author Matthew Wild <>
Mon, 08 Jan 2024 17:28:39 +0000
changeset 5822 d3b69859553a
parent 3274 7776c9dc5f37
permissions -rw-r--r--
mod_password_policy: Change error type from 'cancel' to 'modify' This makes more sense, as the problem relates to the data that has been entered, and therefore the request could be retried with different data.

local st = require "util.stanza";

local stores = module:get_option("readonly_stores", {
	vcard = { "vcard-temp", "vCard" };

local namespaces = {};
for name, namespace in pairs(stores) do
	namespaces[table.concat(namespace, ":")] = name;

local function prevent_write(event)
	local stanza = event.stanza;
	local xmlns_and_tag = stanza.tags[1].attr.xmlns..":"..stanza.tags[1].name;
	local store_name = namespaces[xmlns_and_tag];
	if store_name then
		module:log("warn", "Preventing modification of %s store by %s", store_name, stanza.attr.from);
		event.origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "not-allowed", store_name.." data is read-only"));
		return true; -- Block stanza

for namespace in pairs(namespaces) do
	module:hook("iq-set/bare/"..namespace, prevent_write, 200);