author Matthew Wild <>
Sat, 01 Apr 2023 13:11:53 +0100
changeset 5302 12f7d8b901e0
parent 1343 7dbde05b48a9
permissions -rw-r--r--
mod_audit: Support for adding location (GeoIP) to audit events This can be more privacy-friendly than logging full IP addresses, and also more informative to a user - IP addresses don't mean much to the average person, however if they see activity from outside their expected country, they can immediately identify suspicious activity. As with IPs, this field is configurable for deployments that would like to disable it. Location is also not logged when the geoip library is not available.

-- Send carbons v0 style copies of incoming messages to clients which
-- are not (yet) capable of Message Carbons (XEP-0280).
-- This extension integrates with the mod_carbons plugin in such a way
-- that a client capable of Message Carbons will not get a v0 copy.
-- This extension can be enabled for all users by default by setting
-- carbons_copies_default = true.
-- Alternatively or additionally setting carbons_copies_adhoc = true
-- will allow the user to enable or disable copies through Adhoc
-- commands.
-- Copyright (C) 2012 Michael Holzt
-- This file is MIT/X11 licensed.

local jid_split = require "util.jid".split;
local dm_load = require "util.datamanager".load;
local dm_store = require "util.datamanager".store;
local adhoc_new = module:require "adhoc".new;
local xmlns_carbons_v0 = "urn:xmpp:carbons:0";
local storename = "mod_carbons_copies";

local function toggle_copies(data, on)
	local username, hostname, resource = jid_split(data.from);
	dm_store(username, hostname, storename, { enabled = on });

local function adhoc_enable_copies(self, data, state)
	toggle_copies(data, true);
	return { info = "Copies are enabled for you now.\nPlease restart/reconnect clients.", status = "completed" };

local function adhoc_disable_copies(self, data, state)
	toggle_copies(data, false);
	return { info = "Copies are disabled for you now.\nPlease restart/reconnect clients.", status = "completed" };

module:hook("resource-bind", function(event)
	local session = event.session;
	local username, hostname, resource = jid_split(session.full_jid);

	local store = dm_load(username, hostname, storename) or
		{ enabled =
		module:get_option_boolean("carbons_copies_default") };

	if store.enabled then
		session.want_carbons = xmlns_carbons_v0;
		module:log("debug", "%s enabling copies", session.full_jid);

-- Adhoc-Support
if module:get_option_boolean("carbons_copies_adhoc") then
	local enable_desc = adhoc_new("Carbons: Enable Copies",
		"mod_carbons_copies#enable", adhoc_enable_copies);
	local disable_desc = adhoc_new("Carbons: Disable Copies",
		"mod_carbons_copies#disable", adhoc_disable_copies);

	module:add_item("adhoc", enable_desc);
	module:add_item("adhoc", disable_desc);