author Kim Alvefur <>
Sat, 23 Mar 2024 20:48:19 +0100
changeset 13465 c673ff1075bd
parent 13217 50324f66ca2a
permissions -rw-r--r--
mod_posix: Move everything to util.startup This allows greater control over the order of events. Notably, the internal ordering between daemonization, initialization of libunbound and setup of signal handling is sensitive. libunbound starts a separate thread for processing DNS requests. If this thread is started before signal handling has been set up, it will not inherit the signal handlers and instead behave as it would have before signal handlers were set up, i.e. cause the whole process to immediately exit. libunbound is usually initialized on the first DNS request, usually triggered by an outgoing s2s connection attempt. If daemonization happens before signals have been set up, signals may not be processed at all.

-- Prosody IM
-- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild
-- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain
-- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
-- COPYING file in the source package for more information.

local create_throttle = require "prosody.util.throttle".create;
local new_cache = require "prosody.util.cache".new;
local ip_util = require "prosody.util.ip";
local new_ip = ip_util.new_ip;
local match_ip = ip_util.match;
local parse_cidr = ip_util.parse_cidr;
local errors = require "prosody.util.error";

-- COMPAT drop old option names
local min_seconds_between_registrations = module:get_option_period("min_seconds_between_registrations");
local allowlist_only = module:get_option_boolean("allowlist_registration_only", module:get_option_boolean("whitelist_registration_only"));
local allowlisted_ips = module:get_option_set("registration_allowlist", module:get_option("registration_whitelist", { "", "::1" }))._items;
local blocklisted_ips = module:get_option_set("registration_blocklist", module:get_option_set("registration_blacklist", {}))._items;

local throttle_max = module:get_option_number("registration_throttle_max", min_seconds_between_registrations and 1, 0);
local throttle_period = module:get_option_period("registration_throttle_period", min_seconds_between_registrations);
local throttle_cache_size = module:get_option_integer("registration_throttle_cache_size", 100, 1);
local blocklist_overflow = module:get_option_boolean("blocklist_on_registration_throttle_overload",
	module:get_option_boolean("blacklist_on_registration_throttle_overload", false));

local throttle_cache = new_cache(throttle_cache_size, blocklist_overflow and function (ip, throttle)
	if not throttle:peek() then
		module:log("info", "Adding ip %s to registration blocklist", ip);
		blocklisted_ips[ip] = true;
end or nil);

local function check_throttle(ip)
	if not throttle_max then return true end
	local throttle = throttle_cache:get(ip);
	if not throttle then
		throttle = create_throttle(throttle_max, throttle_period);
	throttle_cache:set(ip, throttle);
	return throttle:poll(1);

local function ip_in_set(set, ip)
	if set[ip] then
		return true;
	ip = new_ip(ip);
	for in_set in pairs(set) do
		if match_ip(ip, parse_cidr(in_set)) then
			return true;
	return false;

local err_registry = {
	blocklisted = {
		text = "Your IP address is blocklisted";
		type = "auth";
		condition = "forbidden";
	not_allowlisted = {
		text = "Your IP address is not allowlisted";
		type = "auth";
		condition = "forbidden";
	throttled = {
		text = "Too many registrations from this IP address recently";
		type = "wait";
		condition = "policy-violation";

module:hook("user-registering", function (event)
	local session = event.session;
	local ip = event.ip or session and session.ip;
	local log = session and session.log or module._log;
	if not ip then
		log("warn", "IP not known; can't apply blocklist/allowlist");
	elseif ip_in_set(blocklisted_ips, ip) then
		log("debug", "Registration disallowed by blocklist");
		event.allowed = false;
		event.error ="blocklisted", event, err_registry);
	elseif (allowlist_only and not ip_in_set(allowlisted_ips, ip)) then
		log("debug", "Registration disallowed by allowlist");
		event.allowed = false;
		event.error ="not_allowlisted", event, err_registry);
	elseif throttle_max and not ip_in_set(allowlisted_ips, ip) then
		if not check_throttle(ip) then
			log("debug", "Registrations over limit for ip %s", ip or "?");
			event.allowed = false;
			event.error ="throttled", event, err_registry);
	if event.error then
		-- COMPAT pre-util.error
		event.reason = event.error.text;
		event.error_type = event.error.type;
		event.error_condition = event.error.condition;