)))
	if size*size != l {
		return nil, errors.New("bad string length")

	i := 0
	t := New(size)

	for line := 0; line < size; line++ {
		for col := 0; col < size; col++ {
			switch s[i] {
			case '0', 'O':
				t.Board[line][col].Defined = true
				t.Board[line][col].Value = 0
			case '1', 'I':
				t.Board[line][col].Defined = true
				t.Board[line][col].Value = 1
			case '.':
				return nil, errors.New("invalid char in string")
	return &t, nil

// ToString converts a takuzu board to its string representation
func (b Takuzu) ToString() string {
	var sbuf bytes.Buffer
	for line := 0; line < b.Size; line++ {
		for col := 0; col < b.Size; col++ {
			if b.Board[line][col].Defined {
				sbuf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d", b.Board[line][col].Value))
	return sbuf.String()

// DumpString writes the content of the board as a string
func (b Takuzu) DumpString() {

// Clone returns a copy of the Takuzu board
func (b Takuzu) Clone() Takuzu {
	c := New(b.Size)
	for line := range b.Board {
		for col := range b.Board[line] {
			c.Board[line][col] = b.Board[line][col]
	return c

// Copy copies a Takuzu board to another existing board
func Copy(src, dst *Takuzu) error {
	if src.Size != dst.Size {
		return errors.New("sizes do not match")
	for line := range src.Board {
		for col := range src.Board[line] {
			dst.Board[line][col] = src.Board[line][col]
	return nil

// BoardsMatch compares a Takuzu board to another, optionally ignoring
// empty cells.  Returns true if the two boards match.
func BoardsMatch(t1, t2 *Takuzu, ignoreUndefined bool) (match bool, line, col int) {
	match = true

	if t1 == nil || t2 == nil {
		line, col = -1, -1
		match = false

	if t1.Size != t2.Size {
		line, col = -1, -1
		match = false

	for line = range t1.Board {
		for col = range t1.Board[line] {
			if !t1.Board[line][col].Defined || !t2.Board[line][col].Defined {
				// At least one of the cells is empty
				if ignoreUndefined ||
					!(t1.Board[line][col].Defined || t2.Board[line][col].Defined) {
					// Both cells are empty or we ignore empty cells
				match = false
			// Both cells are defined
			if t1.Board[line][col].Value != t2.Board[line][col].Value {
				match = false

	line, col = -1, -1

// Set sets the value of the cell; a value -1 will set the cell as undefined
func (c *Cell) Set(value int) {
	if value != 0 && value != 1 {
		c.Defined = false
	c.Defined = true
	c.Value = value

// Set sets the value of a specific cell
// A value -1 will undefine the cell
func (b Takuzu) Set(l, c, value int) {
	if value != 0 && value != 1 {
		b.Board[l][c].Defined = false
	b.Board[l][c].Defined = true
	b.Board[l][c].Value = value

// GetLine returns a slice of cells containing the ith line of the board
func (b Takuzu) GetLine(i int) []Cell {
	return b.Board[i]

// GetColumn returns a slice of cells containing the ith column of the board
func (b Takuzu) GetColumn(i int) []Cell {
	c := make([]Cell, b.Size)
	for l := range b.Board {
		c[l] = b.Board[l][i]
	return c

// GetLinePointers returns a slice of pointers to the cells of the ith line of the board
func (b Takuzu) GetLinePointers(i int) []*Cell {
	r := make([]*Cell, b.Size)
	for l := range b.Board[i] {
		r[l] = &b.Board[i][l]
	return r

// GetColumnPointers returns a slice of pointers to the cells of the ith column of the board
func (b Takuzu) GetColumnPointers(i int) []*Cell {
	r := make([]*Cell, b.Size)
	for l := range b.Board {
		r[l] = &b.Board[l][i]
	return r

// FillLineColumn add missing 0s or 1s if all 1s or 0s are there.
// Note: This method can update b.
func (b Takuzu) FillLineColumn(l, c int) {
	fillRange := func(r []*Cell) {
		size := len(r)
		var notFull bool
		var n [2]int
		for x := 0; x < size; x++ {
			if r[x].Defined {
			} else {
				notFull = true
		if !notFull {
		if n[0] == size/2 {
			// Let's fill the 1s
			for _, x := range r {
				if !x.Defined {
					x.Defined = true
					x.Value = 1
		} else if n[1] == size/2 {
			// Let's fill the 0s
			for _, x := range r {
				if !x.Defined {
					x.Defined = true
					x.Value = 0

	var cells []*Cell

	// Fill line
	cells = b.GetLinePointers(l)
	// Fill column
	cells = b.GetColumnPointers(c)

// DumpBoard displays the Takuzu board
func (b Takuzu) DumpBoard() {
	for i := range b.Board {

func dumpRange(cells []Cell) {
	for _, c := range cells {
		if !c.Defined {
			fmt.Printf(". ")
		fmt.Printf("%d ", c.Value)