author Kim Alvefur <zash@zash.se>
Sat, 23 Mar 2024 20:48:19 +0100
changeset 13465 c673ff1075bd
parent 8595 bd4f8a2b72c7
permissions -rw-r--r--
mod_posix: Move everything to util.startup This allows greater control over the order of events. Notably, the internal ordering between daemonization, initialization of libunbound and setup of signal handling is sensitive. libunbound starts a separate thread for processing DNS requests. If this thread is started before signal handling has been set up, it will not inherit the signal handlers and instead behave as it would have before signal handlers were set up, i.e. cause the whole process to immediately exit. libunbound is usually initialized on the first DNS request, usually triggered by an outgoing s2s connection attempt. If daemonization happens before signals have been set up, signals may not be processed at all.

.DEFAULT: localhost.crt

# How to:
# First, `make yourhost.cnf` which creates a openssl config file.
# Then edit this file and fill in the details you want it to have,
# and add or change hosts and components it should cover.
# Then `make yourhost.key` to create your private key, you can
# include keysize=number to change the size of the key.
# Then you can either `make yourhost.csr` to generate a certificate
# signing request that you can submit to a CA, or `make yourhost.crt`
# to generate a self signed certificate.

.PRECIOUS: %.cnf %.key

# To request a cert
%.csr: %.cnf %.key
	openssl req -new -key $(lastword $^) \
		-sha256 -utf8 -config $(firstword $^) -out $@

%.csr: %.cnf
	umask 0077 && touch $*.key
	openssl req -new -newkey rsa:$(keysize) -nodes -keyout $*.key \
		-sha256 -utf8 -config $^ -out $@
	@chmod 400 $*.key

%.csr: %.key
	openssl req -new -key $^ -utf8 -subj /CN=$* -out $@

	umask 0077 && touch $*.key
	openssl req -new -newkey rsa:$(keysize) -nodes -keyout $*.key \
		-utf8 -subj /CN=$* -out $@
	@chmod 400 $*.key

# Self signed
%.crt: %.cnf %.key
	openssl req -new -x509 -key $(lastword $^) -days 365 -sha256 -utf8 \
		-config $(firstword $^) -out $@

%.crt: %.cnf
	umask 0077 && touch $*.key
	openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:$(keysize) -nodes -keyout $*.key \
		-days 365 -sha256 -utf8 -config $(firstword $^) -out $@
	@chmod 400 $*.key

%.crt: %.key
	openssl req -new -x509 -key $^ -days 365 -sha256 -utf8 -subj /CN=$* -out $@

	umask 0077 && touch $*.key
	openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:$(keysize) -nodes -keyout $*.key \
		-days 365 -sha256 -out $@ -utf8 -subj /CN=$*
	@chmod 400 $*.key

# Generate a config from the example
	sed 's,example\.com,$*,g' openssl.cnf > $@

	umask 0077 && openssl genrsa -out $@ $(keysize)
	@chmod 400 $@

# Generate Diffie-Hellman parameters
	openssl dhparam -out $@ $*