author Mikael Berthe <>
Sat, 07 Apr 2018 22:49:51 +0200
changeset 15 eac7d78ff641
parent 10 8dc05ff5dbe2
permissions -rw-r--r--
Update gotak import path to fix Travis build Update import path in the gotak subdir so that Travis tests can be played against the Github repository. Also, add missing dependencies to the Travis YAML file.

// Copyright (C) 2016 Mikael Berthe <>. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license,
// which can be found in the LICENSE file.

package takuzu

// This file contains the functions and methods used to build a new takuzu
// puzzle.

import (


func init() {

type buildTakuzuOptions struct {
	size                                  int
	minRatio, maxRatio                    int
	simple                                bool
	buildBoardTimeout, reduceBoardTimeout time.Duration

// ReduceBoard randomly removes as many numbers as possible from the
// takuzu board and returns a pointer to the new board.
// The initial takuzu might be modified.
func (tak Takuzu) ReduceBoard(trivial bool, wid string, buildBoardTimeout, reduceBoardTimeout time.Duration) (*Takuzu, error) {

	size := tak.Size

	// First check if the board is correct
	if verbosity > 0 {
		log.Printf("[%v]ReduceBoard: Checking for all grid solutions...", wid)

	allSol := &[]Takuzu{}
	_, err := tak.Clone().TrySolveRecurse(allSol, buildBoardTimeout)
	ns := len(*allSol)
	if err != nil && errors.Cause(err).Error() == "timeout" {
		if verbosity > 0 {
			log.Printf("[%v]ReduceBoard: There was a timeout (%d resolution(s) found).", wid, ns)
		if ns == 0 {
			return nil, err
		//if ns < 10 { return nil, err }
		if verbosity > 0 {
			log.Printf("[%v]ReduceBoard: Going on anyway...", wid)

	if verbosity > 0 {
		log.Printf("[%v]ReduceBoard: %d solution(s) found.", wid, ns)

	if ns == 0 {
		return nil, err
	} else if ns > 1 {
		tak = (*allSol)[rand.Intn(ns)]
		if verbosity > 0 {
			log.Printf("[%v]ReduceBoard: Warning: there are %d solutions.", wid, ns)
			log.Printf("[%v]ReduceBoard: Picking one randomly.", wid)

			if verbosity > 1 {
		allSol = nil
	} else {
		// 1 and only 1 solution
		if verbosity > 1 {

	if verbosity > 0 {
		log.Printf("[%v]ReduceBoard: Grid reduction...", wid)
	fields := make([]*Cell, size*size)
	n := 0
	for l := range tak.Board {
		for c := range tak.Board[l] {
			if tak.Board[l][c].Defined {
				fields[n] = &tak.Board[l][c]

	nDigits := 0
	initialDigits := n
	ratio := 0
	if verbosity > 0 {
		log.Printf("[%v]ReduceBoard: %d%%", wid, ratio)

	for ; n > 0; n-- {
		var rollback bool
		i := rand.Intn(n)
		fields[i].Defined = false
		if trivial {
			full, err := tak.Clone().TrySolveTrivial()
			if err != nil || !full {
				rollback = true
		} else {
			allSol = &[]Takuzu{}
			_, err := tak.Clone().TrySolveRecurse(allSol, reduceBoardTimeout)
			if err != nil || len(*allSol) != 1 {
				rollback = true

		if rollback {
			if verbosity > 1 {
				log.Printf("[%v]ReduceBoard: Backing out", wid)
			fields[i].Defined = true // Back out!
		fields = append(fields[:i], fields[i+1:]...)

		if verbosity > 0 {
			nr := (initialDigits - n) * 100 / initialDigits
			if nr > ratio {
				ratio = nr
				log.Printf("[%v]ReduceBoard: %d%%", wid, ratio)

	if verbosity > 0 {
		log.Printf("[%v]ReduceBoard: I have left %d digits.", wid, nDigits)

	return &tak, nil

// newRandomTakuzu creates a new Takuzu board with a given size
// It is intended to be called by NewRandomTakuzu only.
func newRandomTakuzu(wid string, buildOpts buildTakuzuOptions) (*Takuzu, error) {
	size := buildOpts.size
	easy := buildOpts.simple
	buildBoardTimeout := buildOpts.buildBoardTimeout
	reduceBoardTimeout := buildOpts.reduceBoardTimeout
	minRatio := buildOpts.minRatio
	maxRatio := buildOpts.maxRatio

	tak := New(size)
	n := size * size
	fields := make([]*Cell, n)

	i := 0
	for l := range tak.Board {
		for c := range tak.Board[l] {
			fields[i] = &tak.Board[l][c]

	if verbosity > 0 {
		log.Printf("[%v]NewRandomTakuzu: Filling new board (%dx%[2]d)...", wid, size)

	nop := 0

	// #1. Loop until the ratio of empty cells is less than minRatio% (e.g. 55%)

	for n > size*size*minRatio/100 {
		i := rand.Intn(n)
		fields[i].Defined = true
		fields[i].Value = rand.Intn(2)

		var err error

		if _, err = tak.Validate(); err != nil {
			if verbosity > 1 {
				log.Printf("[%v]NewRandomTakuzu: Could not set cell value to %v", wid, fields[i].Value)
		} else if _, err = tak.Clone().TrySolveTrivial(); err != nil {
			if verbosity > 1 {
				log.Printf("[%v]NewRandomTakuzu: Trivial checks: Could not set cell value to %v", wid, fields[i].Value)

		if err == nil {
			fields = append(fields[:i], fields[i+1:]...)

		// If any of the above checks fails, we roll back
		fields[i].Defined = false
		fields[i].Value = 0 // Let's reset but it is useless

		// Safety check to avoid deadlock on bad boards
		if nop > 2*size*size {
			log.Printf("[%v]NewRandomTakuzu: Could not fill up board!", wid)
			// Givin up on this board
			return nil, errors.New("could not fill up board") // Try again


	var ptak *Takuzu
	var removed int

	// #2. Try to solve the current board; try to remove some cells if it fails

	// Initial empty cells count
	iecc := n

	for {
		// Current count of empty (i.e. undefined) cells
		ec := iecc + removed
		ecpc := ec * 100 / (size * size)
		if verbosity > 0 {
			log.Printf("[%v]NewRandomTakuzu: Empty cells: %d (%d%%)", wid, ec, ecpc)
		if ecpc > maxRatio {
			if verbosity > 0 {
				log.Printf("[%v]NewRandomTakuzu: Too many empty cells (%d); giving up on this board", wid, ec)
		var err error
		ptak, err = tak.ReduceBoard(easy, wid, buildBoardTimeout, reduceBoardTimeout)
		if err != nil && errors.Cause(err).Error() == "timeout" {
		if err == nil && ptak != nil {
		if verbosity > 0 {
			log.Printf("[%v]NewRandomTakuzu: Could not use this grid", wid)
		inc := size * size / 150
		if inc == 0 {
			inc = 1
		removed += inc
		if verbosity > 1 {
			log.Printf("[%v]NewRandomTakuzu: Removed %d numbers", wid, removed)
			if verbosity > 1 {

	if ptak == nil {
		if verbosity > 0 {
			log.Printf("[%v]NewRandomTakuzu: Couldn't use this board, restarting from scratch...", wid)
		return nil, errors.New("could not use current board") // Try again

	return ptak, nil

// NewRandomTakuzu creates a new Takuzu board with a given size
func NewRandomTakuzu(size int, simple bool, wid string, buildBoardTimeout, reduceBoardTimeout time.Duration, minRatio, maxRatio int) (*Takuzu, error) {
	if size%2 != 0 {
		return nil, errors.New("board size should be an even value")

	if size < 4 {
		return nil, errors.New("board size is too small")

	// minRatio : percentage (1-100) of empty cells when creating a new board
	// If the board is wrong the cells will be removed until we reach maxRatio

	if minRatio < 40 {
		minRatio = 40
	if minRatio > maxRatio {
		return nil, errors.New("minRatio/maxRatio incorrect")

	if maxRatio > 99 {
		maxRatio = 99

	buildOptions := buildTakuzuOptions{
		size:               size,
		minRatio:           minRatio,
		maxRatio:           maxRatio,
		simple:             simple,
		buildBoardTimeout:  buildBoardTimeout,
		reduceBoardTimeout: reduceBoardTimeout,

	var takP *Takuzu

	for {
		var err error
		takP, err = newRandomTakuzu(wid, buildOptions)
		if err == nil {

	return takP, nil

func (tak Takuzu) removeRandomCell(number int) {
	size := tak.Size
	fields := make([]*Cell, size*size)
	n := 0
	for l := range tak.Board {
		for c := range tak.Board[l] {
			if tak.Board[l][c].Defined {
				fields[n] = &tak.Board[l][c]
	for i := 0; i < number; i++ {
		if n == 0 {
		fields[rand.Intn(n)].Defined = false
		fields = append(fields[:i], fields[i+1:]...)