author Kim Alvefur <>
Fri, 27 May 2022 14:45:35 +0200
changeset 12530 252ed01896dd
parent 11197 5850d24a4ad3
permissions -rw-r--r--
mod_smacks: Bounce unhandled stanzas from local origin (fix #1759) Sending stanzas with a remote session as origin when the stanzas have a local JID in the from attribute trips validation in core.stanza_router, leading to warnings: > Received a stanza claiming to be from remote.example, over a stream authed for localhost.example Using module:send() uses the local host as origin, which is fine here.

local data = {}
local getinfo = debug.getinfo;
local function linehook(ev, li)
	local S = getinfo(2, "S");
	if S and S.source and S.source:match"^@" then
		local file = S.source:sub(2);
		local lines = data[file];
		if not lines then
			lines = {};
			data[file] = lines;
			for line in io.lines(file) do
				lines[#lines+1] = line;
		io.stderr:write(ev, " ", file, " ", li, " ", lines[li], "\n");
debug.sethook(linehook, "l");