changeset 1474 d4233dce479f
child 1475 58d48afca54d
equal deleted inserted replaced
1473:31c4d92a81e5 1474:d4233dce479f
     1 -- Prosody IM
     2 -- Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Matthew Wild
     3 -- Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Waqas Hussain
     4 -- Copyright (C) 2009 Thilo Cestonaro
     5 -- 
     6 -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
     7 -- COPYING file in the source package for more information.
     8 --
    10 module:add_feature("jabber:iq:privacy");
    12 local st = require "util.stanza";
    13 local bare_sessions, full_sessions = prosody.bare_sessions, prosody.full_sessions;
    14 local util_Jid = require "util.jid";
    15 local jid_bare = util_Jid.bare;
    16 local jid_split, jid_join = util_Jid.split, util_Jid.join;
    17 local load_roster = require "core.rostermanager".load_roster;
    18 local to_number = tonumber;
    20 local privacy_storage = module:open_store();
    22 function isListUsed(origin, name, privacy_lists)
    23 	local user = bare_sessions[origin.username.."@"];
    24 	if user then
    25 		for resource, session in pairs(user.sessions) do
    26 			if resource ~= origin.resource then
    27 				if session.activePrivacyList == name then
    28 					return true;
    29 				elseif session.activePrivacyList == nil and privacy_lists.default == name then
    30 					return true;
    31 				end
    32 			end
    33 		end
    34 	end
    35 end
    37 function isAnotherSessionUsingDefaultList(origin)
    38 	local user = bare_sessions[origin.username.."@"];
    39 	if user then
    40 		for resource, session in pairs(user.sessions) do
    41 			if resource ~= origin.resource and session.activePrivacyList == nil then
    42 				return true;
    43 			end
    44 		end
    45 	end
    46 end
    48 function declineList(privacy_lists, origin, stanza, which)
    49 	if which == "default" then
    50 		if isAnotherSessionUsingDefaultList(origin) then
    51 			return { "cancel", "conflict", "Another session is online and using the default list."};
    52 		end
    53 		privacy_lists.default = nil;
    54 		origin.send(st.reply(stanza));
    55 	elseif which == "active" then
    56 		origin.activePrivacyList = nil;
    57 		origin.send(st.reply(stanza));
    58 	else
    59 		return {"modify", "bad-request", "Neither default nor active list specifed to decline."};
    60 	end
    61 	return true;
    62 end
    64 function activateList(privacy_lists, origin, stanza, which, name)
    65 	local list = privacy_lists.lists[name];
    67 	if which == "default" and list then
    68 		if isAnotherSessionUsingDefaultList(origin) then
    69 			return {"cancel", "conflict", "Another session is online and using the default list."};
    70 		end
    71 		privacy_lists.default = name;
    72 		origin.send(st.reply(stanza));
    73 	elseif which == "active" and list then
    74 		origin.activePrivacyList = name;
    75 		origin.send(st.reply(stanza));
    76 	elseif not list then
    77 		return {"cancel", "item-not-found", "No such list: "};
    78 	else
    79 		return {"modify", "bad-request", "No list chosen to be active or default."};
    80 	end
    81 	return true;
    82 end
    84 function deleteList(privacy_lists, origin, stanza, name)
    85 	local list = privacy_lists.lists[name];
    87 	if list then
    88 		if isListUsed(origin, name, privacy_lists) then
    89 			return {"cancel", "conflict", "Another session is online and using the list which should be deleted."};
    90 		end
    91 		if privacy_lists.default == name then
    92 			privacy_lists.default = nil;
    93 		end
    94 		if origin.activePrivacyList == name then
    95 			origin.activePrivacyList = nil;
    96 		end
    97 		privacy_lists.lists[name] = nil;
    98 		origin.send(st.reply(stanza));
    99 		return true;
   100 	end
   101 	return {"modify", "bad-request", "Not existing list specifed to be deleted."};
   102 end
   104 function createOrReplaceList (privacy_lists, origin, stanza, name, entries)
   105 	local bare_jid = origin.username.."@";
   107 	if privacy_lists.lists == nil then
   108 		privacy_lists.lists = {};
   109 	end
   111 	local list = {};
   112 	privacy_lists.lists[name] = list;
   114 	local orderCheck = {};
   115 = name;
   116 	list.items = {};
   118 	for _,item in ipairs(entries) do
   119 		if to_number(item.attr.order) == nil or to_number(item.attr.order) < 0 or orderCheck[item.attr.order] ~= nil then
   120 			return {"modify", "bad-request", "Order attribute not valid."};
   121 		end
   123 		if item.attr.type ~= nil and item.attr.type ~= "jid" and item.attr.type ~= "subscription" and item.attr.type ~= "group" then
   124 			return {"modify", "bad-request", "Type attribute not valid."};
   125 		end
   127 		local tmp = {};
   128 		orderCheck[item.attr.order] = true;
   130 		tmp["type"] = item.attr.type;
   131 		tmp["value"] = item.attr.value;
   132 		tmp["action"] = item.attr.action;
   133 		tmp["order"] = to_number(item.attr.order);
   134 		tmp["presence-in"] = false;
   135 		tmp["presence-out"] = false;
   136 		tmp["message"] = false;
   137 		tmp["iq"] = false;
   139 		if #item.tags > 0 then
   140 			for _,tag in ipairs(item.tags) do
   141 				tmp[] = true;
   142 			end
   143 		end
   145 		if tmp.type == "subscription" then
   146 			if	tmp.value ~= "both" and
   147 				tmp.value ~= "to" and
   148 				tmp.value ~= "from" and
   149 				tmp.value ~= "none" then
   150 				return {"cancel", "bad-request", "Subscription value must be both, to, from or none."};
   151 			end
   152 		end
   154 		if tmp.action ~= "deny" and tmp.action ~= "allow" then
   155 			return {"cancel", "bad-request", "Action must be either deny or allow."};
   156 		end
   157 		list.items[#list.items + 1] = tmp;
   158 	end
   160 	table.sort(list, function(a, b) return a.order < b.order; end);
   162 	origin.send(st.reply(stanza));
   163 	if bare_sessions[bare_jid] ~= nil then
   164 		local iq = ( { type = "set", id="push1" } );
   165 		iq:tag ("query", { xmlns = "jabber:iq:privacy" } );
   166 		iq:tag ("list", { name = } ):up();
   167 		iq:up();
   168 		for resource, session in pairs(bare_sessions[bare_jid].sessions) do
   169 = bare_jid.."/"..resource
   170 			session.send(iq);
   171 		end
   172 	else
   173 		return {"cancel", "bad-request", "internal error."};
   174 	end
   175 	return true;
   176 end
   178 function getList(privacy_lists, origin, stanza, name)
   179 	local reply = st.reply(stanza);
   180 	reply:tag("query", {xmlns="jabber:iq:privacy"});
   182 	if name == nil then
   183 		if privacy_lists.lists then
   184 			if origin.activePrivacyList then
   185 				reply:tag("active", {name=origin.activePrivacyList}):up();
   186 			end
   187 			if privacy_lists.default then
   188 				reply:tag("default", {name=privacy_lists.default}):up();
   189 			end
   190 			for name,list in pairs(privacy_lists.lists) do
   191 				reply:tag("list", {name=name}):up();
   192 			end
   193 		end
   194 	else
   195 		local list = privacy_lists.lists[name];
   196 		if list then
   197 			reply = reply:tag("list", {});
   198 			for _,item in ipairs(list.items) do
   199 				reply:tag("item", {type=item.type, value=item.value, action=item.action, order=item.order});
   200 				if item["message"] then reply:tag("message"):up(); end
   201 				if item["iq"] then reply:tag("iq"):up(); end
   202 				if item["presence-in"] then reply:tag("presence-in"):up(); end
   203 				if item["presence-out"] then reply:tag("presence-out"):up(); end
   204 				reply:up();
   205 			end
   206 		else
   207 			return {"cancel", "item-not-found", "Unknown list specified."};
   208 		end
   209 	end
   211 	origin.send(reply);
   212 	return true;
   213 end
   215 module:hook("iq/bare/jabber:iq:privacy:query", function(data)
   216 	local origin, stanza = data.origin, data.stanza;
   218 	if == nil then -- only service requests to own bare JID
   219 		local query = stanza.tags[1]; -- the query element
   220 		local valid = false;
   221 		local privacy_lists = privacy_storage:get(origin.username) or { lists = {} };
   223 		if privacy_lists.lists[1] then -- Code to migrate from old privacy lists format, remove in 0.8
   224 			module:log("info", "Upgrading format of stored privacy lists for %s@%s", origin.username,;
   225 			local lists = privacy_lists.lists;
   226 			for idx, list in ipairs(lists) do
   227 				lists[] = list;
   228 				lists[idx] = nil;
   229 			end
   230 		end
   232 		if stanza.attr.type == "set" then
   233 			if #query.tags == 1 then --  the <query/> element MUST NOT include more than one child element
   234 				for _,tag in ipairs(query.tags) do
   235 					if == "active" or == "default" then
   236 						if == nil then -- Client declines the use of active / default list
   237 							valid = declineList(privacy_lists, origin, stanza,;
   238 						else -- Client requests change of active / default list
   239 							valid = activateList(privacy_lists, origin, stanza,,;
   240 						end
   241 					elseif == "list" and then -- Client adds / edits a privacy list
   242 						if #tag.tags == 0 then -- Client removes a privacy list
   243 							valid = deleteList(privacy_lists, origin, stanza,;
   244 						else -- Client edits a privacy list
   245 							valid = createOrReplaceList(privacy_lists, origin, stanza,, tag.tags);
   246 						end
   247 					end
   248 				end
   249 			end
   250 		elseif stanza.attr.type == "get" then
   251 			local name = nil;
   252 			local listsToRetrieve = 0;
   253 			if #query.tags >= 1 then
   254 				for _,tag in ipairs(query.tags) do
   255 					if == "list" then -- Client requests a privacy list from server
   256 						name =;
   257 						listsToRetrieve = listsToRetrieve + 1;
   258 					end
   259 				end
   260 			end
   261 			if listsToRetrieve == 0 or listsToRetrieve == 1 then
   262 				valid = getList(privacy_lists, origin, stanza, name);
   263 			end
   264 		end
   266 		if valid ~= true then
   267 			valid = valid or { "cancel", "bad-request", "Couldn't understand request" };
   268 			if valid[1] == nil then
   269 				valid[1] = "cancel";
   270 			end
   271 			if valid[2] == nil then
   272 				valid[2] = "bad-request";
   273 			end
   274 			origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, valid[1], valid[2], valid[3]));
   275 		else
   276 			privacy_storage:set(origin.username, privacy_lists);
   277 		end
   278 		return true;
   279 	end
   280 end);
   282 function checkIfNeedToBeBlocked(e, session)
   283 	local origin, stanza = e.origin, e.stanza;
   284 	local privacy_lists = privacy_storage:get(session.username) or {};
   285 	local bare_jid = session.username.."@";
   286 	local to = or bare_jid;
   287 	local from = stanza.attr.from;
   289 	local is_to_user = bare_jid == jid_bare(to);
   290 	local is_from_user = bare_jid == jid_bare(from);
   292 	--module:log("debug", "stanza: %s, to: %s, from: %s", tostring(, tostring(to), tostring(from));
   294 	if privacy_lists.lists == nil or
   295 		not (session.activePrivacyList or privacy_lists.default)
   296 	then
   297 		return; -- Nothing to block, default is Allow all
   298 	end
   299 	if is_from_user and is_to_user then
   300 		--module:log("debug", "Not blocking communications between user's resources");
   301 		return; -- from one of a user's resource to another => HANDS OFF!
   302 	end
   304 	local listname = session.activePrivacyList;
   305 	if listname == nil then
   306 		listname = privacy_lists.default; -- no active list selected, use default list
   307 	end
   308 	local list = privacy_lists.lists[listname];
   309 	if not list then -- should never happen
   310 		module:log("warn", "given privacy list not found. name: %s for user %s", listname, bare_jid);
   311 		return;
   312 	end
   313 	for _,item in ipairs(list.items) do
   314 		local apply = false;
   315 		local block = false;
   316 		if (
   317 			( == "message" and item.message) or
   318 			( == "iq" and or
   319 			( == "presence" and is_to_user and item["presence-in"]) or
   320 			( == "presence" and is_from_user and item["presence-out"]) or
   321 			(item.message == false and == false and item["presence-in"] == false and item["presence-out"] == false)
   322 		) then
   323 			apply = true;
   324 		end
   325 		if apply then
   326 			local evilJid = {};
   327 			apply = false;
   328 			if is_to_user then
   329 				--module:log("debug", "evil jid is (from): %s", from);
   330 				evilJid.node,, evilJid.resource = jid_split(from);
   331 			else
   332 				--module:log("debug", "evil jid is (to): %s", to);
   333 				evilJid.node,, evilJid.resource = jid_split(to);
   334 			end
   335 			if	item.type == "jid" and
   336 				(evilJid.node and and evilJid.resource and item.value == evilJid.node.."@""/"..evilJid.resource) or
   337 				(evilJid.node and and item.value == evilJid.node.."@" or
   338 				( and evilJid.resource and item.value =="/"..evilJid.resource) or
   339 				( and item.value == then
   340 				apply = true;
   341 				block = (item.action == "deny");
   342 			elseif item.type == "group" then
   343 				local roster = load_roster(session.username,;
   344 				local roster_entry = roster[jid_join(evilJid.node,];
   345 				if roster_entry then
   346 					local groups = roster_entry.groups;
   347 					for group in pairs(groups) do
   348 						if group == item.value then
   349 							apply = true;
   350 							block = (item.action == "deny");
   351 							break;
   352 						end
   353 					end
   354 				end
   355 			elseif item.type == "subscription" then -- we need a valid bare evil jid
   356 				local roster = load_roster(session.username,;
   357 				local roster_entry = roster[jid_join(evilJid.node,];
   358 				if (not(roster_entry) and item.value == "none")
   359 				   or (roster_entry and roster_entry.subscription == item.value) then
   360 					apply = true;
   361 					block = (item.action == "deny");
   362 				end
   363 			elseif item.type == nil then
   364 				apply = true;
   365 				block = (item.action == "deny");
   366 			end
   367 		end
   368 		if apply then
   369 			if block then
   370 				-- drop and not bounce groupchat messages, otherwise users will get kicked
   371 				if stanza.attr.type == "groupchat" then
   372 					return true;
   373 				end
   374 				module:log("debug", "stanza blocked: %s, to: %s, from: %s", tostring(, tostring(to), tostring(from));
   375 				if == "message" then
   376 					origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "service-unavailable"));
   377 				elseif == "iq" and (stanza.attr.type == "get" or stanza.attr.type == "set") then
   378 					origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "service-unavailable"));
   379 				end
   380 				return true; -- stanza blocked !
   381 			else
   382 				--module:log("debug", "stanza explicitly allowed!")
   383 				return;
   384 			end
   385 		end
   386 	end
   387 end
   389 function preCheckIncoming(e)
   390 	local session;
   391 	if ~= nil then
   392 		local node, host, resource = jid_split(;
   393 		if node == nil or host == nil then
   394 			return;
   395 		end
   396 		if resource == nil then
   397 			local prio = 0;
   398 			if bare_sessions[node.."@"] ~= nil then
   399 				for resource, session_ in pairs(bare_sessions[node.."@"].sessions) do
   400 					if session_.priority ~= nil and session_.priority > prio then
   401 						session = session_;
   402 						prio = session_.priority;
   403 					end
   404 				end
   405 			end
   406 		else
   407 			session = full_sessions[node.."@""/"..resource];
   408 		end
   409 		if session ~= nil then
   410 			return checkIfNeedToBeBlocked(e, session);
   411 		else
   412 			--module:log("debug", "preCheckIncoming: Couldn't get session for jid: %s@%s/%s", tostring(node), tostring(host), tostring(resource));
   413 		end
   414 	end
   415 end
   417 function preCheckOutgoing(e)
   418 	local session = e.origin;
   419 	if e.stanza.attr.from == nil then
   420 		e.stanza.attr.from = session.username .. "@" ..;
   421 		if session.resource ~= nil then
   422 		 	e.stanza.attr.from = e.stanza.attr.from .. "/" .. session.resource;
   423 		end
   424 	end
   425 	if session.username then -- FIXME do properly
   426 		return checkIfNeedToBeBlocked(e, session);
   427 	end
   428 end
   430 module:hook("pre-message/full", preCheckOutgoing, 500);
   431 module:hook("pre-message/bare", preCheckOutgoing, 500);
   432 module:hook("pre-message/host", preCheckOutgoing, 500);
   433 module:hook("pre-iq/full", preCheckOutgoing, 500);
   434 module:hook("pre-iq/bare", preCheckOutgoing, 500);
   435 module:hook("pre-iq/host", preCheckOutgoing, 500);
   436 module:hook("pre-presence/full", preCheckOutgoing, 500);
   437 module:hook("pre-presence/bare", preCheckOutgoing, 500);
   438 module:hook("pre-presence/host", preCheckOutgoing, 500);
   440 module:hook("message/full", preCheckIncoming, 500);
   441 module:hook("message/bare", preCheckIncoming, 500);
   442 module:hook("message/host", preCheckIncoming, 500);
   443 module:hook("iq/full", preCheckIncoming, 500);
   444 module:hook("iq/bare", preCheckIncoming, 500);
   445 module:hook("iq/host", preCheckIncoming, 500);
   446 module:hook("presence/full", preCheckIncoming, 500);
   447 module:hook("presence/bare", preCheckIncoming, 500);
   448 module:hook("presence/host", preCheckIncoming, 500);