changeset 2960 d0ca211e1b0e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mod_auth_token/mock.lua	Tue Mar 27 10:48:04 2018 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+-- Source code taken from
+-- Released under the MIT License. Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Norman Clarke.
+--- Provides the ability to mock any module.
+-- @usage
+-- mock.mock(sys)
+-- -- specifying return values
+-- sys.get_sys_info.returns({my_data})
+-- ...
+-- local sys_info = sys.get_sys_info() -- will be my_data
+-- assert(sys.get_sys_info.calls == 1) -- call counting
+-- ...
+-- local sys_info = sys.get_sys_info() -- original response as we are now out of mocked answers
+-- assert(sys.get_sys_info.calls == 2) -- call counting
+-- ...
+-- -- specifying a replacement function
+-- sys.get_sys_info.replace(function () return my_data end)
+-- ...
+-- local sys_info = sys.get_sys_info() -- will be my_data
+-- assert(sys.get_sys_info.calls == 3) -- call counting
+-- ...
+-- local sys_info = sys.get_sys_info() -- will still be my_data
+-- assert(sys.get_sys_info.calls == 4) -- call counting
+-- ...
+-- -- cleaning up
+-- mock.unmock(sys) -- restore the sys library again
+local mock = {}
+--- Mock the specified module.
+-- Mocking the module extends the functions it contains with the ability to have their logic overridden.
+-- @param module module to mock
+-- @usage
+-- -- mock module x
+-- mock.mock(x)
+-- -- make x.f return 1, 2 then the original value
+-- x.f.returns({1, 2})
+-- print(x.f()) -- prints 1
+-- -- make x.f return 1 forever
+-- x.f.replace(function () return 1 end)
+-- while true do print(x.f()) end -- prints 1 forever
+-- -- counting calls
+-- assert(x.f.calls > 0)
+-- -- return to original state of module x
+-- mock.unmock(x)
+function mock.mock(module)
+	assert(module, "You must provide a module to mock")
+	for k,v in pairs(module) do
+		if type(v) == "function" then
+			local mock_fn = {
+				calls = 0,
+				answers = {},
+				repl_fn = nil,
+				orig_fn = v,
+				params = {}
+			}
+			function mock_fn.returns(...)
+				local arg_length = select("#", ...)
+				assert(arg_length > 0, "You must provide some answers")
+				local args = { ... }
+				if arg_length == 1 then
+					mock_fn.answers = args[1]
+				else
+					mock_fn.answers = args
+				end
+			end
+			function mock_fn.always_returns(answer)
+				mock_fn.repl_fn = function()
+					return answer
+				end
+			end
+			function mock_fn.replace(repl_fn)
+				mock_fn.repl_fn = repl_fn
+			end
+			function mock_fn.original(...)
+				return mock_fn.orig_fn(...)
+			end
+			function mock_fn.restore()
+				mock_fn.repl_fn = nil
+			end
+			local mt = {
+				__call = function (mock_fn, ...)
+					mock_fn.calls = mock_fn.calls + 1
+					local arg = {...}
+					if #arg > 0 then
+						for i=1,#arg do
+							mock_fn.params[i] = arg[i]
+						end
+					end
+					if mock_fn.answers[1] then
+						local result = mock_fn.answers[1]
+						table.remove(mock_fn.answers, 1)
+						return result
+					elseif mock_fn.repl_fn then
+						return mock_fn.repl_fn(...)
+					else
+						return v(...)
+					end
+				end
+			}
+			setmetatable(mock_fn, mt)
+			module[k] = mock_fn
+		end
+	end
+--- Remove the mocking capabilities from a module.
+-- @param module module to remove mocking from
+function mock.unmock(module)
+	assert(module, "You must provide a module to unmock")
+	for k,v in pairs(module) do
+		if type(v) == "table" then
+			if v.orig_fn then
+				module[k] = v.orig_fn
+			end
+		end
+	end
+return mock