author Mikael Berthe <>
Sat, 07 Apr 2018 22:49:51 +0200
changeset 15 eac7d78ff641
parent 10 8dc05ff5dbe2
permissions -rw-r--r--
Update gotak import path to fix Travis build Update import path in the gotak subdir so that Travis tests can be played against the Github repository. Also, add missing dependencies to the Travis YAML file.

// Copyright (C) 2016 Mikael Berthe <>. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license,
// which can be found in the LICENSE file.

package takuzu

// This file contains the methods used to solve a takuzu puzzle.

import (


var verbosity int
var schrodLvl uint

// SetVerbosityLevel initializes the verbosity level of the resolution
// routines.
func SetVerbosityLevel(level int) {
	verbosity = level

// SetSchrodingerLevel initializes the "Schrödinger" level (0 means disabled)
// It must be called before any board generation or reduction.
func SetSchrodingerLevel(level uint) {
	schrodLvl = level

func (b Takuzu) guessPos(l, c int) int {
	if b.Board[l][c].Defined {
		return b.Board[l][c].Value

	bx := b.Clone()
	bx.Set(l, c, 0)
	bx.FillLineColumn(l, c)
	if bx.CheckLine(l) != nil || bx.CheckColumn(c) != nil {
		return 1
	Copy(&b, &bx)
	bx.Set(l, c, 1)
	bx.FillLineColumn(l, c)
	if bx.CheckLine(l) != nil || bx.CheckColumn(c) != nil {
		return 0

	return -1 // dunno

// TrivialHint returns the coordinates and the value of the first cell that
// can be guessed using trivial methods.
// It returns {-1, -1, -1} if none can be found.
func (b Takuzu) TrivialHint() (line, col, value int) {
	for line = 0; line < b.Size; line++ {
		for col = 0; col < b.Size; col++ {
			if b.Board[line][col].Defined {
			if value = b.guessPos(line, col); value != -1 {
	value, line, col = -1, -1, -1

// trySolveTrivialPass does 1 pass over the takuzu board and tries to find
// values using simple guesses.
func (b Takuzu) trySolveTrivialPass() (changed bool) {
	for line := 0; line < b.Size; line++ {
		for col := 0; col < b.Size; col++ {
			if b.Board[line][col].Defined {
			if guess := b.guessPos(line, col); guess != -1 {
				b.Set(line, col, guess)
				if verbosity > 3 {
					log.Printf("Trivial: Setting [%d,%d] to %d", line, col, guess)
				changed = true // Ideally remember l,c
	return changed

// TrySolveTrivial tries to solve the takuzu using a loop over simple methods
// It returns true if all cells are defined, and an error if the grid breaks the rules.
func (b Takuzu) TrySolveTrivial() (bool, error) {
	for {
		changed := b.trySolveTrivialPass()
		if verbosity > 3 {
			var status string
			if changed {
				status = "ongoing"
			} else {
				status = "stuck"
			log.Println("Trivial resolution -", status)
		if !changed {

		if verbosity > 3 {
	full, err := b.Validate()
	if err != nil {
		return full, errors.Wrap(err, "the takuzu looks wrong")
	return full, nil

// TrySolveRecurse tries to solve the takuzu recursively, using trivial
// method first and using guesses if it fails.
func (b Takuzu) TrySolveRecurse(allSolutions *[]Takuzu, timeout time.Duration) (*Takuzu, error) {

	var solutionsMux sync.Mutex
	var singleSolution *Takuzu
	var solutionMap map[string]*Takuzu

	var globalSearch bool
	// globalSearch doesn't need to use a mutex and is more convenient
	// to use than allSolutions.
	if allSolutions != nil {
		globalSearch = true
		solutionMap = make(map[string]*Takuzu)

	startTime := time.Now()

	var recurseSolve func(level int, t Takuzu, errStatus chan<- error) error

	recurseSolve = func(level int, t Takuzu, errStatus chan<- error) error {

		reportStatus := func(failure error) {
			// Report status to the caller's channel
			if errStatus != nil {
				errStatus <- failure

		// In Schröndinger mode we check concurrently both values for a cell
		var schrodinger bool
		concurrentRoutines := 1
		if level < int(schrodLvl) {
			schrodinger = true
			concurrentRoutines = 2

		var status [2]chan error
		status[0] = make(chan error)
		status[1] = make(chan error)

		for {
			// Try simple resolution first
			full, err := t.TrySolveTrivial()
			if err != nil {
				return err

			if full { // We're done
				if verbosity > 1 {
					log.Printf("{%d} The takuzu is correct and complete.", level)
				singleSolution = &t
				if globalSearch {
					solutionMap[t.ToString()] = &t

				return nil

			if verbosity > 2 {
				log.Printf("{%d} Trivial resolution did not complete.", level)

			// Trivial method is stuck, let's use recursion

			changed := false

			// Looking for first empty cell
			var line, col int
			for line = 0; line < t.Size; line++ {
				for col = 0; col < t.Size; col++ {
					if !t.Board[line][col].Defined {
						break firstClear

			if line == t.Size || col == t.Size {

			if verbosity > 2 {
				log.Printf("{%d} GUESS - Trying values for [%d,%d]", level, line, col)

			var val int
			err = nil
			errCount := 0

			for testval := 0; testval < 2; testval++ {
				if !globalSearch && t.Board[line][col].Defined {
					// No need to "guess" here anymore

				// Launch goroutines for cell values of 0 and/or 1
				for testCase := 0; testCase < 2; testCase++ {
					if schrodinger || testval == testCase {
						tx := t.Clone()
						tx.Set(line, col, testCase)
						go recurseSolve(level+1, tx, status[testCase])

				// Let's collect the goroutines' results
				for i := 0; i < concurrentRoutines; i++ {
					if schrodinger && verbosity > 1 { // XXX
						log.Printf("{%d} Schrodinger waiting for result #%d for cell [%d,%d]", level, i, line, col)
					select {
					case e := <-status[0]:
						err = e
						val = 0
					case e := <-status[1]:
						err = e
						val = 1

					if schrodinger && verbosity > 1 { // XXX
						log.Printf("{%d} Schrodinger result #%d/2 for cell [%d,%d]=%d - err=%v", level, i+1, line, col, val, err)

					if err == nil {
						if !globalSearch {
							if i+1 < concurrentRoutines {
								// Schröndinger mode and we still have one status to fetch
							return nil
					if timeout > 0 && level > 2 && time.Since(startTime) > timeout {
						if errors.Cause(err).Error() != "timeout" {
							if verbosity > 0 {
								log.Printf("{%d} Timeout, giving up", level)
							err := errors.New("timeout")
							if i+1 < concurrentRoutines {
								// Schröndinger mode and we still have one status to fetch
							// XXX actually can't close the channel and leave, can I?
							return err

					// err != nil: we can set a value --  unless this was a timeout
					if errors.Cause(err).Error() == "timeout" {
						if verbosity > 1 {
							log.Printf("{%d} Timeout propagation", level)
						if i+1 < concurrentRoutines {
							// Schröndinger mode and we still have one status to fetch
						// XXX actually can't close the channel and leave, can I?
						return err

					if verbosity > 2 {
						log.Printf("{%d} Bad outcome (%v)", level, err)
						log.Printf("{%d} GUESS was wrong - Setting [%d,%d] to %d",
							level, line, col, 1-val)

					t.Set(line, col, 1-val)
					changed = true

				} // concurrentRoutines

				if (changed && !globalSearch) || schrodinger {
					// Let's loop again with the new board

			if verbosity > 2 {
				log.Printf("{%d} End of cycle.\n\n", level)

			if errCount == 2 {
				// Both values failed
				err := errors.New("dead end")
				return err

			// If we cannot fill more cells (!changed) or if we've made a global search with
			// both values, the search is complete.
			if schrodinger || globalSearch || !changed {

			if verbosity > 2 {

		// Try to force garbage collection

		full, err := t.Validate()
		if err != nil {
			if verbosity > 1 {
				log.Println("The takuzu looks wrong - ", err)
			err := errors.Wrap(err, "the takuzu looks wrong")
			return err
		if full {
			if verbosity > 1 {
				log.Println("The takuzu is correct and complete")
			singleSolution = &t
			if globalSearch {
				solutionMap[t.ToString()] = &t

		return nil

	status := make(chan error)
	go recurseSolve(0, b, status)

	err := <-status // Wait for it...

	firstSol := singleSolution
	if globalSearch {
		for _, tp := range solutionMap {
			*allSolutions = append(*allSolutions, *tp)

	if err != nil {
		return firstSol, err

	if globalSearch && len(*allSolutions) > 0 {
		firstSol = &(*allSolutions)[0]
	return firstSol, nil