author Waqas Hussain <waqas20@gmail.com>
Sun, 19 Oct 2014 03:05:49 -0400
changeset 6501 ce66fe13eebe
parent 5293 fe9215155453
child 7031 7d0ce5e6a6d3
child 7033 b5bc9f77f096
permissions -rw-r--r--
prosodyctl: Fix nil global access traceback in `prosodyctl about` (luarocks 2.2.0 no longer uses module())

.DEFAULT: localhost.crt

# How to:
# First, `make yourhost.cnf` which creates a openssl config file.
# Then edit this file and fill in the details you want it to have,
# and add or change hosts and components it should cover.
# Then `make yourhost.key` to create your private key, you can
# include keysize=number to change the size of the key.
# Then you can either `make yourhost.csr` to generate a certificate
# signing request that you can submit to a CA, or `make yourhost.crt`
# to generate a self signed certificate.

.PRECIOUS: %.cnf %.key

# To request a cert
%.csr: %.cnf %.key
	openssl req -new -key $(lastword $^) -out $@ -utf8 -config $(firstword $^)

# Self signed
%.crt: %.cnf %.key
	openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -key $(lastword $^) -days 365 \
		-sha1 -out $@ -utf8 -config $(firstword $^)

	sed 's,example\.com,$*,g' openssl.cnf > $@

	openssl genrsa $(keysize) > $@
	@chmod 400 $@