author Mikael Berthe <>
Mon, 07 Jun 2021 20:58:18 +0200
changeset 255 4f153a23adab
parent 242 2a9ec03fe5a1
child 256 6d9efbef00a9
permissions -rw-r--r--
Merge pull request #26 from Strubbl/update-deps Update module dependencies committer: GitHub <>

// Package rest allows for quick and easy access any REST or REST-like API.
package rest

import (

// Method contains the supported HTTP verbs.
type Method string

// Supported HTTP verbs.
const (
	Get    Method = "GET"
	Post   Method = "POST"
	Put    Method = "PUT"
	Patch  Method = "PATCH"
	Delete Method = "DELETE"

// Request holds the request to an API Call.
type Request struct {
	Method      Method
	BaseURL     string // e.g.
	Headers     map[string]string
	QueryParams map[string]string
	Body        []byte

// RestError is a struct for an error handling.
type RestError struct {
	Response *Response

// Error is the implementation of the error interface.
func (e *RestError) Error() string {
	return e.Response.Body

// DefaultClient is used if no custom HTTP client is defined
var DefaultClient = &Client{HTTPClient: http.DefaultClient}

// Client allows modification of client headers, redirect policy
// and other settings
// See
type Client struct {
	HTTPClient *http.Client

// Response holds the response from an API call.
type Response struct {
	StatusCode int                 // e.g. 200
	Body       string              // e.g. {"result: success"}
	Headers    map[string][]string // e.g. map[X-Ratelimit-Limit:[600]]

// AddQueryParameters adds query parameters to the URL.
func AddQueryParameters(baseURL string, queryParams map[string]string) string {
	baseURL += "?"
	params := url.Values{}
	for key, value := range queryParams {
		params.Add(key, value)
	return baseURL + params.Encode()

// BuildRequestObject creates the HTTP request object.
func BuildRequestObject(request Request) (*http.Request, error) {
	// Add any query parameters to the URL.
	if len(request.QueryParams) != 0 {
		request.BaseURL = AddQueryParameters(request.BaseURL, request.QueryParams)
	req, err := http.NewRequest(string(request.Method), request.BaseURL, bytes.NewBuffer(request.Body))
	if err != nil {
		return req, err
	for key, value := range request.Headers {
		req.Header.Set(key, value)
	_, exists := req.Header["Content-Type"]
	if len(request.Body) > 0 && !exists {
		req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
	return req, err

// MakeRequest makes the API call.
func MakeRequest(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
	return DefaultClient.HTTPClient.Do(req)

// BuildResponse builds the response struct.
func BuildResponse(res *http.Response) (*Response, error) {
	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer func() {
		if err := res.Body.Close(); err != nil {
			return // maybe log in the future
	response := Response{
		StatusCode: res.StatusCode,
		Body:       string(body),
		Headers:    res.Header,
	return &response, nil

// API supports old implementation (deprecated)
func API(request Request) (*Response, error) {
	return Send(request)

// Send uses the DefaultClient to send your request
func Send(request Request) (*Response, error) {
	return DefaultClient.Send(request)

// The following functions enable the ability to define a
// custom HTTP Client

// MakeRequest makes the API call.
func (c *Client) MakeRequest(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
	return c.HTTPClient.Do(req)

// API supports old implementation (deprecated)
func (c *Client) API(request Request) (*Response, error) {
	return c.Send(request)

// Send will build your request, make the request, and build your response.
func (c *Client) Send(request Request) (*Response, error) {
	// Build the HTTP request object.
	req, err := BuildRequestObject(request)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Build the HTTP client and make the request.
	res, err := c.MakeRequest(req)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Build Response object.
	response, err := BuildResponse(res)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return response, nil