author Mikael Berthe <>
Thu, 22 Sep 2022 16:37:07 +0200
changeset 264 8f478162d991
parent 242 2a9ec03fe5a1
permissions -rw-r--r--

Copyright 2017-2018 Mikael Berthe

Licensed under the MIT license.  Please see the LICENSE file is this directory.

package madon

import (


// PostStatusParams contains option fields for the PostStatus command
type PostStatusParams struct {
	Text        string
	InReplyTo   int64
	MediaIDs    []int64
	Sensitive   bool
	SpoilerText string
	Visibility  string

// updateStatusOptions contains option fields for POST and DELETE API calls
type updateStatusOptions struct {
	// The ID is used for most commands
	ID int64

	// The following fields are used for posting a new status
	Status      string
	InReplyToID int64
	MediaIDs    []int64
	Sensitive   bool
	SpoilerText string
	Visibility  string // "direct", "private", "unlisted" or "public"

// getMultipleStatuses returns a list of status entities
// If lopt.All is true, several requests will be made until the API server
// has nothing to return.
func (mc *Client) getMultipleStatuses(endPoint string, params apiCallParams, lopt *LimitParams) ([]Status, error) {
	var statuses []Status
	var links apiLinks
	if err := mc.apiCall("v1/"+endPoint, rest.Get, params, lopt, &links, &statuses); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if lopt != nil { // Fetch more pages to reach our limit
		var statusSlice []Status
		for (lopt.All || lopt.Limit > len(statuses)) && != nil {
			newlopt :=
			links = apiLinks{}
			if err := mc.apiCall("v1/"+endPoint, rest.Get, params, newlopt, &links, &statusSlice); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			statuses = append(statuses, statusSlice...)
			statusSlice = statusSlice[:0] // Clear struct
	return statuses, nil

// queryStatusData queries the statuses API
// The operation 'op' can be empty or "status" (the status itself), "context",
// "card", "reblogged_by", "favourited_by".
// The data argument will receive the object(s) returned by the API server.
func (mc *Client) queryStatusData(statusID int64, op string, data interface{}) error {
	if statusID < 1 {
		return ErrInvalidID

	endPoint := "statuses/" + strconv.FormatInt(statusID, 10)

	if op != "" && op != "status" {
		switch op {
		case "context", "card", "reblogged_by", "favourited_by":
			return ErrInvalidParameter

		endPoint += "/" + op

	return mc.apiCall("v1/"+endPoint, rest.Get, nil, nil, nil, data)

// updateStatusData updates the statuses
// The operation 'op' can be empty or "status" (to post a status), "delete"
// (for deleting a status), "reblog"/"unreblog", "favourite"/"unfavourite",
// "mute"/"unmute" (for conversations) or "pin"/"unpin".
// The data argument will receive the object(s) returned by the API server.
func (mc *Client) updateStatusData(op string, opts updateStatusOptions, data interface{}) error {
	method := rest.Post
	endPoint := "statuses"
	params := make(apiCallParams)

	switch op {
	case "", "status":
		op = "status"
		if opts.Status == "" {
			return ErrInvalidParameter
		switch opts.Visibility {
		case "", "direct", "private", "unlisted", "public":
			// Okay
			return ErrInvalidParameter
		if len(opts.MediaIDs) > 4 {
			return errors.New("too many (>4) media IDs")
	case "delete":
		method = rest.Delete
		if opts.ID < 1 {
			return ErrInvalidID
		endPoint += "/" + strconv.FormatInt(opts.ID, 10)
	case "reblog", "unreblog", "favourite", "unfavourite":
		if opts.ID < 1 {
			return ErrInvalidID
		endPoint += "/" + strconv.FormatInt(opts.ID, 10) + "/" + op
	case "mute", "unmute", "pin", "unpin":
		if opts.ID < 1 {
			return ErrInvalidID
		endPoint += "/" + strconv.FormatInt(opts.ID, 10) + "/" + op
		return ErrInvalidParameter

	// Form items for a new toot
	if op == "status" {
		params["status"] = opts.Status
		if opts.InReplyToID > 0 {
			params["in_reply_to_id"] = strconv.FormatInt(opts.InReplyToID, 10)
		for i, id := range opts.MediaIDs {
			if id < 1 {
				return ErrInvalidID
			qID := fmt.Sprintf("[%d]media_ids", i)
			params[qID] = strconv.FormatInt(id, 10)
		if opts.Sensitive {
			params["sensitive"] = "true"
		if opts.SpoilerText != "" {
			params["spoiler_text"] = opts.SpoilerText
		if opts.Visibility != "" {
			params["visibility"] = opts.Visibility

	return mc.apiCall("v1/"+endPoint, method, params, nil, nil, data)

// GetStatus returns a status
// The returned status can be nil if there is an error or if the
// requested ID does not exist.
func (mc *Client) GetStatus(statusID int64) (*Status, error) {
	var status Status

	if err := mc.queryStatusData(statusID, "status", &status); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if status.ID == 0 {
		return nil, ErrEntityNotFound
	return &status, nil

// GetStatusContext returns a status context
func (mc *Client) GetStatusContext(statusID int64) (*Context, error) {
	var context Context
	if err := mc.queryStatusData(statusID, "context", &context); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &context, nil

// GetStatusCard returns a status card
func (mc *Client) GetStatusCard(statusID int64) (*Card, error) {
	var card Card
	if err := mc.queryStatusData(statusID, "card", &card); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &card, nil

// GetStatusRebloggedBy returns a list of the accounts who reblogged a status
func (mc *Client) GetStatusRebloggedBy(statusID int64, lopt *LimitParams) ([]Account, error) {
	o := &getAccountsOptions{ID: statusID, Limit: lopt}
	return mc.getMultipleAccountsHelper("reblogged_by", o)

// GetStatusFavouritedBy returns a list of the accounts who favourited a status
func (mc *Client) GetStatusFavouritedBy(statusID int64, lopt *LimitParams) ([]Account, error) {
	o := &getAccountsOptions{ID: statusID, Limit: lopt}
	return mc.getMultipleAccountsHelper("favourited_by", o)

// PostStatus posts a new "toot"
// All parameters but "text" can be empty.
// Visibility must be empty, or one of "direct", "private", "unlisted" and "public".
func (mc *Client) PostStatus(cmdParams PostStatusParams) (*Status, error) {
	var status Status
	o := updateStatusOptions{
		Status:      cmdParams.Text,
		InReplyToID: cmdParams.InReplyTo,
		MediaIDs:    cmdParams.MediaIDs,
		Sensitive:   cmdParams.Sensitive,
		SpoilerText: cmdParams.SpoilerText,
		Visibility:  cmdParams.Visibility,

	err := mc.updateStatusData("status", o, &status)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if status.ID == 0 {
		return nil, ErrEntityNotFound // TODO Change error message
	return &status, err

// DeleteStatus deletes a status
func (mc *Client) DeleteStatus(statusID int64) error {
	var status Status
	o := updateStatusOptions{ID: statusID}
	err := mc.updateStatusData("delete", o, &status)
	return err

// ReblogStatus reblogs a status
func (mc *Client) ReblogStatus(statusID int64) error {
	var status Status
	o := updateStatusOptions{ID: statusID}
	err := mc.updateStatusData("reblog", o, &status)
	return err

// UnreblogStatus unreblogs a status
func (mc *Client) UnreblogStatus(statusID int64) error {
	var status Status
	o := updateStatusOptions{ID: statusID}
	err := mc.updateStatusData("unreblog", o, &status)
	return err

// FavouriteStatus favourites a status
func (mc *Client) FavouriteStatus(statusID int64) error {
	var status Status
	o := updateStatusOptions{ID: statusID}
	err := mc.updateStatusData("favourite", o, &status)
	return err

// UnfavouriteStatus unfavourites a status
func (mc *Client) UnfavouriteStatus(statusID int64) error {
	var status Status
	o := updateStatusOptions{ID: statusID}
	err := mc.updateStatusData("unfavourite", o, &status)
	return err

// PinStatus pins a status
func (mc *Client) PinStatus(statusID int64) error {
	var status Status
	o := updateStatusOptions{ID: statusID}
	err := mc.updateStatusData("pin", o, &status)
	return err

// UnpinStatus unpins a status
func (mc *Client) UnpinStatus(statusID int64) error {
	var status Status
	o := updateStatusOptions{ID: statusID}
	err := mc.updateStatusData("unpin", o, &status)
	return err

// MuteConversation mutes the conversation containing a status
func (mc *Client) MuteConversation(statusID int64) (*Status, error) {
	var status Status
	o := updateStatusOptions{ID: statusID}
	err := mc.updateStatusData("mute", o, &status)
	return &status, err

// UnmuteConversation unmutes the conversation containing a status
func (mc *Client) UnmuteConversation(statusID int64) (*Status, error) {
	var status Status
	o := updateStatusOptions{ID: statusID}
	err := mc.updateStatusData("unmute", o, &status)
	return &status, err

// GetFavourites returns the list of the user's favourites
// If lopt.All is true, several requests will be made until the API server
// has nothing to return.
// If lopt.Limit is set (and not All), several queries can be made until the
// limit is reached.
func (mc *Client) GetFavourites(lopt *LimitParams) ([]Status, error) {
	return mc.getMultipleStatuses("favourites", nil, lopt)