author Kim Alvefur <zash@zash.se>
Wed, 27 Mar 2024 19:33:11 +0100
changeset 13471 c2a476f4712a
parent 13321 e6a5f196fc1f
permissions -rw-r--r--
util.startup: Fix exiting on pidfile trouble prosody.shutdown() relies on prosody.main_thread, which has not been set yet at this point. Doing a clean shutdown might actually be harmful in case it tears down things set up by the conflicting Prosody, such as the very pidfile we were looking at. Thanks again SigmaTel71 for noticing

-- Prosody IM
-- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild
-- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain
-- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
-- COPYING file in the source package for more information.

local random = require "prosody.util.random";
local random_bytes = random.bytes;
local time = require "prosody.util.time";
local hex = require "prosody.util.hex".encode;
local m_ceil = math.ceil;
local m_floor = math.floor;

local function get_nibbles(n)
	return hex(random_bytes(m_ceil(n/2))):sub(1, n);

local function get_twobits()
	return ("%x"):format(random_bytes(1):byte() % 4 + 8);

local function generate()
	-- generate RFC 4122 complaint UUIDs (version 4 - random)
	return get_nibbles(8).."-"..get_nibbles(4).."-4"..get_nibbles(3).."-"..(get_twobits())..get_nibbles(3).."-"..get_nibbles(12);

local function generate_v7()
	-- Sortable based on time and random
	-- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-peabody-dispatch-new-uuid-format-01#section-4.4
	local t = time.now();
	local unixts = m_floor(t);
	local unixts_a = m_floor(unixts / 16);
	local unixts_b = m_floor(unixts % 16);
	local subsec = t % 1;
	local subsec_a = m_floor(subsec * 0x1000);
	local subsec_b = m_floor(subsec * 0x1000000) % 0x1000;
	return ("%08x-%x%03x-7%03x-%4s-%12s"):format(unixts_a, unixts_b, subsec_a, subsec_b, get_twobits() .. get_nibbles(3), get_nibbles(12));

return {
	v4 = generate;
	v7 = generate_v7;
	generate = generate ;
	seed = random.seed;