changeset 256 6d9efbef00a9
child 260 445e01aede7e
equal deleted inserted replaced
255:4f153a23adab 256:6d9efbef00a9
     1 // Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5 package impl
     7 import (
     8 	"fmt"
     9 	"math"
    10 	"math/bits"
    11 	"reflect"
    12 	"unicode/utf8"
    14 	""
    15 	""
    16 	""
    17 	""
    18 	""
    19 	pref ""
    20 	preg ""
    21 	piface ""
    22 )
    24 // ValidationStatus is the result of validating the wire-format encoding of a message.
    25 type ValidationStatus int
    27 const (
    28 	// ValidationUnknown indicates that unmarshaling the message might succeed or fail.
    29 	// The validator was unable to render a judgement.
    30 	//
    31 	// The only causes of this status are an aberrant message type appearing somewhere
    32 	// in the message or a failure in the extension resolver.
    33 	ValidationUnknown ValidationStatus = iota + 1
    35 	// ValidationInvalid indicates that unmarshaling the message will fail.
    36 	ValidationInvalid
    38 	// ValidationValid indicates that unmarshaling the message will succeed.
    39 	ValidationValid
    40 )
    42 func (v ValidationStatus) String() string {
    43 	switch v {
    44 	case ValidationUnknown:
    45 		return "ValidationUnknown"
    46 	case ValidationInvalid:
    47 		return "ValidationInvalid"
    48 	case ValidationValid:
    49 		return "ValidationValid"
    50 	default:
    51 		return fmt.Sprintf("ValidationStatus(%d)", int(v))
    52 	}
    53 }
    55 // Validate determines whether the contents of the buffer are a valid wire encoding
    56 // of the message type.
    57 //
    58 // This function is exposed for testing.
    59 func Validate(mt pref.MessageType, in piface.UnmarshalInput) (out piface.UnmarshalOutput, _ ValidationStatus) {
    60 	mi, ok := mt.(*MessageInfo)
    61 	if !ok {
    62 		return out, ValidationUnknown
    63 	}
    64 	if in.Resolver == nil {
    65 		in.Resolver = preg.GlobalTypes
    66 	}
    67 	o, st := mi.validate(in.Buf, 0, unmarshalOptions{
    68 		flags:    in.Flags,
    69 		resolver: in.Resolver,
    70 	})
    71 	if o.initialized {
    72 		out.Flags |= piface.UnmarshalInitialized
    73 	}
    74 	return out, st
    75 }
    77 type validationInfo struct {
    78 	mi               *MessageInfo
    79 	typ              validationType
    80 	keyType, valType validationType
    82 	// For non-required fields, requiredBit is 0.
    83 	//
    84 	// For required fields, requiredBit's nth bit is set, where n is a
    85 	// unique index in the range [0, MessageInfo.numRequiredFields).
    86 	//
    87 	// If there are more than 64 required fields, requiredBit is 0.
    88 	requiredBit uint64
    89 }
    91 type validationType uint8
    93 const (
    94 	validationTypeOther validationType = iota
    95 	validationTypeMessage
    96 	validationTypeGroup
    97 	validationTypeMap
    98 	validationTypeRepeatedVarint
    99 	validationTypeRepeatedFixed32
   100 	validationTypeRepeatedFixed64
   101 	validationTypeVarint
   102 	validationTypeFixed32
   103 	validationTypeFixed64
   104 	validationTypeBytes
   105 	validationTypeUTF8String
   106 	validationTypeMessageSetItem
   107 )
   109 func newFieldValidationInfo(mi *MessageInfo, si structInfo, fd pref.FieldDescriptor, ft reflect.Type) validationInfo {
   110 	var vi validationInfo
   111 	switch {
   112 	case fd.ContainingOneof() != nil && !fd.ContainingOneof().IsSynthetic():
   113 		switch fd.Kind() {
   114 		case pref.MessageKind:
   115 			vi.typ = validationTypeMessage
   116 			if ot, ok := si.oneofWrappersByNumber[fd.Number()]; ok {
   117 				vi.mi = getMessageInfo(ot.Field(0).Type)
   118 			}
   119 		case pref.GroupKind:
   120 			vi.typ = validationTypeGroup
   121 			if ot, ok := si.oneofWrappersByNumber[fd.Number()]; ok {
   122 				vi.mi = getMessageInfo(ot.Field(0).Type)
   123 			}
   124 		case pref.StringKind:
   125 			if strs.EnforceUTF8(fd) {
   126 				vi.typ = validationTypeUTF8String
   127 			}
   128 		}
   129 	default:
   130 		vi = newValidationInfo(fd, ft)
   131 	}
   132 	if fd.Cardinality() == pref.Required {
   133 		// Avoid overflow. The required field check is done with a 64-bit mask, with
   134 		// any message containing more than 64 required fields always reported as
   135 		// potentially uninitialized, so it is not important to get a precise count
   136 		// of the required fields past 64.
   137 		if mi.numRequiredFields < math.MaxUint8 {
   138 			mi.numRequiredFields++
   139 			vi.requiredBit = 1 << (mi.numRequiredFields - 1)
   140 		}
   141 	}
   142 	return vi
   143 }
   145 func newValidationInfo(fd pref.FieldDescriptor, ft reflect.Type) validationInfo {
   146 	var vi validationInfo
   147 	switch {
   148 	case fd.IsList():
   149 		switch fd.Kind() {
   150 		case pref.MessageKind:
   151 			vi.typ = validationTypeMessage
   152 			if ft.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
   153 				vi.mi = getMessageInfo(ft.Elem())
   154 			}
   155 		case pref.GroupKind:
   156 			vi.typ = validationTypeGroup
   157 			if ft.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
   158 				vi.mi = getMessageInfo(ft.Elem())
   159 			}
   160 		case pref.StringKind:
   161 			vi.typ = validationTypeBytes
   162 			if strs.EnforceUTF8(fd) {
   163 				vi.typ = validationTypeUTF8String
   164 			}
   165 		default:
   166 			switch wireTypes[fd.Kind()] {
   167 			case protowire.VarintType:
   168 				vi.typ = validationTypeRepeatedVarint
   169 			case protowire.Fixed32Type:
   170 				vi.typ = validationTypeRepeatedFixed32
   171 			case protowire.Fixed64Type:
   172 				vi.typ = validationTypeRepeatedFixed64
   173 			}
   174 		}
   175 	case fd.IsMap():
   176 		vi.typ = validationTypeMap
   177 		switch fd.MapKey().Kind() {
   178 		case pref.StringKind:
   179 			if strs.EnforceUTF8(fd) {
   180 				vi.keyType = validationTypeUTF8String
   181 			}
   182 		}
   183 		switch fd.MapValue().Kind() {
   184 		case pref.MessageKind:
   185 			vi.valType = validationTypeMessage
   186 			if ft.Kind() == reflect.Map {
   187 				vi.mi = getMessageInfo(ft.Elem())
   188 			}
   189 		case pref.StringKind:
   190 			if strs.EnforceUTF8(fd) {
   191 				vi.valType = validationTypeUTF8String
   192 			}
   193 		}
   194 	default:
   195 		switch fd.Kind() {
   196 		case pref.MessageKind:
   197 			vi.typ = validationTypeMessage
   198 			if !fd.IsWeak() {
   199 				vi.mi = getMessageInfo(ft)
   200 			}
   201 		case pref.GroupKind:
   202 			vi.typ = validationTypeGroup
   203 			vi.mi = getMessageInfo(ft)
   204 		case pref.StringKind:
   205 			vi.typ = validationTypeBytes
   206 			if strs.EnforceUTF8(fd) {
   207 				vi.typ = validationTypeUTF8String
   208 			}
   209 		default:
   210 			switch wireTypes[fd.Kind()] {
   211 			case protowire.VarintType:
   212 				vi.typ = validationTypeVarint
   213 			case protowire.Fixed32Type:
   214 				vi.typ = validationTypeFixed32
   215 			case protowire.Fixed64Type:
   216 				vi.typ = validationTypeFixed64
   217 			case protowire.BytesType:
   218 				vi.typ = validationTypeBytes
   219 			}
   220 		}
   221 	}
   222 	return vi
   223 }
   225 func (mi *MessageInfo) validate(b []byte, groupTag protowire.Number, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, result ValidationStatus) {
   226 	mi.init()
   227 	type validationState struct {
   228 		typ              validationType
   229 		keyType, valType validationType
   230 		endGroup         protowire.Number
   231 		mi               *MessageInfo
   232 		tail             []byte
   233 		requiredMask     uint64
   234 	}
   236 	// Pre-allocate some slots to avoid repeated slice reallocation.
   237 	states := make([]validationState, 0, 16)
   238 	states = append(states, validationState{
   239 		typ: validationTypeMessage,
   240 		mi:  mi,
   241 	})
   242 	if groupTag > 0 {
   243 		states[0].typ = validationTypeGroup
   244 		states[0].endGroup = groupTag
   245 	}
   246 	initialized := true
   247 	start := len(b)
   248 State:
   249 	for len(states) > 0 {
   250 		st := &states[len(states)-1]
   251 		for len(b) > 0 {
   252 			// Parse the tag (field number and wire type).
   253 			var tag uint64
   254 			if b[0] < 0x80 {
   255 				tag = uint64(b[0])
   256 				b = b[1:]
   257 			} else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 {
   258 				tag = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7
   259 				b = b[2:]
   260 			} else {
   261 				var n int
   262 				tag, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b)
   263 				if n < 0 {
   264 					return out, ValidationInvalid
   265 				}
   266 				b = b[n:]
   267 			}
   268 			var num protowire.Number
   269 			if n := tag >> 3; n < uint64(protowire.MinValidNumber) || n > uint64(protowire.MaxValidNumber) {
   270 				return out, ValidationInvalid
   271 			} else {
   272 				num = protowire.Number(n)
   273 			}
   274 			wtyp := protowire.Type(tag & 7)
   276 			if wtyp == protowire.EndGroupType {
   277 				if st.endGroup == num {
   278 					goto PopState
   279 				}
   280 				return out, ValidationInvalid
   281 			}
   282 			var vi validationInfo
   283 			switch {
   284 			case st.typ == validationTypeMap:
   285 				switch num {
   286 				case genid.MapEntry_Key_field_number:
   287 					vi.typ = st.keyType
   288 				case genid.MapEntry_Value_field_number:
   289 					vi.typ = st.valType
   290 					vi.mi = st.mi
   291 					vi.requiredBit = 1
   292 				}
   293 			case flags.ProtoLegacy && st.mi.isMessageSet:
   294 				switch num {
   295 				case messageset.FieldItem:
   296 					vi.typ = validationTypeMessageSetItem
   297 				}
   298 			default:
   299 				var f *coderFieldInfo
   300 				if int(num) < len(st.mi.denseCoderFields) {
   301 					f = st.mi.denseCoderFields[num]
   302 				} else {
   303 					f = st.mi.coderFields[num]
   304 				}
   305 				if f != nil {
   306 					vi = f.validation
   307 					if vi.typ == validationTypeMessage && vi.mi == nil {
   308 						// Probable weak field.
   309 						//
   310 						// TODO: Consider storing the results of this lookup somewhere
   311 						// rather than recomputing it on every validation.
   312 						fd := st.mi.Desc.Fields().ByNumber(num)
   313 						if fd == nil || !fd.IsWeak() {
   314 							break
   315 						}
   316 						messageName := fd.Message().FullName()
   317 						messageType, err := preg.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName(messageName)
   318 						switch err {
   319 						case nil:
   320 							vi.mi, _ = messageType.(*MessageInfo)
   321 						case preg.NotFound:
   322 							vi.typ = validationTypeBytes
   323 						default:
   324 							return out, ValidationUnknown
   325 						}
   326 					}
   327 					break
   328 				}
   329 				// Possible extension field.
   330 				//
   331 				// TODO: We should return ValidationUnknown when:
   332 				//   1. The resolver is not frozen. (More extensions may be added to it.)
   333 				//   2. The resolver returns preg.NotFound.
   334 				// In this case, a type added to the resolver in the future could cause
   335 				// unmarshaling to begin failing. Supporting this requires some way to
   336 				// determine if the resolver is frozen.
   337 				xt, err := opts.resolver.FindExtensionByNumber(st.mi.Desc.FullName(), num)
   338 				if err != nil && err != preg.NotFound {
   339 					return out, ValidationUnknown
   340 				}
   341 				if err == nil {
   342 					vi = getExtensionFieldInfo(xt).validation
   343 				}
   344 			}
   345 			if vi.requiredBit != 0 {
   346 				// Check that the field has a compatible wire type.
   347 				// We only need to consider non-repeated field types,
   348 				// since repeated fields (and maps) can never be required.
   349 				ok := false
   350 				switch vi.typ {
   351 				case validationTypeVarint:
   352 					ok = wtyp == protowire.VarintType
   353 				case validationTypeFixed32:
   354 					ok = wtyp == protowire.Fixed32Type
   355 				case validationTypeFixed64:
   356 					ok = wtyp == protowire.Fixed64Type
   357 				case validationTypeBytes, validationTypeUTF8String, validationTypeMessage:
   358 					ok = wtyp == protowire.BytesType
   359 				case validationTypeGroup:
   360 					ok = wtyp == protowire.StartGroupType
   361 				}
   362 				if ok {
   363 					st.requiredMask |= vi.requiredBit
   364 				}
   365 			}
   367 			switch wtyp {
   368 			case protowire.VarintType:
   369 				if len(b) >= 10 {
   370 					switch {
   371 					case b[0] < 0x80:
   372 						b = b[1:]
   373 					case b[1] < 0x80:
   374 						b = b[2:]
   375 					case b[2] < 0x80:
   376 						b = b[3:]
   377 					case b[3] < 0x80:
   378 						b = b[4:]
   379 					case b[4] < 0x80:
   380 						b = b[5:]
   381 					case b[5] < 0x80:
   382 						b = b[6:]
   383 					case b[6] < 0x80:
   384 						b = b[7:]
   385 					case b[7] < 0x80:
   386 						b = b[8:]
   387 					case b[8] < 0x80:
   388 						b = b[9:]
   389 					case b[9] < 0x80 && b[9] < 2:
   390 						b = b[10:]
   391 					default:
   392 						return out, ValidationInvalid
   393 					}
   394 				} else {
   395 					switch {
   396 					case len(b) > 0 && b[0] < 0x80:
   397 						b = b[1:]
   398 					case len(b) > 1 && b[1] < 0x80:
   399 						b = b[2:]
   400 					case len(b) > 2 && b[2] < 0x80:
   401 						b = b[3:]
   402 					case len(b) > 3 && b[3] < 0x80:
   403 						b = b[4:]
   404 					case len(b) > 4 && b[4] < 0x80:
   405 						b = b[5:]
   406 					case len(b) > 5 && b[5] < 0x80:
   407 						b = b[6:]
   408 					case len(b) > 6 && b[6] < 0x80:
   409 						b = b[7:]
   410 					case len(b) > 7 && b[7] < 0x80:
   411 						b = b[8:]
   412 					case len(b) > 8 && b[8] < 0x80:
   413 						b = b[9:]
   414 					case len(b) > 9 && b[9] < 2:
   415 						b = b[10:]
   416 					default:
   417 						return out, ValidationInvalid
   418 					}
   419 				}
   420 				continue State
   421 			case protowire.BytesType:
   422 				var size uint64
   423 				if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 {
   424 					size = uint64(b[0])
   425 					b = b[1:]
   426 				} else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 {
   427 					size = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7
   428 					b = b[2:]
   429 				} else {
   430 					var n int
   431 					size, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b)
   432 					if n < 0 {
   433 						return out, ValidationInvalid
   434 					}
   435 					b = b[n:]
   436 				}
   437 				if size > uint64(len(b)) {
   438 					return out, ValidationInvalid
   439 				}
   440 				v := b[:size]
   441 				b = b[size:]
   442 				switch vi.typ {
   443 				case validationTypeMessage:
   444 					if vi.mi == nil {
   445 						return out, ValidationUnknown
   446 					}
   447 					vi.mi.init()
   448 					fallthrough
   449 				case validationTypeMap:
   450 					if vi.mi != nil {
   451 						vi.mi.init()
   452 					}
   453 					states = append(states, validationState{
   454 						typ:     vi.typ,
   455 						keyType: vi.keyType,
   456 						valType: vi.valType,
   457 						mi:      vi.mi,
   458 						tail:    b,
   459 					})
   460 					b = v
   461 					continue State
   462 				case validationTypeRepeatedVarint:
   463 					// Packed field.
   464 					for len(v) > 0 {
   465 						_, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(v)
   466 						if n < 0 {
   467 							return out, ValidationInvalid
   468 						}
   469 						v = v[n:]
   470 					}
   471 				case validationTypeRepeatedFixed32:
   472 					// Packed field.
   473 					if len(v)%4 != 0 {
   474 						return out, ValidationInvalid
   475 					}
   476 				case validationTypeRepeatedFixed64:
   477 					// Packed field.
   478 					if len(v)%8 != 0 {
   479 						return out, ValidationInvalid
   480 					}
   481 				case validationTypeUTF8String:
   482 					if !utf8.Valid(v) {
   483 						return out, ValidationInvalid
   484 					}
   485 				}
   486 			case protowire.Fixed32Type:
   487 				if len(b) < 4 {
   488 					return out, ValidationInvalid
   489 				}
   490 				b = b[4:]
   491 			case protowire.Fixed64Type:
   492 				if len(b) < 8 {
   493 					return out, ValidationInvalid
   494 				}
   495 				b = b[8:]
   496 			case protowire.StartGroupType:
   497 				switch {
   498 				case vi.typ == validationTypeGroup:
   499 					if vi.mi == nil {
   500 						return out, ValidationUnknown
   501 					}
   502 					vi.mi.init()
   503 					states = append(states, validationState{
   504 						typ:      validationTypeGroup,
   505 						mi:       vi.mi,
   506 						endGroup: num,
   507 					})
   508 					continue State
   509 				case flags.ProtoLegacy && vi.typ == validationTypeMessageSetItem:
   510 					typeid, v, n, err := messageset.ConsumeFieldValue(b, false)
   511 					if err != nil {
   512 						return out, ValidationInvalid
   513 					}
   514 					xt, err := opts.resolver.FindExtensionByNumber(st.mi.Desc.FullName(), typeid)
   515 					switch {
   516 					case err == preg.NotFound:
   517 						b = b[n:]
   518 					case err != nil:
   519 						return out, ValidationUnknown
   520 					default:
   521 						xvi := getExtensionFieldInfo(xt).validation
   522 						if xvi.mi != nil {
   523 							xvi.mi.init()
   524 						}
   525 						states = append(states, validationState{
   526 							typ:  xvi.typ,
   527 							mi:   xvi.mi,
   528 							tail: b[n:],
   529 						})
   530 						b = v
   531 						continue State
   532 					}
   533 				default:
   534 					n := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, wtyp, b)
   535 					if n < 0 {
   536 						return out, ValidationInvalid
   537 					}
   538 					b = b[n:]
   539 				}
   540 			default:
   541 				return out, ValidationInvalid
   542 			}
   543 		}
   544 		if st.endGroup != 0 {
   545 			return out, ValidationInvalid
   546 		}
   547 		if len(b) != 0 {
   548 			return out, ValidationInvalid
   549 		}
   550 		b = st.tail
   551 	PopState:
   552 		numRequiredFields := 0
   553 		switch st.typ {
   554 		case validationTypeMessage, validationTypeGroup:
   555 			numRequiredFields = int(st.mi.numRequiredFields)
   556 		case validationTypeMap:
   557 			// If this is a map field with a message value that contains
   558 			// required fields, require that the value be present.
   559 			if st.mi != nil && st.mi.numRequiredFields > 0 {
   560 				numRequiredFields = 1
   561 			}
   562 		}
   563 		// If there are more than 64 required fields, this check will
   564 		// always fail and we will report that the message is potentially
   565 		// uninitialized.
   566 		if numRequiredFields > 0 && bits.OnesCount64(st.requiredMask) != numRequiredFields {
   567 			initialized = false
   568 		}
   569 		states = states[:len(states)-1]
   570 	}
   571 	out.n = start - len(b)
   572 	if initialized {
   573 		out.initialized = true
   574 	}
   575 	return out, ValidationValid
   576 }