changeset 12152 b63bb2c4b6d9
child 12153 bbbf0dd90b6d
equal deleted inserted replaced
12151:02481502c3dc 12152:b63bb2c4b6d9
     1 local mm = require "core.modulemanager";
     2 if mm.get_modules_for_host("bookmarks2") then
     3 	error("mod_bookmarks and mod_bookmarks2 are conflicting, please disable one of them.", 0);
     4 end
     6 local st = require "util.stanza";
     7 local jid_split = require "util.jid".split;
     9 local mod_pep = module:depends "pep";
    10 local private_storage = module:open_store("private", "map");
    12 local namespace = "urn:xmpp:bookmarks:1";
    13 local namespace_private = "jabber:iq:private";
    14 local namespace_legacy = "storage:bookmarks";
    16 local default_options = {
    17 	["persist_items"] = true;
    18 	["max_items"] = "max";
    19 	["send_last_published_item"] = "never";
    20 	["access_model"] = "whitelist";
    21 };
    23 if not mod_pep.check_node_config(nil, nil, default_options) then
    24 	-- 0.11 or earlier not supporting max_items="max" trows an error here
    25 	module:log("debug", "Setting max_items=pep_max_items because 'max' is not supported in this version");
    26 	default_options["max_items"] = module:get_option_number("pep_max_items", 256);
    27 end
    29 module:hook("account-disco-info", function (event)
    30 	-- This Time it’s Serious!
    31 	event.reply:tag("feature", { var = namespace.."#compat" }):up();
    32 	event.reply:tag("feature", { var = namespace.."#compat-pep" }):up();
    33 end);
    35 -- This must be declared on the domain JID, not the account JID.  Note that
    36 -- this isn’t defined in the XEP.
    37 module:add_feature(namespace_private);
    39 local function generate_legacy_storage(items)
    40 	local storage = st.stanza("storage", { xmlns = namespace_legacy });
    41 	for _, item_id in ipairs(items) do
    42 		local item = items[item_id];
    43 		local bookmark = item:get_child("conference", namespace);
    44 		local conference = st.stanza("conference", {
    45 			jid =,
    46 			name =,
    47 			autojoin = bookmark.attr.autojoin,
    48 		});
    49 		local nick = bookmark:get_child_text("nick");
    50 		if nick ~= nil then
    51 			conference:text_tag("nick", nick):up();
    52 		end
    53 		local password = bookmark:get_child_text("password");
    54 		if password ~= nil then
    55 			conference:text_tag("password", password):up();
    56 		end
    57 		storage:add_child(conference);
    58 	end
    60 	return storage;
    61 end
    63 local function on_retrieve_legacy_pep(event)
    64 	local stanza, session = event.stanza, event.origin;
    65 	local pubsub = stanza:get_child("pubsub", "");
    66 	if pubsub == nil then
    67 		return;
    68 	end
    70 	local items = pubsub:get_child("items");
    71 	if items == nil then
    72 		return;
    73 	end
    75 	local node = items.attr.node;
    76 	if node ~= namespace_legacy then
    77 		return;
    78 	end
    80 	local username = session.username;
    81 	local jid = username.."@";
    82 	local service = mod_pep.get_pep_service(username);
    83 	local ok, ret = service:get_items(namespace, session.full_jid);
    84 	if not ok then
    85 		module:log("error", "Failed to retrieve PEP bookmarks of %s: %s", jid, ret);
    86 		session.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", ret, "Failed to retrive bookmarks from PEP"));
    87 		return true;
    88 	end
    90 	local storage = generate_legacy_storage(ret);
    92 	module:log("debug", "Sending back legacy PEP for %s: %s", jid, storage);
    93 	session.send(st.reply(stanza)
    94 		:tag("pubsub", {xmlns = ""})
    95 			:tag("items", {node = namespace_legacy})
    96 				:tag("item", {id = "current"})
    97 					:add_child(storage));
    98 	return true;
    99 end
   101 local function on_retrieve_private_xml(event)
   102 	local stanza, session = event.stanza, event.origin;
   103 	local query = stanza:get_child("query", namespace_private);
   104 	if query == nil then
   105 		return;
   106 	end
   108 	local bookmarks = query:get_child("storage", namespace_legacy);
   109 	if bookmarks == nil then
   110 		return;
   111 	end
   113 	module:log("debug", "Getting private bookmarks: %s", bookmarks);
   115 	local username = session.username;
   116 	local jid = username.."@";
   117 	local service = mod_pep.get_pep_service(username);
   118 	local ok, ret = service:get_items(namespace, session.full_jid);
   119 	if not ok then
   120 		if ret == "item-not-found" then
   121 			module:log("debug", "Got no PEP bookmarks item for %s, returning empty private bookmarks", jid);
   122 			session.send(st.reply(stanza):add_child(query));
   123 		else
   124 			module:log("error", "Failed to retrieve PEP bookmarks of %s: %s", jid, ret);
   125 			session.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", ret, "Failed to retrive bookmarks from PEP"));
   126 		end
   127 		return true;
   128 	end
   130 	local storage = generate_legacy_storage(ret);
   132 	module:log("debug", "Sending back private for %s: %s", jid, storage);
   133 	session.send(st.reply(stanza):query(namespace_private):add_child(storage));
   134 	return true;
   135 end
   137 local function compare_bookmark2(a, b)
   138 	if a == nil or b == nil then
   139 		return false;
   140 	end
   141 	local a_conference = a:get_child("conference", namespace);
   142 	local b_conference = b:get_child("conference", namespace);
   143 	local a_nick = a_conference:get_child_text("nick");
   144 	local b_nick = b_conference:get_child_text("nick");
   145 	local a_password = a_conference:get_child_text("password");
   146 	local b_password = b_conference:get_child_text("password");
   147 	return ( == and
   148 == and
   149 	        a_conference.attr.autojoin == b_conference.attr.autojoin and
   150 	        a_nick == b_nick and
   151 	        a_password == b_password);
   152 end
   154 local function publish_to_pep(jid, bookmarks, synchronise)
   155 	local service = mod_pep.get_pep_service(jid_split(jid));
   157 	if #bookmarks.tags == 0 then
   158 		if synchronise then
   159 			-- If we set zero legacy bookmarks, purge the bookmarks 2 node.
   160 			module:log("debug", "No bookmark in the set, purging instead.");
   161 			return service:purge(namespace, jid, true);
   162 		else
   163 			return true;
   164 		end
   165 	end
   167 	-- Retrieve the current bookmarks2.
   168 	module:log("debug", "Retrieving the current bookmarks 2.");
   169 	local has_bookmarks2, ret = service:get_items(namespace, jid);
   170 	local bookmarks2;
   171 	if not has_bookmarks2 and ret == "item-not-found" then
   172 		module:log("debug", "Got item-not-found, assuming it was empty until now, creating.");
   173 		local ok, err = service:create(namespace, jid, default_options);
   174 		if not ok then
   175 			module:log("error", "Creating bookmarks 2 node failed: %s", err);
   176 			return ok, err;
   177 		end
   178 		bookmarks2 = {};
   179 	elseif not has_bookmarks2 then
   180 		module:log("debug", "Got %s error, aborting.", ret);
   181 		return false, ret;
   182 	else
   183 		module:log("debug", "Got existing bookmarks2.");
   184 		bookmarks2 = ret;
   185 	end
   187 	-- Get a list of all items we may want to remove.
   188 	local to_remove = {};
   189 	for i in ipairs(bookmarks2) do
   190 		to_remove[bookmarks2[i]] = true;
   191 	end
   193 	for bookmark in bookmarks:childtags("conference", namespace_legacy) do
   194 		-- Create the new conference element by copying everything from the legacy one.
   195 		local conference = st.stanza("conference", {
   196 			xmlns = namespace,
   197 			name =,
   198 			autojoin = bookmark.attr.autojoin,
   199 		});
   200 		local nick = bookmark:get_child_text("nick");
   201 		if nick ~= nil then
   202 			conference:text_tag("nick", nick):up();
   203 		end
   204 		local password = bookmark:get_child_text("password");
   205 		if password ~= nil then
   206 			conference:text_tag("password", password):up();
   207 		end
   209 		-- Create its wrapper.
   210 		local item = st.stanza("item", { xmlns = "", id = bookmark.attr.jid })
   211 			:add_child(conference);
   213 		-- Then publish it only if it’s a new one or updating a previous one.
   214 		if compare_bookmark2(item, bookmarks2[bookmark.attr.jid]) then
   215 			module:log("debug", "Item %s identical to the previous one, skipping.",;
   216 			to_remove[bookmark.attr.jid] = nil;
   217 		else
   218 			if bookmarks2[bookmark.attr.jid] == nil then
   219 				module:log("debug", "Item %s not existing previously, publishing.",;
   220 			else
   221 				module:log("debug", "Item %s different from the previous one, publishing.",;
   222 				to_remove[bookmark.attr.jid] = nil;
   223 			end
   224 			local ok, err = service:publish(namespace, jid, bookmark.attr.jid, item, default_options);
   225 			if not ok then
   226 				module:log("error", "Publishing item %s failed: %s",, err);
   227 				return ok, err;
   228 			end
   229 		end
   230 	end
   232 	-- Now handle retracting items that have been removed.
   233 	if synchronise then
   234 		for id in pairs(to_remove) do
   235 			module:log("debug", "Item %s removed from bookmarks.", id);
   236 			local ok, err = service:retract(namespace, jid, id, st.stanza("retract", { id = id }));
   237 			if not ok then
   238 				module:log("error", "Retracting item %s failed: %s", id, err);
   239 				return ok, err;
   240 			end
   241 		end
   242 	end
   243 	return true;
   244 end
   246 -- Synchronise legacy PEP to PEP.
   247 local function on_publish_legacy_pep(event)
   248 	local stanza, session = event.stanza, event.origin;
   249 	local pubsub = stanza:get_child("pubsub", "");
   250 	if pubsub == nil then
   251 		return;
   252 	end
   254 	local publish = pubsub:get_child("publish");
   255 	if publish == nil or publish.attr.node ~= namespace_legacy then
   256 		return;
   257 	end
   259 	local item = publish:get_child("item");
   260 	if item == nil then
   261 		return;
   262 	end
   264 	-- Here we ignore the item id, it’ll be generated as 'current' anyway.
   266 	local bookmarks = item:get_child("storage", namespace_legacy);
   267 	if bookmarks == nil then
   268 		return;
   269 	end
   271 	-- We also ignore the publish-options.
   273 	module:log("debug", "Legacy PEP bookmarks set by client, publishing to PEP.");
   275 	local ok, err = publish_to_pep(session.full_jid, bookmarks, true);
   276 	if not ok then
   277 		module:log("error", "Failed to publish to PEP bookmarks for %s@%s: %s", session.username,, err);
   278 		session.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "internal-server-error", "Failed to store bookmarks to PEP"));
   279 		return true;
   280 	end
   282 	session.send(st.reply(stanza));
   283 	return true;
   284 end
   286 -- Synchronise Private XML to PEP.
   287 local function on_publish_private_xml(event)
   288 	local stanza, session = event.stanza, event.origin;
   289 	local query = stanza:get_child("query", namespace_private);
   290 	if query == nil then
   291 		return;
   292 	end
   294 	local bookmarks = query:get_child("storage", namespace_legacy);
   295 	if bookmarks == nil then
   296 		return;
   297 	end
   299 	module:log("debug", "Private bookmarks set by client, publishing to PEP.");
   301 	local ok, err = publish_to_pep(session.full_jid, bookmarks, true);
   302 	if not ok then
   303 		module:log("error", "Failed to publish to PEP bookmarks for %s@%s: %s", session.username,, err);
   304 		session.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "internal-server-error", "Failed to store bookmarks to PEP"));
   305 		return true;
   306 	end
   308 	session.send(st.reply(stanza));
   309 	return true;
   310 end
   312 local function migrate_legacy_bookmarks(event)
   313 	local session = event.session;
   314 	local username = session.username;
   315 	local service = mod_pep.get_pep_service(username);
   316 	local jid = username.."@";
   318 	local ok, ret = service:get_items(namespace_legacy, session.full_jid);
   319 	if ok then
   320 		module:log("debug", "Legacy PEP bookmarks found for %s, migrating.", jid);
   321 		local failed = false;
   322 		for _, item_id in ipairs(ret) do
   323 			local item = ret[item_id];
   324 			if ~= "current" then
   325 				module:log("warn", "Legacy PEP bookmarks for %s isn’t using 'current' as its id: %s", jid,;
   326 			end
   327 			local bookmarks = item:get_child("storage", namespace_legacy);
   328 			module:log("debug", "Got legacy PEP bookmarks of %s: %s", jid, bookmarks);
   330 			local ok, err = publish_to_pep(session.full_jid, bookmarks, false);
   331 			if not ok then
   332 				module:log("error", "Failed to store legacy PEP bookmarks to bookmarks 2 for %s, aborting migration: %s", jid, err);
   333 				failed = true;
   334 				break;
   335 			end
   336 		end
   337 		if not failed then
   338 			module:log("debug", "Successfully migrated legacy PEP bookmarks of %s to bookmarks 2, attempting deletion of the node.", jid);
   339 			local ok, err = service:delete(namespace_legacy, jid);
   340 			if not ok then
   341 				module:log("error", "Failed to delete legacy PEP bookmarks for %s: %s", jid, err);
   342 			end
   343 		end
   344 	end
   346 	local data, err = private_storage:get(username, "storage:storage:bookmarks");
   347 	if not data then
   348 		module:log("debug", "No existing legacy bookmarks for %s, migration already done: %s", jid, err);
   349 		local ok, ret2 = service:get_items(namespace, session.full_jid);
   350 		if not ok or not ret2 then
   351 			module:log("debug", "Additionally, no bookmarks 2 were existing for %s, assuming empty.", jid);
   352 			module:fire_event("bookmarks/empty", { session = session });
   353 		end
   354 		return;
   355 	end
   356 	local bookmarks = st.deserialize(data);
   357 	module:log("debug", "Got legacy bookmarks of %s: %s", jid, bookmarks);
   359 	module:log("debug", "Going to store legacy bookmarks to bookmarks 2 %s.", jid);
   360 	local ok, err = publish_to_pep(session.full_jid, bookmarks, false);
   361 	if not ok then
   362 		module:log("error", "Failed to store legacy bookmarks to bookmarks 2 for %s, aborting migration: %s", jid, err);
   363 		return;
   364 	end
   365 	module:log("debug", "Stored legacy bookmarks to bookmarks 2 for %s.", jid);
   367 	local ok, err = private_storage:set(username, "storage:storage:bookmarks", nil);
   368 	if not ok then
   369 		module:log("error", "Failed to remove legacy bookmarks of %s: %s", jid, err);
   370 		return;
   371 	end
   372 	module:log("debug", "Removed legacy bookmarks of %s, migration done!", jid);
   373 end
   375 local function on_node_created(event)
   376 	local service, node, actor = event.service, event.node,;
   377 	if node ~= namespace_legacy then
   378 		return;
   379 	end
   381 	module:log("debug", "Something tried to create legacy PEP bookmarks for %s.", actor);
   382 	local ok, err = service:delete(namespace_legacy, actor);
   383 	if not ok then
   384 		module:log("error", "Failed to delete legacy PEP bookmarks for %s: %s", actor, err);
   385 	end
   386 	module:log("debug", "Legacy PEP bookmarks node of %s deleted.", actor);
   387 end
   389 module:hook("iq/bare/jabber:iq:private:query", function (event)
   390 	if event.stanza.attr.type == "get" then
   391 		return on_retrieve_private_xml(event);
   392 	else
   393 		return on_publish_private_xml(event);
   394 	end
   395 end, 1);
   396 module:hook("iq/bare/", function (event)
   397 	if event.stanza.attr.type == "get" then
   398 		return on_retrieve_legacy_pep(event);
   399 	else
   400 		return on_publish_legacy_pep(event);
   401 	end
   402 end, 1);
   403 module:hook("resource-bind", migrate_legacy_bookmarks);
   404 module:handle_items("pep-service", function (event)
   405 	local service = event.item.service;
   406 	module:hook_object_event(, "node-created", on_node_created);
   407 end, function () end, true);